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philosopher's avatar

Will the USA ever elect a truly Independent President?

Asked by philosopher (9065points) April 24th, 2010
24 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

I mean a President who leads on the basis of documentation(facts) and common sense. A President that looks out for the best interest of the American working Middle Class. Not other nations, corporations and Lobbyists.
A President who does not follow the extreme ideologies of the R or L.

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ChaosCross's avatar

Teddy Roosevelt.


Fred931's avatar

I’m pretty sure that other nations do kind of matter to the US government.

I really don’t think this is possible, not just because the elected person will be one of millions, but also, no one is that perfect.

Trillian's avatar

Not so long at it costs millions of dollars to buy airtime.

philosopher's avatar

Did you ever watch Lou Dobbs ? He actually tried.
I want a moderate.

Cruiser's avatar

Not as long as the 2 party system is alive and well. WAYYYY too much money and power within the confines of the Dem and Rep parties that will overwhelm even the most noble of contenders. Maybe…just maybe with the right dose of campaign reform could the playing field be equalized could an election be run on ideals and conviction of the candidates. How can anyone truly compete when someone like Obama can raise and be allowed to spend 800 million to buy a presidential election?

Fred931's avatar

What @Cruiser said. If we didn’t have separate parties, a good chunk of argument within the government would be gone. Who was it that warned against political parties early in the history of the US?

philosopher's avatar

I am sickened by the extreme right and left. I look for moderation, common sense and documentation. I hate rhetoric, bullshit and most Politicians. The ideologies of the Republicans and Democrats are too extreme.

Fly's avatar

Goodness, I hope so. As it is now, our politics are so corrupt- democrats and republicans are so focused on being the exact opposite of each other that the actual well-being of the country doesn’t matter anymore, and they’re constantly getting bribed and having ridiculous scandals. However, I find this to be impossible unless two things occur:
1. As @Cruiser said, the two party system is done away with. Ideally, there would be no party labels at all and people would be forced to vote on the actual issues.
2. The American constituents suddenly become competent on the subject of politics. Let’s face it- the majority of Americans don’t educate themselves on the actual issues. Most of the ones that bother to vote at all just vote based on party, race in this past election, and possibly religion in the future. Unless this happens, I suspect that even more people will refrain from voting at all or will vote based on silly labels.

Maximillian's avatar

As much as the two-party system gets in the way, it’s a safety net. If there was always an agreement on issues, then the best deals couldn’t come out of it. Like business-if there’s only one company for an industry, then you don’t get the absolute best product. The two-party system ensures that debate is on the issue, and that the points are heard.

silverfly's avatar

Not if independents continue to sway from agenda.

Roby's avatar


philosopher's avatar

You make good points.
We need to make everyone aware. Most people don’t really agree with all the ideologies of one party.
I am pro research. I consider those who are against research fascist. I do not believe we should placate terrorist as many L wingers do. I do not believe we should allow illegal aliens to invade our nation and promote anarchy. I believe we should allow legal immigration. We always have. We have more legal immigration than almost any other nation and always have. We have a right to prevent terrorist from coming here. We have a a right to Dennie them entry by any means. We should demand that everyone living in the USA follow our laws. Including Politicians,wealthy people and all immigrates.
We have the right to protect our citizens, our laws and nation. Against those who seek to harm us by any means.

Maximillian's avatar

@philosopher I hope you don’t take this in any offense, but your description of yourself sounds VERY Republican.

philosopher's avatar

I use to be a Democrat.
After how unfairly they treated Hillary that was over. The rules committee was an unfair unobjective L wing joke. They had an unfair immoral agenda.
Donna Brazil is a turn coat bitch. The Clinton’s made her. She speaks the left wing line. She is totally unimpressive.
Women are still discriminated against in this country. Many Men still can not accept us as equals.
If men had given Hillary the opportunity; she could have straighten this nation out.
I want the sharpest person to be President. The person who looks at the issues abjectly from both sides; as I do. Not the person who does what seems Politically correct to the world. For too long America has appeased other nations. At the expense of the American Middle Class.
I want our economy to flourish. NAFTA hurts America. Israel is our only real alley in the Middle East. Both parties bring something to the table. Obama seems naive to me. He is bright but he lacks real life experience.
Bush represents how wealthy spoiled Child turn out.
Bill Clinton represents how hard working Children can turn out. Bill is brilliant and Bush was successful because of who his daddy is.
I know people like Bush. They are weak and not sharp. They could never survive what I have. Their daddy’s always make sure things go their way.
Most of us sink or swim on our own as Adults.
I could write book but I don’t think you will comprehend I am objective. I reject both parties ideology.
The number of people who agree with me is increasing every day. I decide things based on documentation and common sense. I dismiss Political rhetoric and bullshit.

mattbrowne's avatar

There is no thing such as truly independent.

