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Billkaulitz29's avatar

Can anyone give me a diet plan that doesn't include any pills or anything like that only with food?

Asked by Billkaulitz29 (15points) March 24th, 2010
43 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

Im starting a diet cuase i think i got chubby lol Please give me a diet plan and when i try it ill tell you if it works. If it could work for you then probably for me becuase i can do anything . Thanks you

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gailcalled's avatar

4 green (the darker the better) vegetables, one red, one orange and one yellow daily. No white food. Complex carbs.

No processed foods. No sugar of any kind. No sugar substitutes.

Lots of water.

If you eat dairy, use only skim milk and low-fat products.

67 grams of protein a day.

Exercise within your limits. 4–5 hrs a week.

malevolentbutticklish's avatar

If you want to lose weight it is VERY SIMPLE. Figure out how many calories per day you burn and eat less than that number. You could try starting at 1600 calories per day. You could eat 100% lard and lose weight (of course you should have as a separate goal eating healthy). The important thing is calories in minus calories burned.

loverainx33's avatar

Eat a simple but healthy breakfast of whole-grain cereal and juice and/or fruit. For lunch have salmon, tuna sandwich, or a salad. Then for dinner, have lean meat or fish because fish has lots of protein and omega but is less fatty than red meats.

gailcalled's avatar

One pound of you is about 3500 calories. If you exercise and burn 300 and eat 300 fewer calories per day, that’s a steady one pound/week. Safe and doable.

I personally would stay away from tuna salad sandwich (tuna has mercury, mayo is fatty, and two slices of bread, even of complex carbs is too much.)

Billkaulitz29's avatar

lol i dont like fish!! thats the problem

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

1500 calories a day,45 minutes of weights 6x week,30 min or more of aerobic activity 7 days a week.Go to the library and they will have many exercise and diet plans to help you.

JLeslie's avatar

Count Calories. Get one of those electronic scales so you can weigh/measures your portions.

How tall are you? If you are around 5’6” I agree with @malevolentbutticklish 1600 is a good number and exercise, can be just walking 45 minutes daily. If you are shorter or taller you have to adjust the calories. I can get a mathematical equation for you if you want to figure how many calories you need a day.

gailcalled's avatar

Here are some good protein sources that will surprise you. Scroll down to the middle of the page for the chart:

Billkaulitz29's avatar

You guys are a big help but i forgot to add that I don’t like fish that much I only eat tuna somtimes and probably fried fish is fried fish good? I walk everyday from school thats like half a mile I think. I walk everyday to my friends house which is only 5 minutes away and I also Don’t know how to count how many calories I eat a day. Im 15 by the way and I play soccer saturday and sunday and thats how i burn calories. Which kinds of food should i stay waya from?

gailcalled's avatar

I already told you a perfect way to eat. See me ^^.

You can get calorie counters on line, but it’s pretty straightforward. An apple makes more sense than a candy bar.

Fried foods are fried in boiling oil. Bad idea. Try jogging home from school.

Brian1946's avatar

Drink lots of water and eat lots of fiber.

Don’t drink sodas and minimize your intake of any fluids other than water, although green tea supposedly enhances weight loss.

Re fiber: Eat whole grain bread, not white bread.
Eat brown rice and not white rice.
Eat whole fruit instead of drinking fruit juice.


“I walk everyday from school thats like half a mile I think. I walk everyday to my friends house which is only 5 minutes away…I play soccer saturday and sunday and thats how i burn calories.”

Are sure that you’re overweight?

Billkaulitz29's avatar

Thanks GAILCALLED but It’s going to be wierd jogging from school becuase i carry alot of stuff like my book bag. I jog somtimes not alot but i do walk fast.

bellusfemina's avatar

Do the lemonade diet. You lose a pound a day, and it is good for your health because it releases all the toxins in your system caused by all the preservatives in the food. Here is the link with all the info:

Billkaulitz29's avatar

BRIAN I don’t drink soda ^^

Billkaulitz29's avatar

I think i eat the wrong food that’s why

gailcalled's avatar

@bellusfemina: With respect, I have to strongly disagree with a 15 year old using the Mastercleanse diet. It removes the healthy flora from the intestinal tract and deprives a growing body of nutrition (and the weight loss is only temporary).

