Social Question

lanahopple's avatar

When you see someone, what determines you thoughts of them.

Asked by lanahopple (455points) April 22nd, 2010
17 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

When you see someone what are the attributes that person has that makes you automatically think they’re nice or look totally mean and unplesant?

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Guy123123's avatar

When someone smiles a lot, i think they are nice and i want to be friends with them, but when theyre only frowning it makes me feel uncomftorable and makes me want to get far away from them. Also if they have a very thin face as in narrow, that makes me trust them less

faye's avatar

It’s the lines in their faces- if they all point down, that’s trouble!

Guy123123's avatar

I was going to say something along the lines of that but i didnt know how to phrase it

AmorVincitOmnia's avatar

It is a dangerous practice to form an opinion of someone based initially and only on sight. We’re not being fair to either ourselves or to the other person. As well, outward appearances such as facial countenance or body language can be reliable but our defining them is not absolute as we are all prone to subjective objectivity. I would ask you this: Can we ever TRULY and COMPLETELY “know” someone else? I believe that to be impossible as we are human, fallible, and dynamic.

Steve_A's avatar

I agree that you can not fully know someone with out truly getting to know them but for me at first glance or sight. I check the person’s stance,posture overall how they walk and hold them self.

It does not always mean they will be confident,shy,or what have you but I do seem to get a good overall feel, for me at least.

faye's avatar

Plus what does your gut say when you look at them and hear them talk?

Steve_A's avatar

@faye Are you asking me?

faye's avatar

Sure, and everyone who reads this.

Steve_A's avatar

@faye Well I do not care to try and read into their voice, hardly bothers me how you talk really and looks well mostly just if you are a attractive female to me I will look, I’d be a liar if I said no. Guys eh are guys haha.

And the posture thing it is just something I do, granted none of it I guess means anything in the end, because I could be totally wrong about assumptions I make.

What about you?

faye's avatar

I do pay attention if I have a gut reaction to someone’s voice- could be good or bad, lol! I think we could all probably use more of our ‘primitive’ instincts to protect ourselves. I would certainly pay attention to very poor posture, wondering about illness or depression, but normally I wouldn’t notice particularly. I would notice smiles and twinkling eyes.

Steve_A's avatar

@faye You bring an interesting point though, like say for people you already know if look at them not walking/standing their usual way,and tone of voice I would suspect something.

WolfFang's avatar

I agree with @Steve_A , I get initial impressions if someone looks mean, or grumpy, or nice/cute etc. but I squash them immediately to make room for actually getting to know the real person.

Arisztid's avatar

I wish I could tell you… this is an excellent question and a very difficult one at that.

My “gut” has told me that someone who looks happy and nice is someone I should avoid. My “gut” has told me that someone who looks mean and generally unpleasant is someone I would like.

I have been staring at this question since you posted it and cannot come up with any specific thing I look for. I do believe that most of what tells me is in the person’s eyes and posture when they are focusing on me.

Usually my gut turns out to be correct. If course I assess and reassess as I speak with the person.

anartist's avatar

Good carriage, open frank gaze, receptivity to me.

brinkofit's avatar

When people smile a lot, do not have the angry eye brows and eyes are not completely wide open. Mostly the smiles though

john65pennington's avatar

I rely heavily on my past experiences with this person. if i see a person that i personally have knowledge that has a big mouth and talks loud, i turn and walk the other way. we all have at least one person in our lives like this person. on the other hand, if a i see a friend that i have not seen in 10 years, i will go out of my way to say hello. its just human nature.

Crossroadsgrl's avatar

smiles are huge

I notice how people TREAT situations around them, especially challenging situations, like long lines other rude people etc
If they can quickly handle or dismiss these things, I tend to find them kind, mature, like ME

If they can’t handle a line, or demonstrate incredible impatience at a slow clerk or something like that….not impressed
You can tell immediately how others treat people, in many circumstances.

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