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Utta_J's avatar

What is your opinion on piercings and tattoos?

Asked by Utta_J (252points) April 10th, 2010
27 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

Well i want to get two tongue rings and a tattoo or two not now im only 17. But somewhere along the road ( maybe 18 19 idk yet). My brothers tell me that imma get it just to show off, and its gonna make me look easy (not like they are gonna make my decision but i dont want everyone else thinking that too!!!) but my sister is all for it. (well i didnt tell her yet LOL but i know she will be!) i dont want that to be the case (what my brothers are saying) but i dont want it to flash it all around ( at least that not my only reason) its just something i want. like my extra ear holes I wanted them theres alot of other people that have alot of ear holes and if i wanted to show myn off i would get more but i want them because its what I wanted not only for show. i mean i know its not gonna feel good at first but hey my ear holes didnt feel good at first either. Most boys think that girls with tongue rings are easy but im not….do you think that if boys start noticing my tongue rings when i get them that they are gonna treat me differently? im a nice quiet girl but i dont want me getting a tongue ring make me look like a rebel. and if i get a tattoo or two people wont get a chance to stare at those because those would be well hidden. what is your opinion about piercings and tattoos are they too wild? for someone like me i guess.. :-)

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davidbetterman's avatar

I like those ear piercings where there is a huge hole that you can see through to tomorrow.

Also triple tongue piercings, multiple nose and eyebrow rings, mega ear rings (safety pin type) several lip rings (top and bottom) nipple rings (both) and of course ahem rings down there.

They are so sexy and compliment my lawyer-like lifestyle.

Utta_J's avatar

WOW im talking about two simple tongue rings I KNOW im not getting all that LOL!

Sarcasm's avatar

I don’t really like tattoos or piercings.
I don’t make assumptions about a person, like that they’re in a gang, or that they’re “easy” or anything. I just see it and think “that’s not for me.”
My sister has her entire arm covered in ink, and she’s not a ruffian of any sort.

I don’t plan to ever get tattooed or pierced on any part of my body.

davidbetterman's avatar

@Utta_J I was being slightly silly!
I really don’t have any piercings, tats nor rings!

phillis's avatar

@Utta_J Where are your standards? no studs! If a dog can’t jump through those hoops, you didn’t get a good deal!

Utta_J's avatar

@davidbetterman you mean slightly scary ;-)

davidbetterman's avatar

@phillis Well, I guess slightly silly and really really scary!!! LOL

I’m sorry, @Utta_J… I really can’t imagine getting anything pierced on my body, nor getting any tats.

It is all a bit too tribal for me, and I am anything but tribal.

Utta_J's avatar

@davidbetterman understandable

DarkScribe's avatar

My bias (and I admit that it is a bias) is that obvious piercings and tattoos are an indication of a blue collar, lower class, less erudite type of person. Not usually the sort of person who I would respct. I have met exceptions – but that is my initial impression and I believe that it would be the response of most mature age people.

Roby's avatar

Ear rings on a woman wonderful. Men….no. I think it is done for attention..It’s like they are saying .“Hey look at me… aint I cool”? All Tattoos man or women are trashy and tacky especially the ones done by someone with a bottle of India ink and a needle. Personally I would not ever get a tattoo are any holes in by body that God didn’t put there.

phillis's avatar

@Utta_J You were talking about studs for your piercings, I presume? I was talking about hoop-style things in funny stud places :)

Kraigmo's avatar

I think most piercings look like tools or bugs. Not very attractive. I think it takes femininity away and replaces it with an industrial look (or Joan Rivers-style guady, but that’s more of an old lady thing)

Tattoos, could look great or horrible, depending on what it is, where it is, and how big it is (too big looks a lil gaudy).

there’s exceptions to all of this

As far as these things being a sign of how loose a girl is… I have never heard that, or thought that in my life. That sounds crazy to me in fact.

YARNLADY's avatar

My personal opinion is I don’t like them for myself or anyone else, but so what? I don’t run the world.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

Tongue piercing can equate to thousands of dollars of dental problems and tooth loss down the road. Dental insurance will typically not pay to repair that type of damage. Plastic surgery on gauged ears runs $1300 – $2000, and insurance doesn’t pay for it. Depending on the size, location and ink type and colors, to remove can run from $2,000 to $10,000.

A lot of time, what seems like a great idea or cool at age 18 can be really regrettable at age 30. Choose your piercings and tattoos sites and sizes wisely, and keep in mind that you may decide down the road that it was not a wise decision. Piercings and tattoos can limit your employability, which may not seem like a big deal at 17, but unless you’re planning on working service jobs all your life, there are doors that will be closed to you because of piercings and tattoos.

snowberry's avatar

We had a waitress with what I thought was a crumb on the side of her lip. I was just about to tell her, “Honey, you have a crumb on your lip,” when I realized that she meant for it to be there! ROFL!

I’m sorry, I don’t understand why anyone would want to look like that, and multiple piercings? Yikes!