The lemonade diet is really a fancy form of triggering diarrhea.

Billkaulitz29's avatar

BELLUSFEMINA isn’t lemonade bad for you cells?

laureth's avatar

Eat food.
Not too much.
Mostly plants.

This is Robert Pollan’s way of deciding what to eat from his “Omnivore’s dilemma” book. “Food” here is defined as stuff that isn’t all that processed or artificial – you know, stuff that your great-grandma would recognize as food, not stuff that comes out of a factory. I’ve found that after trying to eat this way as often as I can for a good while, that I no longer really, really want all the junkfood crap. It all tastes so artificial. Good food makes for healthy bodies, too.

Billkaulitz29's avatar

Hey do you guys think I should eat yogurt? I should do excercise too right? Of course but what about the yogurt for breakfast lunch and dinner @laureth @gailcalled @bellusfemina @Brian1946 @JLeslie @lucillelucillelucille @loverainx33 @malevolentbutticklish

laureth's avatar

Yogurt is a very good way to eat dairy, if you’re going to eat dairy. But I don’t know if you want it for every meal, because a good balanced diet has many kinds of food in it. As with most things, moderation is key. :)

slick44's avatar

@Brian1946… great plan.Also eat like 6 to8 small meals a day. keeps your matabolism going. That is instead of 3 or 4 big meals :)

fyoz's avatar

Well a diet plan doesn’t include sitting on the computer asking for advise. Diet wisdom is as old as time. Don’t pig out. Run around a little bit. Just go out.


melissamiranda's avatar

Don’t eat processed food (e.g., eat the way your grandma did when she was young). It works like magic and you’ll be eating healthy the rest of your life.

syz's avatar

If you’re looking for a miracle diet, an easy answer, give it up. Eat less, eat better, exercise more. That’s it. No need to make it complicated.

syz (35943points)“Great Answer” (0points)
RareDenver's avatar

eat less. shit more.

tedibear's avatar

@gailcalled got it right on the first post. And do not do the master cleanse/ lemondae “detox.” No need to buy into that nonsense. Save your money towards some new running shoes!

My questions for you, @Billkaulitz29 are these: How tall are you, what do you weigh, where do you carry most of your weight, is someone telling you you’re chubby or has a doctor or nutritionist told you that you’re overweight?

KhiaKarma's avatar

the Four Day Diet
This worked for me. I really used it for more of a guide on things to eat, but followed it pretty closely for the first week (except never did the psyllium husk). It was a lot of food, so you are never hungry. In fact, it’s a challenge to eat everything. I cooked on Sunday for the week and kept fruit handy. I am still looing weight, (gradually- total of 15 lbs- but I am already at my desired weight) even though I no longer even have to look at the diet. I am not really even dieting anymore. I eat what I want—even deserts (just smaller portions) It changed that way I think about food and my cravings changed.

thriftymaid's avatar

Eat 1200 calories a day; how’s that for simple?

tedibear's avatar

@thriftymaid – depending on his current weight and activity level, 1200 calories might be too little for him to lose weight.

malevolentbutticklish's avatar

@tedibear39: “1200 calories might be too little for him to lose weight” <== There is no such thing as “too little to lose weight”. There may be health risks but you WILL lose weight. (Additionally, health risks of a 1200 calorie diet are often overstated. A 1200 calorie diet is very safe. I recommended 1600.)

mattbrowne's avatar

Avoid all high-glycemic carbs. Better are carbs from lentils, peas and so forth. Plus good proteins and fats.