Maximillian's avatar

@philosopher Alright! Wow, lash back. Ok, I’m not a Bush fan, but I’m not a Bush hater. Maybe he got elected from his father. But his father also had to get elected. And he had no blood before him.
Now, about you immoral problem. Bill Clinton seems to me the most immoral president we’ve had, considering all. The Clintons are very left winged. Please, do not accuse me as an anti-feminist, or a male supremest. I have a great amount of respect for my opposite gender. But the only reason he remained in office was due to the fact that the Democratic party kept him there. Hillary now works for the naive (witch I do agree with you) Obama!
What I’m trying to say is that, you can not be what you say you are if you so much support a person who works for the very people you accuse of being weak.
And I’ll thank you for holding back that insult in the future. I do like Bush not for his politics, but for that he was not a wuss.

philosopher's avatar

Fascism is immoral. Those who opposed research that has the potential to cure incurable diseases are immoral. Getting us involved in a war on the basis of a lie is immoral.
I could go out endlessly; but you would never listen.
I could not care less who Clinton slept with. McCain cheated too. Most Politicians do.
Clinton is brilliant. Bush is not. Bill Clinton is a self made man.
I have the objectivity to see fault in all Politicians.
I like Lou Dobbs despite his support for the NRA,.

Maximillian's avatar

@philosopher Ah ha! You see? You have no objectivity by the simple fact that you are a die-hard for Bill Clinton. Whose to say that Iraq didn’t have illegal WMDs? Sure, we found out that he didn’t. But the two main intelligence agencies in the world thought they did. And if you were referring to the war on terror, I advise you to talk to the families of the 9/11 Attack.

Again, I point out your faulty logic. You talk about immorality, but you claim that cheating on your wife who you have been with for many years is acceptable. How does that work?

Yes, John McCain cheated. Get him out of office. But the office of the presidency is far more prestigious and should be approached with higher honor. Cheat after your terms, I don’t care. But don’t do it WHILE in office.

And if you claim to see the fault in all politicians, then you are again wrong, due to the fact you see little to no fault in Clinton.

philosopher's avatar

I know all the dirt on Bush. I have knowledge but I can not say from where. I have information few do. I would never say in any public forum.
I do not care what you think.
I would vote for Lou Dobbs because he sees both side. In most situations despite that he supports the NRA.
Obviously you are too narrowed to see anything objectively.
Bush allowed China to obtained our Smart Bomb technology. This is one thing I can say.
I won’t debate with you because your are too negative and have a mind like a brick wall.
I know the truth from people who would never speak with you.
I agree to disagree.
I am an American and want what is best for America. Compromise is best not endless debating. Congress should cut their salaries and benefits to balance the budget.

Maximillian's avatar

@philosopher Hold your tongue. I have been respectful towards you, and I would appreciate you keep insults away.

You claim I am narrow minded and have a mind like a brick wall. For one, you don’t not even know me. You also said you looked for politicians who see both sides of the argument. Well, for that too happen, you must actually talk with people like me. And you have so arrogantly refused to do so by saying, “I don’t care what you think.”

I will believe you and your ‘knowledge’ on Bush when you reveal your sources. It sounds very conspiracy-like. And what truth? Your credibility desires much review.

I was born in the US, I live in the US, and I plan on dying in the US. I too want is best for my country. And that is debate and talk among people to come to the best solution for our problems.

Refrain from calling me, or others, ‘narrow-minded’ when you yourself refuse to listen.

(BTW, I agree with you on Congress and benefits.)

Jabe73's avatar

This is old but I was ready to ask a similar question myself.

@philosopher There are centralist Republicans and Democrats that would fall in this category. No politician is an island (no matter how outspoken they are). Even on the issues you mentioned someone will always have a different opinion. Even the founding fathers had alot of disagreements amongst each other. There will never be an all around universal standard which every person will agree on. The only thing that is certain with anything (including politics) is change.

I agree with your core arguments but I do not think there will ever be a truely independent president. John F Kennedy was probally the closest we ever had to what you are describing and look at what happened to him.

philosopher's avatar

All we seem to have to choose from is the extreme Conservatives and extreme Liberals.
No real leadership. No one does what is best for American’s. They represent the Lobbyist, the drug companies, the world and big business. They do not represent the working Middle Class. That makes this country run,.
They all speak party rhetoric not the facts. They only learn when the issues affect their families. For example Nancy Regan on the issue of stem Cells.
The Democrats are no better. Obama placates the terrorist. They threaten America and he wants to negotiate at our expense.
They all make me sick.
Most people can not comprehend that neither party has it right.

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Maximillian's avatar

Neither party has it right. You’re correct. However, until we can get a party like that, we are forced to settle for a lesser evil. Thing is, that lesser evil is different for every person. And there have been some great leaders from both parties. So, yeah.

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