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JeffVader's avatar

In life, do you advise following your head, or your heart?

Asked by JeffVader (5426points) March 31st, 2010
50 responses
“Great Question” (6points)

Do you follow your own advice?
Why do you advise this? Is it down to experience?
Which path do you feel, or possibly know, will lead to greater happiness?

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Vunessuh's avatar

In life, I believe it’s a must to have a balance of both.
At first, I chose to follow my heart in order to figure out what I wanted to do with my life.
After high school, I knew I didn’t want to go to college, even though society believes that’s the next appropriate step to take. It just wasn’t for me. I knew for a fact I wouldn’t be happy back in school. Instead, I chose to join the workforce right away, whilst doing the one thing that I’m happiest doing and have the skill and passion for. After figuring that out, I began following my head which has allowed me to make the choices I needed to make to be independent.
I think it’s important for people to follow their instincts and a lot of the time, your instincts happen to be based off of what would make you happiest. At least, they are for me. But you have to have logic and rational thinking in order to achieve successfully what your heart wants you to do.

rangerr's avatar

My heart owns me, and I never take my own advice.
Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t.

sakura's avatar

One decision I’vehad to make with my head is not having another baby, my hearts screams for one every day, but my head says, we are not financially stable enough to have another just yet, if ever.

I guess it depends on the situation, if I’d followed my head when I 1st got with my hubby I wouldn’t still be with him today, my heart ruled in that case! and I’m glad it did :)

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

As with all things in life, there must be a balance. I usually follow my head, but an intellectual knowledge of emotions is not enough to have successful interpersonal relationships. The key lies in being able to judge which things to handle with your head and which to handle with emotions or intuition.

tb1570's avatar

For better or worse, I’m pretty much the same as @rangerr.

jeanmay's avatar

I come from a long line of complete irrationals. Some might call it a genetic defect, but I like to go with family tradition. My parents were childhood sweet hearts but drifted apart during their university years. My mum ended up marrying someone else, whom she thought was a decent bloke. She was trying to be sensible about it all, but ended up incredibly unhappy. One day my dad was out for a (motor) bike ride when he came to a crossroads, and saw a young woman broken down at the side of the road. He stopped to see if he could lend a hand, and was taken aback when he realised the lady was none other than my mum. The sparks flew, my mum’s marriage dissolved, and they all lived happily ever after, the end. I would not be here writing this if my ma and pa had not followed their hearts, hurrah for heart-followers!

@sakura My husband and I got preggo just as the credit crunch was in full swing. Although we have no assets and are poorly qualified for most things, we went ahead anyway. We get by because we have to; me, husband, and precious wee boy.

BoBo1946's avatar

uh, followed my heart and got married…should have followed my head—Probably let the ‘little head” do the thinking for my “big head!

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Let the river do the rowing.

j0ey's avatar

Up until 6 months ago I always followed my heart….my heart didn’t really do a good job, so I fired him, and employed my head.

Life is a lot less interesting these days; no more drama, no more ridiculous self sacrifice , but I feel like I am more productive.

So for me, I function much better when “Mr. Brain” is behind the wheel, and “Mr. Feelings” is in the back seat.

loser's avatar

I always follow my heart so I would strongly advise anyone to go with their heads. I do stupid stuff all the freaking time.

JeffVader's avatar

@j0ey I hope the reasoning has nothing to do with that mix CD….

JeffVader's avatar

@loser Thats funny…. I’ve always followed my head, & thats not worked out so great either.

j0ey's avatar

@JeffVader hahaha oh it has EVERYTHING to do with the mix CD.

stardust's avatar

I’m also jumping on the @rangerr train. My heart trumps almost everything. However, I hope to get a balance of both with time.

Cruiser's avatar

Got to follow the heart while it is still beating! Life is too short not to! ;)

Exhausted's avatar

I am aware that I don’t always follow my own advice. I often say, when I advise others, that it is easier said than done. This is because I know what I should do, but it’s not always that simple. When you factor in the heart, that has a mind of it’s own, plus human nature, doing what you SHOULD do verses what you WANT to do is usually a real battle and it takes lots of trial and error to finally get it right. I am very practical by nature, so I have a tendacy to think in terms of what is best and not so much of what is idealistic.

wonderingwhy's avatar

In life, do you advise following your head, or your heart?
I follow both, unfortunately they frequently choose different directions.
My advice, follow the one that makes you happiest and takes you by the most interesting scenery.

Do you follow your own advice?
Not as often as I should, but more often than I don’t.

Why do you advise this? Is it down to experience?
Because, for me it’s about enjoying life and getting the most from the journey.

