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Besafe's avatar

What is your estimate of how many people die each day - and does it concern you?

Asked by Besafe (441points) March 7th, 2008
26 responses
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squirbel's avatar

It doesn’t concern me, nor am I worried because it is the cycle of life. Now when the deaths are wrong, such as civilian deaths in a war, genocide, disease outbreak (pandemic or epidemic)... Yes, I do become concerned.

When it is a loved one, someone near to me or my friends’ families, that matters as well.

istand1337's avatar

6 billion people living an average of 45 yearsish (random guess)= 16436 days in an average life. 365k people dying a day?

Meh, I can live with that.

aaronblohowiak's avatar

Chuang Tzu’s wife died. When Hui Tzu went to convey his condolences, he found Chuang Tzu sitting with his legs sprawled out, pounding on a tub and singing. “You lived with her, she brought up your children and grew old,” said Hui Tzu. “It should be enough simply not to weep at her death. But pounding on a tub and singing – this is going too far, isn’t it?”

Chuang Tzu said, “You’re wrong. When she first died, do you think I didn’t grieve like anyone else? But I looked back to her beginning and the time before she was born. Not only the time before she was born, but the time before she had a body. Not only the time before she had a body, but the time before she had a spirit. In the midst of the jumble of wonder and mystery a change took place and she had a spirit. Another change and she had a body. Another change and she was born. Now there’s been another change and she’s dead. It’s just like the progression of the four seasons, spring, summer, fall, winter.

“Now she’s going to lie down peacefully in a vast room. If I were to follow after her bawling and sobbing, it would show that I don’t understand anything about fate. So I stopped.”

Uncle Lack-Limb and Uncle Lame-Gait were seeing the sights at Dark Lord Hill and the wastes of K’un-lun, the place where the Yellow Emperor rested.3. Suddenly a willow sprouted out of Uncle Lame-Gait’s left elbow.4 He looked very startled and seemed to be annoyed.

“Do you resent it?” said Uncle Lack-Limb.

“No-what is there to resent?” said Uncle Lame-Gait. “To live is to borrow. And if we borrow to live, then life must be a pile of trash. Life and death are day and night. You and I came to watch the process of change, and now change has caught up with me. Why would I have anything to resent?”

When Chuang Tzu went to Ch’u, he saw an old skull, all dry and parched. He poked it with his carriage whip and then asked, “Sir, were you greedy for life and forgetful of reason, and so came to this? Was your state overthrown and did you bow beneath the ax, and so came to this? Did you do some evil deed and were you ashamed to bring disgrace upon your parents and family, and so came to this? Was it through the pangs of cold and hunger that you came to this? Or did your springs and autumns pile up until they brought you to this?”

When he had finished speaking, he dragged the skull over and, using it for a pillow, lay down to sleep.

In the middle of the night, the skull came to him in a dream and said, “You chatter like a rhetorician and all your words betray the entanglements of a living man. The dead know nothing of these! Would you like to hear a lecture on the dead?”

“Indeed,” said Chuang Tzu.

The skull said, “Among the dead there are no rulers above, no subjects below, and no chores of the four seasons. With nothing to do, our springs and autumns are as endless as heaven and earth. A king facing south on his throne could have no more happiness than this!”

Chuang Tzu couldn’t believe this and said, “If I got the Arbiter of Fate to give you a body again, make you some bones and flesh, return you to your parents and family and your old home and friends, you would want that, wouldn’t you?”

The skull frowned severely, wrinkling up its brow. “Why would I throw away more happiness than that of a king on a throne and take on the troubles of a human being again?” it said.


Besafe's avatar

answer it is estimated to be 150 000. But only your body dies so you should be concerned. Jesus died but rose from the grave. You will soon see Him face to face and that can either be a source of hope or dispair. The choice is yours. You should be concerned – it is an eternal decsion.

delirium's avatar

It does and doesn’t concern me. Overpopulation worries me, but I hate the idea of people in pain.

Death doesn’t bother me, though. Not even vaguely. I work with the dead. You get over it pretty quickly, and learn how to think about it.

<3 dr. kevorkian. He really has the right idea. People should be allowed to kill themselves if they’re suffering and will just continue to do so. The family (and hospital) is being greedy to keep them alive if they’re hurting and don’t want to be. All animals reach a point when they’re Done. I’ve seen cats do it. Two of them. Both lived over 20 years, but there was a point when they were just finished. They didn’t want to be around anymore. Both of them eventually quit eating and if we wanted to feed them we had to force feed them, or put them on tube-feeding. We did saline for a while for both of them, but it hurt them so much that we realized that maybe quitting eating and drinking was their way of completing it. They both stopped doing anything at the same time. They slept, or sat, in the same place 24/7. Never moving.
Whales continually beach themselves when they’re Finished.
There are many examples of this exact phenomenon in all of nature.

