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shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

May I please have some recommendations for a favorite book or film?

Asked by shpadoinkle_sue (7188points) March 29th, 2010
30 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

I’ve always loved getting recommendations. For anything, really. There’s been other questions here on fluther, where people are giving some really interesting answers. I’m asking for books or movies that people think were just plain awesome. Personal classics, maybe. Something that resonated with you for one reason or another.
It’d help to give me a small discription or link to a website so I can get a good understanding of them. It’d be mucho appreciated.

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crystalvegan's avatar

I just finished reading The Fountainhead and I loved it. Also, I read Fifth Business a few weeks ago and I really like that too. I’ve been super into the oldies lately. I love the way they are written.

Vunessuh's avatar

Requiem for a Dream.
City of God.
The Machinist.
Drop Dead Gorgeous.
Best in Show.

The Painted Bird.
A Child Called It.

davidbetterman's avatar

@crystalvegan I just finished Atlas Shrugged…and the Fountainhead! (a couple of months ago)
Just finished the King of Torts by Grisham!

crystalvegan's avatar

@Vunessuh – I watch Drop Dead Gorgeous about once a month. It’s my favorite.

Vunessuh's avatar

@crystalvegan Are we on Cops again?

crystalvegan's avatar

@davidbetterman – Oh, I still have to read Atlas Shrugged! I love Ayn Rand.

crystalvegan's avatar

@Vunessuh – Hahaha I find myself quoting that movie all too often. There isn’t one boring part in that whole movie….I love every minute.

“Get off me you stupid little retard!”

davidbetterman's avatar

@crystalvegan She is definitely one of the best authors of our time! You will dig Atlas Shrugged if you liked The Fountainhead.
The parallels to the present day problems in government and the private industrial sector are incredible.

crystalvegan's avatar

@davidbetterman – I’ll have to go buy it then, because I’ve been interested in reading that for awhile now. I got all caught up in the Robertson Davies trilogy and now I can’t stop.

davidbetterman's avatar

Instead of Howard Roark, there is Henry Reardon (she loves HR initials!) And of course, Who is John Galt?
And the heroine is Dagny Taggart, a very self-assured and personally powerful woman…a lot like Dominique Francon from The Fountainhead…
You can get it at the library…and even buy it used from Amazon or any used book store!

bob_'s avatar

The Godfather.

mclainallen's avatar

watch Pollock, with ed harris, its about Jackson Pollock

MacBean's avatar

For books, I recommend anything by Mary Roach and Christopher Moore. I also just finished reading this and it was… interesting.

As for movies, here is a link to a bajillion* mini-reviews I’ve done. See what you think might interest you. :)
*slight exaggeration, perhaps

davidbetterman's avatar

@MacBean “Fluke,” by Christopher Moore was a really fun read!

j0ey's avatar

Read: “Let the right one in”

Watch: “A waking life”

Jewel's avatar

Book: Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card.
Movie: The Gods Must be Crazy

Violet's avatar

Book: Official Book Club Selection a Memoir According to Kathy Griffin
and The Best Awful by Carrie Fisher
Movies: The Prestige, V for Vendetta, Domino, Empire Records

ucme's avatar

Book : Lord of the flies. Movie : Some like it hot.

FutureMemory's avatar

Book: One Hundred Years of Solitude

Movie: The Fountainhead

whyigottajoin's avatar

watch this; I cried @ the end. Katy Perry re-tweeted this with “the most beautiful thing you’ve seen in a long time” and she was right.

Seek's avatar

Book: Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Hancock.

Movie: Quest for Fire

TheOnlyException's avatar

Man On Fire (not really a classic.. but two different versions, take your pick)
Some Like It Hot (wonderful classic movie!)
Breakfast At Tiffany’s
(Both Audrey Hepburn)
Funny Girl (with Barbara Streisand, very tony New York, but lovely)
BUGSY MALONE! (ahh a young scott baio..before the promiscuity kicked in)
Beetlejuice (beetlejuice beetlejuice) (Winona Ryder shaking her thing… unmissable)
Edward Scissorhands (before Tim Burton got lost in well.. tim burton)

The magician’s nephew (adore this book, first in the Narnia Series, but they chose to ignore it movie wise…idiots)
Twilight (KIDDING.)

No Time For Goodbye – Linwood Barclay (incredible.. suspenseful.. best thing i have EVER read by a long shot)

The Lovely Bones – Alice Sebold (extremely well written. movie lets it down.)

Noughts and Crosses series – Malorie Blackman (there are 4 books in total, really gripping.)

thats all i can think of now.
hope i helped :)

Seek's avatar


GA for “Let the Right One In”. I saw the Swedish movie, and it was incredible, so I rushed out to get the book, started page one, and didn’t close the book again until it was finished. An excellent read.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

“To Kill a Mockingbird” is a good movie…
anything by Mark Twain is entertaining to read
and I like the way Ayn Rand thinks too

filmfann's avatar

The best movie of the last 10 years is Memento.
It is the story of a man searching for his wife’s killer, but he has a head injury, so he can no longer create memories.
To help you understand how he goes thru this, the story is told backwards. It’s incredible.

boffin's avatar

Book: Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame

Movie: Blazing Saddles

squidcake's avatar

Lurve for Funny Girl. <3


Good Omens by Terry Pratchett/Neil Gaiman
The Vampire Chronicles series by Anne Rice
Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlen is awesome but I never actually finished it.
The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury
The original Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is actually really good.
And…I really enjoyed The Other Boleyn Girl (please don’t shoot me…)
Howl’s Moving Castle (the book AND the movie). Book is by Diana Wynn-Jones.
Watership Down by Richard Adams
The Little Prince by…uh…his name is so French that I just can’t remember. XD
Life of Pi by Yann Martel
Prodigal Summer by Barbara Kingsolver
No Exit and all of the other plays by Sartre are great.


Fight Club
The Big Lebowski
The Fountain
Kill Bill (both of them)
Muppet Treasure Island (I’m serious…I effing love this movie).
Funny Games
The Point
The Sound of Music
El Mariachi


sweetteaindahouse's avatar

Book:Walden by Henry David Thoreau
I have only read the first chapter but I loved it and think it should be a read for everyone.
Movie:Inglorious Bastards
Just because it is an epic movie.

TheOnlyException's avatar

@squidcake Yes! Someone else who has heard of it :)

davidbetterman's avatar

Here’s another really good read: Ishmael by Daniel Quinn

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