Social Question

joscketSeper's avatar

Honestly speaking, would most Healthy Women not want a relationship with an Injured guy?

Asked by joscketSeper (323points) March 23rd, 2010
16 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

Some people say that it’s the heart that matters. But honestly, would girls really want to give up an oppoturnity with an active guy who can travel with them, walk with them, dance together, have fun etc…and instead get a guy who sometimes comes close to not being able to walk or move due to injuries.

I’ve heard woman say they wouldn’t mind, but I’ve not seen much of it.

And i mean, i would understand if they prefer healthy guys. When i was healthy i would always also want a healthy Woman.

But now even though I’m early 30’s, i’m so injured and i have started getting arthritis due to past injuries and sometimes i can’t even walk and I see all the couples walking in the city and having great fun doing activities.

I think it’s gonna be hard to find a Woman who accepts this kind of life partner.

So, I gues i have to change my dating outlook, .. where would i meet Women that would be more accepting?

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Vunessuh's avatar

Some people can easily fall in love with someone despite their injuries or illnesses.
They fall in love with the person, not their capabilities and limitations.
My mom has been married twice and both men were ill. She stuck with her first husband till the end, and she’ll continue to do so with her second husband.
Your injury isn’t what’s going to scare away a woman.
But you’re 562893 insecurities will.

FutureMemory's avatar

I think your attitude towards life will play a huge part in whether or not you’ll have relationship success. My father has been in a wheel chair for almost a decade, and because of his shitty “poor me, my life is over” attitude he is a serious drag to be around. Who the hell wants to hang out with a self-pitying whiner? I’m his son and I hate being around him a lot of the time (which breaks my heart…I’m getting off-topic here). I think a quality woman (or man) will value your personality (assuming it’s good) more than whether or not you’re semi-disabled. If I had a girlfriend that was full of life and had a good attitude about herself I could care less if I had to push her around in a wheel chair.

escapedone7's avatar

I would date a guy in a wheelchair, and have. I would date a man with a mental disability and have (he was bipolar). I don’t insist people be able to tapdance backwards to date me. However, I do want a mental connection. That is what is important to me. I need someone that can communicate on the same level and be on the same wavelength, at least some of the time.

phillis's avatar

Evasive men who slink along the fringes of society scare the crap outta me.

faye's avatar

Is it possible there’s some hypochondria here? Every post is how ill you are but you don’t seek out help. I can’t imagine a man giving up on ejaculating because one hurt, and I sure wouldn’t settle for a sexless life, chest pain, sore knees, sore ankle without a little more fight. I wouldn’t want to date you because it seems you have no spunk.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I’m a healthy female and though I’m very physically active in regards to my partner, I’ve met so many different people in my life that I can tell you that it would have been possible for me to date and fall in love with a man of disabilities. I can’t say how long I would have been able to be partnered though.

Just_Justine's avatar

I think in a way you are prejudiced against yourself as you asked “would healthy” women want a relationship with you. There are all types of people on this planet. I was once told there is a lid for every pot. I am sure if you accept yourself a bit more, things will be easier.

dpworkin's avatar

Get some help. The cumulative evidence of your posts suggests that you are in need of psychotherapy.

slick44's avatar

@Vunessuh…Im with you a person is more then just what you see on the outside. If you dont connect on the inside, you have nothing. Just be yourself and love will find you.

cak's avatar

More than likely, it will come down to your attitude about life and your health that will influence your dating experiences. However, with the history of your posts, it sounds like you need some help learning how to cope what is going on with you and your health.

It’s not just about being healthy physically – it’s about being healthy emotionally. Quite frankly, it doesn’t sound like you are in that category, yet.

I know of people that have met, married and have great lives together and one of them is either going through a long-term illness that was there before they married or are disabled. It works, but attitude has everything to do with it working.

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (3points)
Trillian's avatar

Let me ask you this; What standard are you willing to lower to have a relationship? You said you would have wanted only a healthy woman too. Would you now date a woman in a wheelchair, or one who had to use a crutch to get around?
Do you want a tall busty model, and if you had one would you be consumed with self doubt all the time and wonder why she was with you? Would you doubt every thing she said until you finally drove her away so you could then say “See, I knew it.” ? Do you want a relationship of compatible minds regardless of externals or a woman to accompany you and make people wonder what the hell she is with you for? I’m drawing from extremes of the spectrum, but your question and the way you phrase it makes me wonder if you’re ready for a relationship, and what you really want out of it.
What are your standards for the word “relationship”? Because going places and doing things together is an external, and does not really define the word.
Do you see what I’m saying? As long as a relationship is a commodity and not an part of your life… As long as you feel it’s is something that you can’t afford because your value has diminished… As long as your standard of the word is painted as unattainable, I think that you are going to be a lonely man.

Cruiser's avatar

Take some yoga classes. Not only could it help you improve your ability to move within your injury limitations it will put you in the company of woman who are there also struggling with their own physical limitations and may be more open to a man who has similar issues in life that they are dealing with.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

My heart really goes out to you.
I found out last year that I have MS.I went from walking miles a day,to struggling to walk at all.It was beyond strange to say the least!Things are much better now and I walk easily.I do however,sometimes carry a cane if my MS is acting up.I can honestly say that I wouldn’t have a problem getting a date if I were single.
It is all about your attitude.People want to be around someone with a good outlook-happy,you know?There are people that overlook physical problems .Those are the good ones :) Everybody gets “something” eventually,(except for accidents,of course-pianos falling from rooftops and such )some just sooner than others.
There is nothing more attractive than confidence—now get out there and kick some ass! :)))

You are welcome to pm me anytime if you need someone to talk to.

wundayatta's avatar

Many people answering you have spoken about your outlook. It’s right there in your second sentence:

But honestly, would girls really want to give up an oppoturnity with an active guy who can travel with them, walk with them, dance together, have fun etc…and instead get a guy who sometimes comes close to not being able to walk or move due to injuries.

You’ve beaten yourself before you started. That’s a sign of depression. Depression is natural for people who have suddenly or gradually lost their physical abilities. You remember what you had before and see where you are now, and it makes you sick. Literally. Mentally ill.

People who deal effectively with things like the loss of a limb or sight, or MS or other debilitating diseases have an attitude about life where they look for what is good instead of dwelling on what is bad. If you’re depressed, it is extremely difficult to make this change in outlook. If you don’t make this change, it will much more difficult to find someone who will love you.

It’s tough to seem attractive to someone who is so down on himself and on life. It’s touch to love someone who has defeated themselves before they start. Not impossible, but tough.

To change—well, there are so many things to do. You can volunteer—even though you think you can’t do much. You can still do things of value to others. You can do what exercise is possible for you. You can sleep properly. Eat properly. Take care of yourself properly. Do not neglect yourself.

And ask your physician to evaluate you for depression. If you have it, they can treat you with meds and therapy. Perhaps you are getting therapy already? If not, I can’t imagine why not. It must be SOP for someone in your condition. It is hard to adjust to such changes.

Good luck, man!

Sophief's avatar

If a woman can’t accept you for who you are, then she doesn’t deserve you. If she can see past your injuries and love you for you, then she deserves you. If anything happened to my boyfriend, in any way, then I would still love him just as much.

You don’t need to find someone more accepting. Be you, and don’t try to change you. If no one comes along then that is their loss and definitely not yours.

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