Which path do you feel, or possibly know, will lead to greater happiness?
Both paths have the same end. All you can do is follow them and enjoy the trip for all it’s worth.

slick44's avatar

I follow my heart, not to say that it dosn’t get me into trouble at times. I think my head gets mad at my heart. Oh well. gota do wha feels right!

Sophief's avatar

I tend to advise others by my head. If I advised people by my heart, everyone would be attempting suicide!

stump's avatar

I follow my heart sometimes and my head sometimes, but most of the time I follow my stomach.

JeffVader's avatar

@Dibley That my girl :)

slick44's avatar

@stump .. lol good one

stump's avatar

@slick44 Thanks. I have to be honest.

TheOnlyException's avatar

I feel like following one entirely but not the other would be the end of me. But everyone has a preference whether they know it or not. I like to think of myself as a dreamer, following my heart and doing what feels good. Life is for those who want to live it, but I never leave my head too far behind,
I mean I still need to remember how to cross roads and whatnot while chasing the damn dream

JeffVader's avatar

@TheOnlyException Yeh, I’m abit of a dreamer too, not really happy unless Im being creative… problem is that as soon as decisions need taking my head moves in & I end up inevitably choosing the opposite thing my heart would.

TheOnlyException's avatar

@JeffVader Ah, that is so true for myself. I never feel good unless I am creating, but when it comes to decisions involving my head i flounder 0_o ends up doing me more harm than good

but my heart tells me not to care :)

JeffVader's avatar

@TheOnlyException Then keep on listening to it, & keep on creating :)

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Experience has made it more easier to follow my head because it’s gotten smarter at discerning what’s best for my heart. Easier doesn’t mean guaranteed success though.

JeffVader's avatar

@TheOnlyException Hey, you take enough shots & ur bound to hit sooner or later…... what is that saying about 1000’s of mokeys writting Shakespere, well thats me, except I dont like bannanas!

CMaz's avatar

When I was younger. My heart, now that I have been around the block. My head.

But then again, I am not “in love” at the moment. ;-)

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I’d say I follow my heart more often than my head but they’re not at odds, so much.

JeffVader's avatar

@ChazMaz It certainly does change things!

Just_Justine's avatar

my head.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

The heart, that is why I have made a mess of things!!!!!

TheOnlyException's avatar

@ZEPHYRA Following your heart always feels better than following your head and accepting reality, but I too soon find myself in trouble.
You just can’t win!

nebule's avatar

I’ve always followed my head but it’s about time I stopped… my heart is crying out all too often

Berserker's avatar

I try to follow logic and reason but it never works.

That’s probably a better thing than it appears though.

Nially_Bob's avatar

I would advise that an individual typically follow neither, but instead attempt to harmonise both to the greatest extent possible so as to reach far more balanced and generally pleasing decisions.

Many decisions I have made which some may consider evidence of my preference towards following cold logic or emotional drives are simply chosen by default rather than a genuine effort on my part. That is, I chose them simply because both options seemed reasonably appealing and so I had little care which came about or I was simply oblivious to said options from the beginning. As a close friend once told me, “Niall, you never strive for something so much as you unknowingly float into it”. With this stated, I would offer an example of a situation in which I have been forced to choose between my ‘head’ or my ‘heart’ to assist in the overall discussion but it is difficult for me to comprehend such a situation as both drives tend to share the same goals.

Blondesjon's avatar

I believe you should follow whichever seems right to you in any given situation.

You know, as long as you realize that only you can choose which is right and you are 100% responsible for your actions if your choice was wrong.

It is way easier to own the correct choices you make but it makes you grow as an actual human being to own the shit you have been wrong about.

thriftymaid's avatar

The answer isn’t always one or the other.

BoBo1946's avatar

@benthriftymaidim whatever—not here to debate…just answered the man’s question

JeffVader's avatar

@anbobo1946imen & it’s greatly appreciated… thank you.

BoBo1946's avatar

@timjeffvaderewen you pic shows up in my avatar….how about your’s! everyone else says their is okay…

JeffVader's avatar

@anbobo1946en Yeh, I believe its all in aid of April Fools… of course on a world wide scale it doesnt work for everyone, it’s gone 1700hrs here.

pearls's avatar

Stupid me, I always followed my heart and got it broke just too many times. Now I follow my head first and then the heart follows.

BoBo1946's avatar

@pearls me three…...........

pearls's avatar

@BoBo1946 Life sucks sometimes you know.

mattbrowne's avatar

Depends on the situation. Waste money on lotteries? Trust your head, if it can handle math. Enjoy a movie like Avatar? Trust your heart and feel the emotions.

BoBo1946's avatar

@pearls “dang tooting”

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