I think that our desperation to infinitely prolong life is a little sad/pathetic. And I think that its a great injustice to force someone to stay and suffer if they’re ready to move on.

aaronblohowiak's avatar

@delirium: flagging your answer as great wasn’t enough. I cannot possibly agree with you more.

In modernity, we are separated from the life cycle. Us carnivores (okay, maybe i could agree with you more, but i digress) get meat from the store or the restaurant. What is meat? Dead animals! But if the same person who loves meat saw an animal die, often they’d become emotionally flustered. I think we bring an unhealthy amount of willful ignorance to our daily lives. I am loathe to see people in pain—which is why I am a proponent of palliative care.

kevbo's avatar

@gailcalled: I wasn’t going to follow your thought provoking answer with mine, but since we’ve muddied the water already…

Besafe's avatar

seems to me that some answers posted do not speak to the question but rather are an excretement of a lot of inner angush and are also a reflection of the polarization in our culture. It disturbs me to see this kind of disregard for life.

In case you missed it the point of the question was are concerned about the 150000 who die each year. Are you concerened what that says your chances of dying today are. Or do you delude yourself. If there is an eternal afterlife and you lived in disregard of that reality the results will be horrendous for you.

aaronblohowiak's avatar

@besafe: do you have any particulars about what was a “disregard for life” ? Do you have a reasoned argument against accepting death as part of the life cycle?

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.”

You cannot prevent death. Delay it, elongate and pervert its mechanisms, perhaps. But you cannot stop death. “Over a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to 0.”

@Besafe, you might like to read about:’s_Wager

delirium's avatar

aaronblohowiak: Thank you so much… and actually i’m a vegetarian because I couldn’t kill an animal. ;)

Besafe: Its not a disregard for life. Its a regard for humanity.

And I did respond to the point of the question. I said that I wasn’t sure how i felt about it. I’m against overpopulation and think that the birth rate to death rate ratio is far from okay. There are WAY too many people.
But I could never bring myself to say that I want people dead. I don’t. I just wish, i guess, that we could curb the birth rate. THe death rate is completely fine.

Besafe's avatar

sorry – guess it was the referance to Dr death. As a mature person- at least in age – grin I see a trend in our society that devalues the elderly the physcialy impaired and the unborn. There are those who hold the view that since we are just another mamal the the old weak and unborn are expendable and that we should terminate their lives.

Glad that isn’t your view.

delirium's avatar

I wasn’t suggesting eugenics. I was suggesting suicide being legal.
Kevorkian wasn’t an evil guy. He’s a Very good man.

kevbo's avatar

@besafe, has there been a time when this was not the case or even less so? Where there wasn’t this trend? I’m not saying that it’s right that the phenomenon exists, but has it ever been better?

I would argue that the weak among us have it better than any other time in history (at least in the U.S. And other developed nations.) Abortion nonwithstanding, more people have more tools and knowledge than ever before to save premature babies, promote healthy child development, and extend life well beyond old expectations. We’ve traded a great deal of wisdom and connection with nature’s balance but only tiny fraction of humanity welcomes an “early” death via conflict or progression of disease. My point being that, individually, each of us goes to great lengths to survive.

Does the death of 150,000 per day concern me? If it did, I wouldn’t have much room to worry about anything else. What does concern me is what, of significance, I can accomplish while I am alive.

It occurs to me as I’m reviewing this discussion that you’re making an effort to get us to think about the Christian version of salvation in the afterlife. I don’t know that you’ll get many converts in this group, and I’ll say for myself that I think it’s unfortunate that your outlook on life is populated with so many worries and fears. Are there aspects of your life that are happy and carefree? Joyful, even? Do you set these concerns aside from time to time? Much like you’d like us to consider our fates, I ask whether you consider your happiness.

I’ll also add that I used to live a fairly God-fearing (Catholic) life but blew a fuse in my late teens, so I’m no longer tethered in that regard.

Besafe's avatar

@kevbo—Your right I am trying to get people to think—think about absolutes think about what will happen in eternity – think about beginnings. What is my motive—I care about people and what will happen to them once the one absolute no one can deny occurs to them. I too was once Catholic—attended Catholic schools. I too left that RELIGION. I am not a religionist. I do not believe in religion nor think it is a good thing. Do I believe in Jesus and trust in His free gift for my salvation—absolutely. Do I intend to push it on others—no, but I would not be true to what I believe the bible tells me about loving others to not at least try to make people think and consider the end result of rejecting the free gift God provided.

My life happy—yes it is filed with happiness and more than that with an inner joy and peace that I didn’t have as a practicing Catholic religionist. I am no longer ridden with fears and anxieties I had then—I know who I am and that God considers me a son that He loves unconditionally. I could go on but hopefully you can see I am not your stereo typical Christian nut. Ok so maybe you still think me to be a nut—well I’ll admit I am not normal (reference to another thread response) but I sure don’t want to be normal if it means being like many who ignore the impact of the one absolute no one can argue with and delude themselves into believing they are not concerned that there just could be an after life and if so they should make sure they so to speak have their bases covered.

