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oneye36's avatar

I want to quit smoking have tryed many times think the only way I can stop is a bullet to the brain haha any advice short of cutting my thumbs off so I can't lite my lighter

Asked by oneye36 (305points) March 8th, 2008
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bulbatron9's avatar

My father smoked for 40 yrs. and he just recently quit using chantix.

squirbel's avatar

I’d link to Riser’s comment in a “how to get motivated to lose weight” post but I’m on my phone. He gave his experience about getting motivated to quit smoking…

Riser's avatar

I would normally not re post my own comments but I feel squirbel has given me the green light so here you are:

I have been a smoker for four years. I started at three-plus packs a day (stressful job) I broke up with my girlfriend and came out of the closet, releasing my stress and reducing my intake to one. For two years the most faithful relationship I had was to a man named Joe Camel. Every once in awhile I’d date a human that didn’t approve of smoking which motivated me to “quit” for the duration of our relationship. The moment we broke up I’d be back to my first love.

I even listened to my friends and loved ones warning me of the dangers of cigarettes. I looked at the photographs and autopsies of those that have succumbed to lung cancer, and for a brief time this would give me the motivation and determination to overcome my addiction – of course I would always return to smoking in the end.

It took another two years for me to realize that I would never have victory over this if my motivation was in others.

I had to do this for me and that journey of self-discovery brought to light certain questions that were very difficult to confront. Now every time I light up a cigarette I have to remind myself that I am making a self-destructive statement: “I am not worth living.” Therefore bringing my insecurities to light. Once you start to make your vice/addiction/issue personal and stop relying on external motivation, you will find that it becomes a self-analysis with painful, but ultimately, victorious experiences.

I want a cigarette right now but there are a lot of realties I have to face before I can light up or a lot of truths I have to deny, about myself, before I can enjoy it.

Also here are some links to earlier variations of your question that contain a lot of helpful advice:

mcw's avatar

talk to your doc about chantix or wellbutrin

riprock96's avatar

the only thing that worked for me was the patch…. Wellbutrin and chantix are great for some people, but the problem for me is you can still smoke on them…. I like the patch because smoking while on that can kill you, and that is what I am trying to avoid ;) I feel the patch keeps you honest… I have been on the patch for 4.5 weeks… And also started taking a muliti vitamin same time and feel great! But remember the patch or whatever you decide to use only work if you really want to quit and stick with it for the total time of its treatment… I will admit I have quit over 10 times but you have to keep trying!!!! For me that 10th try really felt different and right! Maybe it is because i am older or that my brain finally made peace with my will… You will do it! Just keep trying

lama13576's avatar

I dont no y u started in the first place but somthing that can help is to find something interesting and something u love

buster's avatar

try skoal bandits. there in a teabag so you dont get chaw all in your teeth. and if your tough you can swallow the bakker juice

Kranz's avatar

The posters here are correct in that you cannot rely on external reasons, you need to figure out why quitting is the right thing for YOU and be certain. Unfortunately that is not enough, you also need to have a plan or method that works. I haven’t smoked in over 4 years after being a smoker for over 10. I came up with this plan that I like to refer to as systematically eradicating tobacco from my lifestyle. I know it sounds dramatic, and it is, but when it was finished I didn’t WANT a smoke which was key.
The ingenuity of the method is it allows you to instead of quitting smoking, quit ONE cigarette. Or more specifically, one cigarette at a time.
So here goes: the first thing I realized was most of my cigarettes were habitual, meaning I was used to having a butt at a particular time of day or before or after a particular event/task/occurrence. For example, the morning cigarette, the drive to work smoke, the cigarette break, on my way to lunch smoke, on my way back from lunch smoke, the drive home smoke, the I’m home and hanging with my roommates smoke, the after sex smoke, the post bowl cigarette, the at the bar drinking cigarette. I think you get the idea… But after compiling this list in my head I realized I could pin down every smoke! So did an experiment and decided to quit 1, just 1 of those habitual cigarettes for a week and see if it would be difficult. And to make sure I would successful I picked from the list the easiest one I could think of. I believe it was the going to lunch smoke but that would be different for everyone. After a week I was still smoking but I had reached my first goal, even though it was not difficult I felt good about it and picked the next one. Some of the more difficult ones I took more time with, even as much as 2 weeks, but I felt I should not move on to the next until I was completely free of the previous. It took over six months but at the end I was already used to turning down cigarettes, being around smokers, I was not tempted in the least. Having that control over yourself is a fantastic feeling and being able to exercise again is even better!
PS: in case you are wondering, the last butt to go was the one that goes with drinking. It took some real mental preparation!

squirbel's avatar

Great job! :D that’s awesome…

mcbealer's avatar

why do you want to quit? the answer to that question, if it comes from within and not others guilt-tripping you, should be your focus. the nicotine gets flushed out in about 48 hours, and after that it’s all psychological. One of the times I was able to quit for an extended period, if I wanted a cigarette I would sniff a dirty ashtray… YUCK… and that took care of the urge.

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