think of it as patterns, and each section is a part of the pattern. so think of an ‘A’ or ‘B’ or ‘C’ section as each an sections of the pattern. and each section is going to be a combination of lyrics / melody / harmony / rhythm… each section is going to have a pattern within the overall pattern, or form, of the song.
A VERSE / CHORUS / BRIDGE song is most likely going to be in an ABABCB form, that is VERSE / CHORUS / VERSE / CHORUS / BRIDGE / CHORUS form, for example.
it might help to define the sections of music for yourself. do you know what a verse is? a chorus? a bridge?
another example, an AAA song is likely going to be either CHORUS / CHORUS / CHORUS or VERSE (with a hook) / VERSE (with a hook) / VERSE (with a hook).
and to tell what part is what in a song you just have to listen. Most songs start with a VERSE, which is the telling the story part of the song, then they move into a CHORUS which is basically a summary of the message the story of the VERSE is telling, then the BRIDGE is a unique, climatic section that usually provides a ‘twist’ in the story that gives a new light to the story told in the VERSE as well to the message in the CHORUS.
the best advice is indeed to listen for the changes, each section will have a ‘feel’ to it- it’s own parttern of lyrics / melody / harmony / rhythm. so you have to recognize when you move from one section to another, then also when a section repeats again.
this is good practice, you’ll get a lot more out of the music you love listening to it more deeply like this!