Billkaulitz29's avatar

Hi you guys Are funny im Actually a girl and Bill kaulitz is some famous person i admire alot. But thanks for everyhting. Im 5’3 I weigh 175 pounds and im 15 years old. I don’t eat that much anymore but I know what i could post every day.

Dr_C's avatar

A 1200 calorie/day diet for an active adult (and by active I mean “retains the ability to move without external help”) is NOT healthy. Anyone who tells you different is misguided at best.

thriftymaid's avatar

@Dr_C I’m 5’3” and when I am trying to lose weight I have always reduced calories to between 1000 and 1200. What’s the problem with that?

tedibear's avatar

@malevolentbutticklish – actually, there is a point at which one’s body will no longer lose weight on too few calories. Happened to me. Until I upped my calories, my body resisted all of my weight loss efforts. This young lady is quite active and likely needs more than 1200 calories.

@Billkaulitz29 – at that height and weight, you sound a bit overweight. I suggest that you talk to your school nurse or health teacher and see what advice they have.

JLeslie's avatar

@tedibear39 A bit? She should weigh around 120. Of course I don’t have a picture of her to see her build, but at the most 130.

@Billkaulitz29 I am ver happy that you are going to try to get your weight under control while you are young. What you can do is count how many calories you are eating now, and cut the amount by 500–700 a day, plus add some exerise. 500 a day or 3500 a week equals one pound. That way you will lose around two pounds a week. In a month you will have to cut another 1000 calories a week probably to keep the weight loss going.

What happens is each weight has a required amount of calories to maintain the weight. I have to look up the math for you. I’ll post it later.

tedibear's avatar

@JLeslie – Just trying to take muscle mass and build into account. And I am overly paranoid about people trying to lose weight the wrong way. i.e. too fast or too few calories

Dr_C's avatar

@thriftymaid it’s unhealthy. I won’t go into all the details because #1 it would take volumes of texts to do so and #2 I have patients. What I will do is link the basic dietary guidelines for minimum caloric intake based on activity level and height/gender set forth by Health and Human Services and the AMA.

The healthy thing to do is to reduce caloric intake to within healthy limits and increse physical activity if and when possible in order to create a more favorable or “balanced” caloric equation (calories ingested vs calories consumed).

Crash dieting and any form of caloric deficit can have side effects.

Source bibliography:
1DHHS, A Healthier You, page 19. Available online:

2DHHS, AIM for a Healthy Weight, page 5. Available online:

JLeslie's avatar

I agree with @Dr_C that 1200 is too low.

@Billkaulitz29 Here is the complicated explanation:

Your weight is 175 or 79.5 kilograms. To maintain 79.5 you need to eat

79.5 X 24 = 1908
not very active we multipy by .3 = 572
1908 X .1 = 191 for SDE

Add it all up 3052. Meaning you are probably eating around 3000 calories a day currently, and if you are gaining weight every week, it is going up and up.

If you want a goal of 140, and increases your exercise (I am assuming you don’t exercise/not active much now, I could be wrong) you need to consume 2267, less if you don’t increase your exercise. What his means is if you can figure out a “diet” that you are happy with that is around 2200 calories, you will eventually get down to 140 and will maintain it, instead of gaining the weight back like most do. You can cut more, will see more weight loss, but will have a hard time staying on the diet I think. The biggest problem in teh weight loss world is people lose weight, but the stop their diet and go right back to gaining weight, back to their old weight eventually.

My original suggestion was to cut around 3500–4000 a week and increase your exericise, if you remember, so that would be around 2400 calories. But, you will have to eventually cut down again to get down to 140, because 2400 calories a day does not equal a weight of 140, it is more.

Not sure if I explained it well.

What matters is figuring out what weight you should be for your height, or what weight you want to acheive, and then how to get to that weight. Each weight, almost regardless of how tall you are requires a certain amount of calories to acheive/maintain.

thriftymaid's avatar

@JLeslie That’s a good explanation. By the way, 175 is not my weight—oh my Lord I would die. I know you were using it as an example or specifically speaking to someone else.

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