Enough said—Think at a first principle level and seek the truth—follow the truth where ever it leads.

kevbo's avatar

If we are loved unconditionally, why need one fear horrendous results due to one’s disregard for an afterlife?

Besafe's avatar

because even though He loves He is also just and Holy. That means even though He loves you when you face judgement you will be found gulity – However because He loves you He provided a way for you to be found NOT GUILTY – if you reject it——I know you know the rest.

As I said enough said – you have the choice. I don’t need to say more, I refuse to push my faith down anyones throat. My faith grew out of a search for truth and understanding what reality is. So think at a first principals level seek the truth follow the evidence where ever it leads.

delirium's avatar

I find it ironic that you work in weaponry design.

kevbo's avatar

How would you reconcile the case of St. Dismas? Do you believe it was just that he was allowed into heaven (by Christ himself no less) by repenting at the last minute, while others sacrifice a greater part of their lives to piety for no greater reward. Would it bother you personally if I lived the life of a heathen, repented at the last minute, and got to join you for a happy eternity?

Besafe's avatar

@ delirium Weapons can be used for just purposes or unjust. My work makes me privy to classified data that I wish the govt could release to the public. It would end all the debate about the reasons we went to war in Iraq. All I can tell you is you shouldn’t believe there were no biological weapons there. Nor should you believe most of what you see and hear on the news. Without the weapons we developed you wouldn’t be enjoying the freedoms you still have and may have faced that one absolute we can not deny.

Besafe's avatar

@ Kevbo Don’t know about St. Dismas – don’t recall him – is that a Catholic thing – I’ve thrown all that overboard.

Should you at your last breath accept the free gift I would be delighted and would enjoy having more informed discussions with you for eternity. And if you look in the Gospels you will find Jesus spoke about that very issue.

Sacrifice life to piety – sounds horrid – I sure don’t see that as Gods plan nor my experience. My life has been very enjoyable and very fulfilling.

Simple rules from jn 3;16—He loves – He gave – We belive – We live. I don’t see any anything about living a good life or making sure you do believe before “living a heathen life”.

Besafe's avatar

I have to get off this site for a while – I find it is addicting and I have lots of things to do—my life is very full of things a lot more productive and fulfilling than this.

If you take away one thing from what i have posted let it be this – “Think at first principal levels, seek thee TRUTH (the bible equates TRUTH with Jesus) and follow the evidence where ever it leads.”
May you all experience Gods very best blessing – His free Gift.

My favorite section of the NT—please ponder it.

Ephesians 2
He Tore Down the Wall
1It wasn’t so long ago that you were mired in that old stagnant life of sin. 2You let the world, which doesn’t know the first thing about living, tell you how to live. You filled your lungs with polluted unbelief, and then exhaled disobedience. 3We all did it, all of us doing what we felt like doing, when we felt like doing it, all of us in the same boat. It’s a wonder God didn’t lose his temper and do away with the whole lot of us. 4Instead, immense in mercy and with an incredible love, 5he embraced us. He took our sin-dead lives and made us alive in Christ. He did all this on his own, with no help from us! 6Then he picked us up and set us down in highest heaven in company with Jesus, our Messiah.
7Now God has us where he wants us, with all the time in this world and the next to shower grace and kindness upon us in Christ Jesus. 8Saving is all his idea, and all his work. All we do is trust him enough to let him do it. It’s God’s gift from start to finish! 9We don’t play the major role. If we did, we’d probably go around bragging that we’d done the whole thing! 10No, we neither make nor save ourselves. God does both the making and saving. He creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does, the good work he has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing.
11But don’t take any of this for granted. It was only yesterday that you outsiders to God’s ways

kevbo's avatar

Next time, I’d like to hear your take on the other major world religions.

delirium's avatar

there is no just reason for killing an innocent life.


iris7201's avatar

Statisticians have calculated the “mortality rate” for the world to be roughly .883 percent. This means that 1 out of every 113 people in the world died last year.

Based on this rate, here is an estimate of the incidence of death among people now living in the world:

* 1.78 deaths per second
* 107 deaths per minute
* 6,390 deaths per hour
* 153,000 deaths per day
* 56.0 million deaths per year
* 3.9 billion deaths per average lifetime (70 years)

90s_kid's avatar

It is scary all those starving people in Africa. I pray to God every day that they get better. When I grow up, I will do something to make a difference.
Iris those stats are horrible! I hope that there are the same number of births! :*(

delirium's avatar

Iris, that’s dandy and all, but the birth rate is much MUCH higher. It’s really difficult to balance respecting life and dealing with the overpopulation crisis.

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