General Question

stultzy's avatar

I'm really interested in nutrition and health and would love to work in the field somehow, but I don't want another bachelors. Any suggestions?

Asked by stultzy (15points) April 22nd, 2010
9 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

What are some careers that are available?
Are there any options for people without a bachelors or masters in nutrition?

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lilikoi's avatar

What is your bachelor’s degree in? If it is somewhat related perhaps you could get a master’s in something.

Or, perhaps culinary school or personal trainer.

philosopher's avatar

I looked into classes on line in nutrition. The cost is too high.
If there were another way I would do it too.

Justnice's avatar

You could be a food service director at a nursing home or at a hospital. You don’t need a fancy degree for that.

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

What’s your current bachelor’s degree in?

gailcalled's avatar

Try the local community college. All institutions need, desperately, to upgrade their notion of what edible and nutritious meals are.

Our local cc has an individual degree option; you can design a course study unique to your needs.

philosopher's avatar

What school is that?

gailcalled's avatar

It’s Columbia-Greene Community college here in Columbia County…two hours north of Manhattan. I would bet that other cc’s would be equally flexible.

College of Staten Island

mattbrowne's avatar

When health issues are concerned good education is a requirement.

stultzy's avatar

@lilikoi @Captain_Fantasy

I received by Bachelors in Management from Purdue University.

@mattbrowne I 100% agree with you.

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