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stevalente's avatar

What's you position about the fear of death?

Asked by stevalente (30points) March 30th, 2010
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DarkScribe's avatar

(Usually I am lying down. It is something that you only tend to think about in the dead of night. :) )

I am ambivalent, we all have to die, my fears are more related to an unpleasant death than death itself. This is probably a result of living for several years with cancer. I don’t want to go slowly with degenerating faculties and in pain, but even when I have been there – I still couldn’t quite give up. Just as well as I have now got past the worst.

ChaosCross's avatar

I think death is kind of a cool concept, especially if it happens in a dramatic way. As for the fear of it the only thing related to death that I would be afraid of is not being able to do more on Earth.

slick44's avatar

Fear comes from the unknown. Death does not scare me because i no whats going to happen when i die.

Blackberry's avatar

I’m actually kind of curious about it, just to see what happens, but realistically, I don’t want to die because I like having sex and spending money on tangible goods and seeing this beautiful planet with my eyes.

Cruiser's avatar

I don’t fear death as much as leaving my loved ones unprepared to survive comfortably with out me around. I have lived long enough and done enough though that if my time came I would feel good about checking out.

zophu's avatar

I think a lot of people confuse fear of their own death with the fear of not having a purpose in life—or in dying. It’s not ourselves that we are living for, anyway. Whether a person believes it or not, there’s at least some drive in them to help Humanity. I find it to be disgusting beyond simple expression that beliefs in afterlives are so prevalent. To think that you have to live forever for your life to have meaning? What is more selfish then that? Live for those around you and those that come after! Make them your meaning!

And before anyone gets defensive, I’m not attacking the individual who believes in the afterlife for whatever reasons. It’s therapeutic to create a mystery there. It’s the fact that it’s so ingrained into society that disgusts me.

Just_Justine's avatar

Does one have a “position” about fear of death? Meaning are you asking that should people according to “me” have a fear of death. I can’t answer that. How do I feel about death? I don’t like the idea because there is so much more I have to do with this life.Thank you for the reminder. :)

wonderingwhy's avatar

Don’t worry about what you can’t control.

DarkScribe's avatar

@Blackberry I don’t want to die because I like having sex

Isn’t the world funny. The terrorists (reputedly) want to die in order to have more sex.

Somehow I think that those (reputed) 72 virgins will have also died – of old age, and if they are still virgin then they are probably eighty year old, cranky, possibly very horny, nuns,

john65pennington's avatar

I am 66. i really never believed i would live to be 35 years old, being a police officer. i have dodged bullets and knives and other forms of death many times. i just consider myself to have been blessed, that guardian angels have watched over me for so many years. i have been in positions of death many times. the angels have always protected me. i am like Crusier. i am ready to go, when its my time. i would like to have a sleigh ride on real snow, before i leave the earth. wife and i have had a great marriage and two beautiful, intelligent children. we have traveled to many foreign destinations and observed what other peoples lives are about. i am thankful for that. the police profession has taught me a lot about people and why they do some of the things they do. i have no regrets, i have been truly blessed.

silverfly's avatar

I think it governs a lot of decisions and behavior.

Ame_Evil's avatar

I think that after we die there is nothing, not even the sense of nothingness. Therefore I am rarely worried about it as when I do die, I wouldn’t even have noticed.

jfos's avatar

I would prefer to be neither eaten alive nor buried alive. I don’t expect anything to happen to me/my soul after I die, but I wouldn’t be upset if I am wrong. I want to be buried naked directly in the dirt, and I fear that this will not happen.

Blackberry's avatar

@DarkScribe I agree lol. It’s disheartening how confused that culture is.

Coloma's avatar

I’m very okay with my mortality. If I were to die today I am content.

Not that I WANT to die soon, haha…just that I am satisfied with my life and experiences and wouldn’t feel cheated out of anything. It’s all good, stay, go, whatever! haha

JeffVader's avatar

Im not really fussed about the whole, being dead thing. I just hope that getting there isn’t too painful…..
I am a little concerned over the whole, living-dead issue. In particular, zombification!

Merriment's avatar

I think fear of death is made up of a fear of suffering the deterioration that leads to death, distress over who you are leaving behind, and the biggest fear of all “that it’s too late to do anything differently.

ucme's avatar

I laugh in the face of death hahaha!! Tad apprehensive about not being alive anymore…ever!!!

poisonedantidote's avatar

well… on one hand, there are many philosophical ideas about why we should not fear it, about why its natural and normal and why we should accept it, and these ideas are all very valid and we should really not fear it at all. on the other hand, its scary, we are all in denial and all these philosophical ideas are nothing but poor excuses to help us deal with the terror. either way, its totally inevitable and more or less pointless to contemplate and discuss it. its not going away.

stardust's avatar

I don’t fear dying so much as I fear leaving people I love. However, I think it’ll happen when it’s supposed to, so in the meantime I won’t think about it

poisonedantidote's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille i never noticed the cow bell in that song before, it will never be the same again

davidbetterman's avatar

@DarkScribe Apparently. those (reputed) 72 virgins are really Catholic Nuns. Boy will those idiot terrorists be surprised…

DarkScribe's avatar

@davidbetterman Apparently. those (reputed) 72 virgins are really Catholic Nuns.

Yes, I have seen the image of them with the M16s.

MrsDufresne's avatar

The closer you come to it, the freer you are of other fears.

For example, if someone is told that they might seriously die, then everything else that they were afraid of before, becomes a cake walk.

susanc's avatar

Not afraid of “death”. Afraid of being separated from people I love. In any way.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

@ Ame Evil, I totally agree!

mattbrowne's avatar

This fear is normal. But it’s also normal not to fear death all the time.

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