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MarcoNJ's avatar

Sneaking food or snacks into the Movie theaters....have you or would you do it? If not, why?

Asked by MarcoNJ (946points) April 24th, 2010
42 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

Admittedly, my wife does this all the time. We take the kids to the movies. Drop 40 bills for tickets, meanwhile her purse of full of snacks from 5 Below. The concession counter rapes you with the prices. Hell, a few times…we’ve snuck cheeseburgers and chicken nuggets from Wendys. Anyone else ever do this? Would you? Or if not, why?

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DarkScribe's avatar

I think that everyone has at one time or another, mostly when you are young. Nowadays we tend to go only to the theatres that have food and alcohol service.

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

Most places don’t care in the least.

A movie theater cannot disallow you to take in your own food while selling their own.

Movies cost over $10 now. Just try and stop me from bringing my own sandwich.
They should be happy I’m giving them any money at all.

ubersiren's avatar

Oh yeah, I used to all the time. Candy, chips, subs, etc. I don’t think anyone really cares, just like @Captain_Fantasy said.

MarcoNJ's avatar

@Captain_Fantasy @ubersiren At the movie theater we frequent, they have a sign posted…... No drinks or food allowed. So maybe it varies by region?

downtide's avatar

None of our movie theatres would try to stop you. They won’t let you eat/drink your own stuff in the bar area but in the actual theatres, no-one minds.

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

Not where I live. Even if there were such a sign I’d have to challenge them.
They have no authority and it’s not in their best interest to stop me because I’m already giving them money and if they ever want me to give them money again, they’re not going to give me a hard time.

deni's avatar

i stuff my purse full before movies. i like to munch while i watch. and, no thank you, gummy bears are delicious but are not worth 8 dollars a box when next door they are 1 dollar a box. and i make way better popcorn than they do and it doesn’t make me sick. hoo-ah!!

RedPowerLady's avatar

Where I live they can take it and throw it away. They can also check nyour bag and hold it up front if it has food in it.

We sneak in everything except popcorn. Candy, soda, fast food, snacks from home, etc…
I think the prices are unreasonable and therefor do not feel guilty in the least.

DarkScribe's avatar

@Captain_Fantasy Even if there were such a sign I’d have to challenge them.

Many people have tried that here – unsuccessfully. It is compared to taking your own food into a restaurant or Bistro.

Silence04's avatar

My friends and I brought in chilis take out many times…

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@RedPowerLady They take your purse??!! Not THIS kid! I’d walk out. No movie is worth that crap. I’d wait for the DVD.

I LOVE Junior Mints & I take a big box in with me all the time. That’s it, tho. I buy the smallest amount of popcorn & soda there.

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

No one’s stopped me yet. Thus far my success rate for taking food into the theater is 100% and it’s been happening for a long time.
However I find the movie theater in general to be a revolting proposition. Netflix is cheaper and at home I’m absolutely certain the seats have been cleaned recently.

However the theater usually does get about an extra $3 out of me by virtue of Red Vines.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@Captain_Fantasy LOL…good answer!

MarcoNJ's avatar

@Captain_Fantasy True, netflix is the way to go. But c’mon….don’t you wanna see those Epic type movies on the big screen? You gotta.

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

Some. Avatar was good at the Metreon.

Siren's avatar

I have done it in the past, and will do it again if I need/want to. I agree with everyone that it’s up to us what we want to eat and where we want to purchase it from. Sometimes I’ve walked right in with a drink in my hand, and no one has bothered to stop me. I wasn’t trying to make a statement, I just had nowhere to hide the drink.

When I was younger, my friend and I purchased hamburgers, fries and drinks next door and ate it in the movie theater, because we ran out of time and didn’t want to miss the show.

cazzie's avatar

Grapes. The perfect movie snack. We’re allowed here. I’ve even brought wine coolers. How are you guys in the US more free again? (giggles)

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

In the US it’s a good thing people aren’t allowed to bring in booze.
Trust me on this.

RedPowerLady's avatar

@jbfletcherfan Heck no not my purse. But your shopping bag (most the movie theaters here are in the mall) or your backpack (for highschool and college kids). I never let them take mine. But I’ve seen it happen to people ahead of me in line several times.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Yes I have and yes, I would do it again. The thieves guilds concessionaire stands are ridiculously overpriced.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@RedPowerLady Okay….I was going to say! But I can’t say I’m good with them keeping ANYTHING. That’s a good way to get something stolen.

Pretty_Lilly's avatar

Yes ,I even thought of taking in a Hibachi !

MarcoNJ's avatar

@Pretty_Lilly Lmao. Yeah right!

