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The_Inquisitor's avatar

How often do you stress out, and what should be done about it?

Asked by The_Inquisitor (3163points) April 17th, 2010
15 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

I seem to stress out quite often and about little things as well. Stress obviously is not healthy, and I’m also stressing out about how I stress out too much… (Pathetic…) What should I do?

Once I stressed out so much, that I just completely gave up, and that worked…. for my stress levels that is, whatever I was working on turned out horribly wrong.

I don’t like stressing out, and right now, I want to just give up again, and not care about anything.

So, when you’re in a tight spot, and you know you’ll be in that tight spot for a couple of months, how will you react; what will you do? I want to just not care so that I won’t be stressed out, I know it’s not the way to go, but I don’t want to hurt my health, and then stress out about that either.

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ilovechoc's avatar

I used to be like you.. I stressed out alot especially when it comes to studies, friends, future career, etc. I’m not saying that I don’t stress out about those things anymore, but I think I’m much better in handling my emotion right now.. what do you usually feel stress about? can you describe more about it? :)

bobloblaw's avatar

As cliched as it sounds, I turn it around and direct it at what I need to do. I focus on channeling that stress into ways to get projects done. To get there, I try to do this.

The_Inquisitor's avatar

@ilovechoc, Thank you for your concern and asking for more information. Well, recently, I feel I need to get into good shape since I will be going for training this summer for 2 months (Basic Military Training). I am afraid of failure. It sounds really hard, and I am not sure if I will be able to handle it. I cry very easily, and am easily hurt. My mother calls me a tofu since I break easily (not physically though, emotionally) But I cannot back out.

I am having to do what seems like a lot, to get ready for university—> the registering, scholarships, etc.

And most recently, schoolwork. I struggle with Mathematics, and am finding it really difficult.

That kind of stuff. I’m not sure how to stop stressing over that kind of stuff.. except for not caring.

@bobloblaw, I’m not sure if I know how to do that, but I will check out that link. Thanks

Neizvestnaya's avatar

First I work more because it busies me, distracts me, rewards me with helping others and getting paid to go towards my responsibilities. After working more then I make myself do a series of exercises I’ve done for years and years, they’re easy quick and only do me good while eating up some tension, adrenaline and irritation. Drink more water and restrict my diet is what I do when real stressed and have insomnia. I break out the routine breakfast foods and evening foods to balance whatever crap I eat during the day. If with a partner then sex is the best stress relief I’ve ever known and my first choice but you’ve got to have a compliant partner for that type of workout.

ilovechoc's avatar

@curiouscat :
hmm.. think of it this way: whenever you are concern about something, for instance you are afraid that you won’t be able to do well in something, instead of worrying over the “what if you fail“s, change your perspectives and think about what you can do to improve/solve the situation.. For example you are worried about the basic millitary training that you have to do in 2 months – so instead of worrying that you are not fit enough, you should do something about them, like exercise more and think about how fun the training will be – meet new friends, learn something new, etc. because just by worrying over it won’t change the situation.. :)

For the studies part – I know they can be really frustrating.. I’ve been there and I’m an ambitious type of person, so I always stress myself if I got bad grades, etc. But one thing to remember, do the best that you could do – meaning: you know what’s your limit and you will definitely know if you had put enough efforts or not.. once you know that you already tried as best as you could and already put your best foot forward, learn to satisfy with the results. You need to appreciate your own efforts.. Buy something that you really like to reward yourself.. – I always did this after my finals to reward myself for studying hard :)

Don’t ignore your problems, but learn how to solve it.. Problems exist for you to grow to be a better person.. – so if you see the bright side of it, you should actually be thankful to the problems ;) You see what I mean.. Once you can see the bright side of your problems, you’ll find yourself be much happier.. I know it’s not easy but take it one step at a time.. Talk to your mom.. confess your problems with her because adults often have more experience than us and I’m very sure that she’ll support you in whatever that you do because you are her child :)

Remember to change you perspectives, the way you see your problems, and learn to satisfy with the outcomes when you know you already put your best foot forward. Don’t mix all your problems altogether at the same time.. sort them out and solve them from the easier ones to the hard ones.. Good Luck! :)

buster's avatar

When I get really stressed I might scream and throw my skateboard then I smoke some ganja and everything is okay.

jrpowell's avatar

I can’t think if the the last time I really was stressed. For the most part you will live. Tackle one thing at a time and relax a bit. A clear and focused mind is a lot more productive then a worried one. I kick ass when I try do one thing at a time. I turn to mush when I try to juggle a bunch of things.

Say that everything goes to shit. Will you still have clean water, food, and a roof? If you will you are still better off then a good portion of the population.

jerv's avatar

Any time I have to deal with people face-to-face. My solution is obvious…

beautifulbobby193's avatar

If it’s undone tasks that stresses you a good way of dealing with them is to write them all down and break each one up into smaller sub tasks if necessary. Each sub task should be able to be done inside of a half hour window so each time you get a spare half an hour you can tackle one.

I find a good way to relax is to have a bath and burn some aromatic oils. Also find a good TV series you can buy and watch. I will try to find something that interests me and then will purchase a box set so I can watch it as I please.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Like @jerv, F2F interactions with people are very stressful. I don’t understand what motivates other people, I can’t figure out nonverbal cues and lack even the basic aptitude to learn. I’m also getting increasingly stressed out with my inability to do more than the barest basics with a computer, I even fucked up changing my avatar, rather than throw the computer out the window, I’m just leaving it at default setting.

What to do about it? Screw it. I’m going back to my books, classical recordings, cigarettes and scotch. I’m retired, I don’t need to deal with the world. Pay my taxes and tell the world to f**k off..

jerv's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land Enough scotch and you won’t care about the avatar.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@jerv I’ve ceased caring about anything. Scotch or no.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

Lists, organization and regular habits. I find it more stressful when I have to keep track of things in my head. I try to focus on one task at a time, and if I don’t finish it, I at least have an idea of what comes next.

I would suggest getting to bed at the same time every night because being tired makes stress seem worse. Exercise daily. Make a list of everything you need to do for colleges, and knock out 30 minutes on that every day. Check your deadlines and make sure you meet them. Do what you can to master the math, but unless your GPA is borderline and affects scholarship status, don’t sweat it too much if you’re looking at a C instead of an A.

nebule's avatar

be kind to yourself… stop, look in the mirror and love that person staring back….
creating an imaginary higher gentle self helps me… you know when you’re kicking yourself for something… or rather even before then.. (yes, I think it’s about being connected to that more often that not) imagine what the gentle caring self would say to you… maybe it’s you in 30 years time… or your favourite idol… someone you admire…how would they treat you and what would they say to you if they were acting it total respect? Find the answer and direct it towards yourself from yourself….

The_Inquisitor's avatar

Thank you for everyone who commented. After a good night’s sleep, and coming to read this thread has calmed me down quite a lot. =D

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