General Question

davids's avatar

What subtle hints do girls drop in conversation?

Asked by davids (492points) April 21st, 2010
16 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

So I talk regularly to this girl who has mentioned a few times that she’s dropped subtle hints about something (I do not know what) during conversation many a times.

I am no good at all at picking up subtle things at all, in fact, I’m pretty oblivious to lots of things even if people straight out tell me something!

So the question is, what sort of subtle hints do girls generally drop in a conversation? I’m thinking she’s dropped in something about her liking me, or something along the lines, but I honestly have no idea! So I’m posing the question to you all :D!

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CMaz's avatar

“who has mentioned a few times that she’s dropped subtle hints”

That in itself is a (not so) subtle hint.

davids's avatar

@ChazMaz Haha, I know as much as that! I’ve gone over previous conversations to try and find these hints, but no luck for me! I really am clueless a lot of the time!

Seek's avatar

85% of normal communication is nonverbal.

If she’s playing games with you, that number jumps about 15%. I wouldn’t waste my time trying to translate her BS.

janbb's avatar

If it were me and I was telling you that I had dropped subtle hints in previous conversations, I would probably mean that I felt I had indicated an interest in going out with you or at least getting to know you better. That’s what you should be looking for IMHO.

thriftymaid's avatar

I don’t think the two of you will ever communicate.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I wish I could help you.I am not subtle and say what I want—it’s so very refreshing—lol

CMaz's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille – You bight not be subtle but I bet you are supple.

Trillian's avatar

Honesty is the best policy. Tell her you don’t know wtf she is talking about and ask for clarification. If you feel that this is worth pursuing. Otherwise, move on and set your sights on someone who can effectively communicate her wants and needs.
Dropping hints is pointless and your inability to pick up on them does not bode well for this relationship in the future. She will continue to drop hints that you won’t get, then she’ll get angry with you for nto getting it, and you’ll begin to resent her.

OneMoreMinute's avatar

You could say I am “Subtle Challenged”
I could say I’m “Direct Gifted!”

I often miss the subtle cues until it’s usually too late.
I work best with direct and to the point. Asking straight out. I guess it’s how I show people how to communicate with me.
I don’t want to do the extra work of decifering illusive comments hidden in clouds.

If someone is talking to me about “a friend they have”, but they are really talking about me. I seem to always believe that they are talking about someone else.

Also, I am usually politely direct, not usually subtle-but I can be.
I don’t see this is wrong.
I play and work much better and nicer with the same folks.

Why not just simply ask her?

meagan's avatar

Pay attention to the conversation, knucklehead. :P

wundayatta's avatar

What @meagan is trying to say, in her own feminine subtle way, is that you should pay attention to the conversation, and that you are an idiot. I have no idea what that emoticon afterwards means.

I offer female translation services on a continuing basis for a small fee. This one was on me.


beautifulbobby193's avatar

Sounds to me as though she is hinting at having sex with you. Tell her that you’d really like that.

silverfly's avatar

Seems like girls do this all the time and get mad when the guy doesn’t get it. And yeah… @beautifulbobby193 – always assume they just want sex.

evandad's avatar

If you’re this vague during your conversations with her, then you’re never going to get her.

Cruiser's avatar

Depends on what she is discussing. I like bacon wrapped double cheese burgers means she is hungry and she wants you to take her out and feed her. If she says I think Liz Taylor’s wedding ring from her 9th husband was a tad on the chintzy side she is dropping the hint you better come calling with a hefty diamond. If she says I need help rearranging her bedroom furniture…well if you are not picking up on that, I can’t help you sir!

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