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Soubresaut's avatar

How easy should life be?

Asked by Soubresaut (13714points) March 20th, 2010
27 responses
“Great Question” (6points)

Do you think it should be full of challenges, or pretty managable? And which is it, actually? (In general, and for you?) Do you think it can ever be too easy or too hard?

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wundayatta's avatar

There’s no should to this. Life is what it is.

How easy do I want it to be? Easy enough that I can do a lot of what I want, but hard enough that I can’t do all of what I want. Hard enough that the most important things are the hard ones.

Vunessuh's avatar

Life is what you make it. It’s not suppose to be put on a spectrum of difficult or easy.
Life is suppose to be full of challenges and obstacles as well as triumphs and victories.
How you respond/react to these things, is what makes life harder or easier for you.

Just_Justine's avatar

I am tired of having a hard life, so now I just want an easy life. I have met extraordinary people who have said their lives have been pretty easy and great! How odd. I can’t imagine that. I know it’s pointless saying “Not fair!” but how come some have it easy when others don’t. Maybe you can think you way into having one.

ucme's avatar

I think we all strive for a happy medium.Sure an easy life is good & it’s as easy as you make it,but it’s the challenges, the hard times that make us what we are.As long as we can come out of them smiling then it’s all good in the hood.

charliecompany34's avatar

you’d like for life to be easy and for some it is, based on income status or family history. downside is, seems the people who “have it made” always end up dead or on drugs or in jail.

it’s because of life and how we cope that makes life what it is. challenges in life gird our strength for other challenges later on. you cope and move on. life just aint easy. and for those who have easy lives, easy just aint life.

Coloma's avatar

All of life is cyclical.

Sometimes some seasons last longer than others. lol

Long winters, short springs, short summers, long falls.

I have enjoyed the ‘easiest’ 5 years of my life to date.
Plenty of money, lots of free time, a fun and creative job, but..the tides are shifting again.

I am now entering a ‘challenging’ period again what with some pretty substantial losses due to the economy.

Still, I am happy and not overly concerned, life always has showed up for me in many 11th hour reprieves. lol

Take heart that the cycles always rebalance one way or another.

Periods of stability followed by periods of transistion.

It is the nature of life itself!

aprilsimnel's avatar

I’ve been in a really challenging period for the last 3 years, and I don’t think I’ll be done with it until I make some changes in how I see the world and myself, but I’m not exactly sure what they all are yet. So I toddle along. It’s OK.

I think life is going to be challenging, regardless. Siddhārtha Gautama was born a prince, educated well and lived a life of ease and material comforts, so his challenge was to see beyond these things to something more fundamental. I think we all know what happened once he took up that challenge, and good on him, eh?

definitive's avatar

CBT – Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – It’s all about thought process’s, changing negatives into positives. I’m not saying I practice this but I have recently bought a book with the hope that I’m able to handle the shit that life throws at me.

Lol better get reading me thinks :-)

Coloma's avatar thing I know for…NEVER, EVER, EVER, compare yourself to others in any way.

Envy and jealously are killers!

Fortunetly I have never been cincerned with comparisons.

I have a very beautfiul friend who makes herself miserable with envy & comparisons.
You name it, shes envious.
Other peoples bodies, money, lifestyle, relationships, happiness, travel, love affairs.

I care for her deeply but sometimes I just want to smack her upside the head. lol

She is honest about it and is aware of her feelings which is her redeeming grace.

The quickest path to misery is to envy and compare yourself to anyone or anything!

The funny thing is for me, I have some very wealthy friends that envy ME and my simplistic and inane country lifestyle.

I think what they really envy is my cheerful and humorous approach to life.

Coloma's avatar


Buddha mind!

YoH's avatar

For me, a life of challenges is living. Without challenges, it would be mere existance,for me. I choose to live.

susanc's avatar

Ask this question in two months when:

fish are jumpin
and the cotton is high

You might get different answers.

thriftymaid's avatar

Seems to me to be a cycle. Sometimes everything seems fine with no real problems, and then you are bombarded with them. I guess each person experiences life differently. Of course, much of it depends on our decision making.

Coloma's avatar

It’s 3:45 in california…time for wine! lol

CMaz's avatar

Life sucks, and then you die.

It is about making the best of the big suck.

Coloma's avatar


Boo! Hiss! ( you need a cocktail ) lol

CMaz's avatar

Hey, nothing wrong with that. Sucking can be a good thing. ;-)

JeffVader's avatar

Working with people suffering mental health problems, I have to say that for some people, it should be alot easier!

thriftymaid's avatar

@JeffVader I agree 100% here.

rooeytoo's avatar

Physically speaking, life now is sooo much easier than it was even just 50 years ago. Morally, it is easier as well, much that was taboo in my younger days is now rarely given a second thought. Financially, given the changes in the value of a dollar, I don’t think it is much different. Sure houses were less expensive, but minimum wage was $1.25.

I think if I spend too much time looking for the “easy” way, it becomes more difficult. If I just accept that life is what it is and just get on with living it and making the most of each day, then it becomes so much easier.

mrrich724's avatar

I just think if it were TOO easy, then it would be boring. I think it needs to be difficult enough to be able to appreciate when the easy times come.

neverawake's avatar

So easy a caveman can live it.

lillycoyote's avatar

Life is what it is. Some people have it easier or harder than others for any and a huge variety of reasons. Some people make life harder for themselves that it needs to be. I didn’t realize any of us had a choice, that we would be consulted on how easy or hard it could or would be.

mollypop51797's avatar

If life were too easy. We wouldn’t try.. we would sit on our butts all day. If it were too hard, a majority of us would give up and sit on our butts all day. (with the exception of the really smart people). life it the way it is.. let’s just deal with it and move on.

YARNLADY's avatar

It’s the same as any other similar question, there is a standard bell curve, with many in the center, a few at one end, and a few at the other. The range is entirely unexceptional.

talljasperman's avatar

my life is easy then it gets hard then it gets easy again…

mattbrowne's avatar

There are three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.—Confucius

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