Trillian's avatar

No, unless there is something in my purse already that I’ve forgotten about. i like movie popcorn, and I don’t feel the need to go to the feeding trough every time I go to the movie. I’m only in there for two hours for chrissakes.

RedPowerLady's avatar

@Trillian For many people going out to the movies is an event. And having candy and popcorn just makes it all the more fun.
@jbfletcherfan Agreed.

Trillian's avatar

@RedPowerLady I know. I understand that people like to have popcorn as part of the whole “Movie going experience”. I said that I like theater popcorn. I had a girlfriend that would take bags of chocolate covered nuts and stuff so she could alternate sweet and salty. I just don’t really see the need. I get swept away during a movie and forget where I am. The popcorn becomes a mindless eating thing at that point. The only time I remember to pay attention is during the trailers.

MarcoNJ's avatar

@Trillian I agree, the popcorn eating does seem mindless. I’m not even a huge popcorn fan period. But, I feel like such a cheapskate to my kids if we don’t at least sneak in snacks for them. And if we forget, then I will cave in and hit the concession for popcorn and soda.

RedPowerLady's avatar

@Trillian That is mostly when I eat as well, during the trailers. But even if it is mindless eating for most of us it’s a once in awhile thing at least. But I am like that gf. I like sweet and salty. And then of course soda to wash it down, haha. Of course I rarely go the movies. I much prefer netflix and a pizza.


I always do. If I go to a movie theatre in the mall, I will go to a small store first, buy some goodies, then bring them into the theatre. I bought the goodies, with my own money, and they’re in a bag, bought in the mall where the theatre is——-what am I suppose to do? Throw my purchases away? They cannot confiscate it——it’s my legal property. There is no law against it. Like any other thing I bought, I have to carry it with me inside the theatre, an because it’s food/drink, I’m going to eat/drink it if I want to. It’s not like I’m bringing my own food and drinks into a RESTAURANT. In that case, that would be wrong.

slick44's avatar

Who hasn’t? who can afford the price of the movie and snacks. there outrageous.

Trillian's avatar

@MarcoNJ You can start feeling like a cheapskate when you don’t have to take out a loan to pay for “snacks”. $4 for a bag of popcorn and $4.50 for a drink is beyond ridiculous. For those with kids, I’d suggest the sneak attack, and just buy a tub of popcorn. Licking that yellow salt off of my fingers rocks!

filmfann's avatar

Our theater allows you to bring in food. I prefer the fresh hot popcorn they have, but if I want M&M’s I bring my own.

Coloma's avatar

I have, but not too often, and I don’t like to drink anything, just have to go pee in the middle of the movie. lol

PandoraBoxx's avatar

The movie theaters make their money to pay their staff, purchase equipment, do maintenance, etc. from the concession profits. The money from the ticket sales (or most of it) goes back to the film distribution company. For first run movies, during the opening weeks, 100% of the ticket revenue goes back to the distributor. Distributors do not own theaters.

Bringing your own snacks is one way to ensure that the theater will end up closing eventually, especially if it’s an independently owned theater.

shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

I do. The portions from the theater are too large and to expensive. When I do get movie snacks, I find myself getting the kids meal with the handfuls of popcorn, child-size drink, and candy. Perfect size.

cazzie's avatar

Oh, if the place is a little independent place… .like the place I saw the movie Amalie, I don’t bring in food. I think that theatre was even licensed to serve wine! Very civilised. It was in the US. I remember, because I went with my cousin and we laughed our butts off.

Most movie places are corporation owned now…. so sad. We had a small independent place we used to go to as kids. I went to all the good movies there, there was real atmosphere… complete with red velvet everything! It was awesome, but then a corporation moved in and pimped up a nearby old place and they were slowly drained of customers. It was sad.

shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

@cazzie You just reminded me of the drive ins. I will pay for snacks there, I might sneak in a bag of chips or something I know they don’t have.

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RedPowerLady's avatar

@fullOFuselessINFO You sound like an awesome friend to have

MarcoNJ's avatar

@fullOFuselessINFO Definitely sound like fun people to hang out with. A whole friggin rotisserie chicken and pizza??? Wow. Makes my cheeseburgers and chicken nuggets seem so old school. The boldest we’ve ever went was a bag of pork rinds…..imagine trying your best to eat those quietly.
I give you much points for your entrés.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I definitely sneak in ice cream and seeds and have done so for years.

Berserker's avatar

I do that all the time. Otherwise if you get a snack it costs more than the damn tickets themselves.
I also usually bring a small bottle of hard shit in there to mix with juice or whatever haha.

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