Ask any doctor and they’ll tell you that piercings in places other than the ear lobe are health hazards. There have been quite a few people actually die from such things before, but that does not stop “fashion”.

rooeytoo's avatar

I like pierced ears (not the huge holes where you can see through to tomorrow!) and a small unobtrusive tat is okay too. I just don’t care for excessive piercings or tats. It doesn’t cause me to make a judgement about the wearers’ morals, it simply is not to my taste.

ucme's avatar

On the “hole” my ink-lination is that it looks good on some less so on others.

MacBean's avatar

I love body mods. I wouldn’t do anything too “wacky” to myself, but on others, even stuff like corset piercings, stretching, pearling, facial tattoos, eyeball jewelry/tattoos often appeals to me.

TheOnlyException's avatar

I’m a bit more tame. I have several ear piercings. 6 lobes (3 on each side) and 2 cartilage piercings. But i like the way all those different types of ear piercings, rook, helix etc, look on people.
Also quite like tongue piercings and eyebrow piercings.

i dont know what it is

wonderingwhy's avatar

I’m not really into the whole body modification thing. I don’t particularly like or dislike it, but for the most part I don’t see it adding much. I’ve, personally, never associated it with making a girl look easy. I will say, if you decide to get a tattoo or two, do it because it has meaning or expresses some personal insight. For me at least, I’ve always found tattoos to be much more interesting when the person has a story behind them. I do believe, rightly or not, they will change the way people judge you, at least initially, but that is very dependent on where you live and what the community outlook is.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I don’t think alot of jewelry looks good,whether it’s piercings or rings on every finger.Tattoos aren’t for me either,although I can appreciate when they are well done. :)

partyparty's avatar

I don’t have any piercings or tattoos. They are not for me. I can wear jewellery and remove it without leaving holes. I can also wear a temporary tattoo, so don’t see the necessity for anything permanent.

Randy's avatar

I went through a slight piercing phase a few years ago. I had snake bites for a while and and stretched my ears to a 9/16. I still have the 9/16 ear gauges but I took the bites out. I’m over piercings. When I had my lip rigs, I just felt like a punk kid and it was time to grow up.

I have plenty of tattoos also. I love them. People call them classless and associate them/tattooed people with negativity and I understand but disagree. Placement and what you get play a big role in how you will be viewed/judged by people.

Wether you get piercings or tattoos, be ready to be hassled by people. Some people will hate them (and in turn, you) and some people will love them. As long as you get what you want and enjoy it then it doesn’t matter though. It’s all a way to show that you are an individual…..... Just like everyone else.

ParaParaYukiko's avatar

You should think long and hard about getting any sort of body modification done. Tattoos and piercings are in style right now, which is why they’re so appealing, but that may not always be the case.

In high school my parents had no trouble letting me get second piercings in my earlobes, and they also allowed my older sister to get her cartilage pierced. They were not, however, too keen on other, “wilder” types of piercings. When I was 19 I got my belly button pierced, because by that time both my parents and I had acknowledged that I was old enough to make my own decisions. A few months later I got an industrial piercing and was planning on getting more. However, I eventually changed schools, met new friends, and got a whole different attitude about piercings.

It’s not that I hate them now. They just don’t interest me – I still have my piercings, but I wouldn’t be too adverse to letting them grow in. I’m glad I stuck with relatively subtle piercings (almost no one notices my industrial, and the only time I show my bellybutton to the public is on the beach), because getting rid of gauged ears and lip piercings would leave me with irreversible marks – not to mention the difficulty of getting rid of a tattoo. My guess is that when the people of my generation (I’m 22) are in their 40’s-50’s and trying to become professionals, they’ll be eager for wrinkles and facial hair to hide their weird scars.

So don’t rush to get tattoos or piercings just because you’re old enough to legally do it. If you’re going to modify your body, especially with a tattoo, make sure it’s something you won’t regret getting later on. A little butterfly on your ankle may sound cute now, but you might find it incredibly stupid and embarrassing in a few years. If my interest in body modification can pass in less than two years, it’s likely your interest will wane over time too.

If you really want a piercing, start with something small and easy to hide and see for yourself if the pain is worth it. Just for reference, my industrial didn’t fully heal for an entire year. Brushing my hair and laying down on that side were noticeably painful for most of that time. And if you’re not really careful and diligent about taking care of your tattoo/piercing, it can and will get infected – not a pleasant experience in the least, let me tell you.

Ultimately it’s all up to you. But I suggest you wait a while and don’t run off to the first tattoo parlor you can find once you turn 18. And when/if you do get something done, find a respectable, clean, professional place that uses sterile materials and NEVER piercing guns. Otherwise you’re putting yourself at risk for infection, bad piercing jobs and even shattering of your cartilage.

JONESGH's avatar

I love the way they look, but of course that’s my opinion. I have ½ inch stretched ears, a few tattoos (that I thought long and hard about, and love!), and a lip piercing which i take out sometimes. Just make sure you’re positive you want these because tattoos are forever, and whether you like it or not, some people are going to judge and stereotype you. Kind of sad, but that’s the way the world works!
Good luck!

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