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MarcoNJ's avatar

Tap you drink it? If not, why?

Asked by MarcoNJ (946points) April 26th, 2010
49 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

I drink it regularly – without a filter. I let the water run for a few seconds, then fill a tall glass of it in the mornings. Ah…refreshing! I figure, “Hey, I brush my teeth with it, shower in it, rinse my apples in it before eating. I even drank right out of a water hose as a kid…so it gotta be good. Right?” But with bottled water so prevalent these days, I was wondering if others still drink it. Or am I an oddity?

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TexasDude's avatar

I drink it.

eponymoushipster's avatar

I have an on-tap filter that i use.

squidcake's avatar

I hate drinking bottled water. It tastes nice but, damn, I feel so wasteful.
I can’t drink tap water either because it’s not exactly clean where I live.
So I’m all about water filters.

Violet's avatar

No, because I just don’t like the taste. Even with a special filter, it tastes bad to me. You’re right, I do use tap water to brush my teeth… but it tastes like mint : )
I still use bottled water, but I’ll only drink specific brands.

Fly's avatar

I do not drink tap water. While many people disagree with me, I find that water has a taste. Tap water has a taste that makes me gag, while bottled water is tolerable. I hate that I waste so much plastic doing so, but that’s the only way I get enough water.

grandiosity's avatar

Often, bottled water is left stored for a long time. This allows the plastic of the bottles to contaminate the water. Tap sometimes tastes like s”“t, it’s cleaner than bottled fo sho.

JLeslie's avatar

Yes, I drink it, usually filtered, but I’ll drink from the tap also.

Jeremycw1's avatar

I drink it. But my water comes from a well so it’s filtered through the ground all ready. Well water is the best :)

TexasDude's avatar

spoiler alert: most bottled water comes from municipal water supplies

rangerr's avatar

@Fly Water has a taste when there are nasty chemicals in it.

We have an water filter pitcher that I use.. I won’t drink our tap water straight.
The ranch has well water, so I’ll drink that.

@squidcake I don’t do bottled water. I have a reusable bottle that most fast food/gas stations will let you refill with filtered water.

JLeslie's avatar

My husband won’t drink directly from the tap, but a Brita filter is sufficient. It’s a leftover from being raised in Mexico from what I can tell. For some reason he thinks the filter makes it ok, even though the filter is not for bacteria and parasites, it’s for the chemicals. He thinks I am totally nuts if I drink from the sink in the bathroom, supposedly, according to him, that is way worse than the water from the kitchen sink LOL. Totally illogical.

unique's avatar

i do! my city has tap water rated the cleanest of any us city, woohoo.
plus, plastic bottles suck

pearls's avatar

I only drink bottled water. Tap water now tastes like it has chemicals in it.

MarcoNJ's avatar

@JLeslie I’m the same way as your husband. Even though its the same water running through the same pipes, something about the bathroom makes drinking tap water unappealing. Probably the sight of the toilet.

JLeslie's avatar

@MarcoNJ Funny. We all have our quirks. :)

WestRiverrat's avatar

I drink it. I also drink river/stream water when I am hiking/camping. I do have a water purification device and some tablets that I use while camping.

janbb's avatar

Tap water – both Brita filtered and straight.

Kismet's avatar

No, we have a spout for filtered water to use for drinking instead, because we use well water.

MarcoNJ's avatar

@Jeremycw1 I always wanted to try Well water. But the closest one is two towns away. Not really convenient.

CMaz's avatar

Only if I have to. Too many nastys in it.

hannahsugs's avatar

Growing up, I always drank tap water, and I still do when I’m at my parent’s house. However, where I live now, the tap water has a very pronounced chemical taste and smell that I really don’t like. It tastes a lot different than tap water where I grew up (and when I was at college).

Therefore, we drink filtered water, that we get in (reusable!) 5 gallon jugs from this kind of vending machine. It doesn’t cost much ($1.25 for 5 gallons), and it tastes so much better. Those vending machines just filter the city tap water, so I know I could probably do the same with a filter at home, but frankly this is easier, and I’d worry about bacteria and stuff growing in a home-filter.

When I’m out at a restaurant or something, I don’t order bottled water, I just drink the tap water that they bring. I don’t love the taste but with a LOT of ice or a squeeze of lemon, it’s tolerable. Or sometimes I bring a water bottle that I filled up at home and discretely drink from that.

philosopher's avatar

I drink filtered water.

eden2eve's avatar

I don’t drink tap water… ever. I have a friend who serviced the machinery and filtration devices for municipal water treatment plants, and he told me some pretty scary stories.

I buy filtered water from grocery stores and put them in my own refillable bottles. It’s quite reasonable in price, and I know it’s fresh. If I could, I’d shower in filtered water, but I just have to bite the bullet on that one.

MarcoNJ's avatar

@eden2eve I’ve heard of homes with water filters installed. I never did look into the pricing of that though.

philosopher's avatar

I use to have a filter in the refrigerator.
I currently have a refrigerator with filtered water. I have ice and water.

YARNLADY's avatar

Our tap water is totally undrinkable. We drink only filtered. The water company is currently doing renovations on the supply system pipes, and what comes out of the tap is often rusty crud.

aprilsimnel's avatar

NYC tap water is some of the best on Earth. It comes from the Croton Reservoir upstate.

Adagio's avatar

Tap water + Brita filter + running the cold tap for 2 minutes first thing every morning prior to filling up the jug.

MissAnthrope's avatar

It depends on where I am and how the tap water tastes. I’ve lived in multiple cities, states, and countries over the past decade and I can tell you that every place’s tap water tastes different. Another consideration I had in WV is that the state is so polluted, the waterways contaminated with anything from acid mine drainage to absurd levels of estrogen, that I did not trust the tap water enough to drink it regularly. It also is quite hard and unless you drink it with ice immediately, has a nasty mineral taste (not like the yummy mineral taste of Pellegrino or Perrier).

MagicalMystery's avatar

i drink tap water, when i’m home or at someone’s house. i only drink bottled water for convenience, like when i’m out shopping and i want water. to me, to drink bottled in the house is a waste of plastic bottles and money.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I think it tastes gross so not really. I do like the taste of distilled water though so I get that in 1 gallon jugs.

jazmina88's avatar

i dont drink it….but i didnt think about water in restaurants. Too many chemicals. people pour rx down the drain. too many icky things we dont know about.

rangerr's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Holy crap, that is fantastic!

ChocolateReigns's avatar

I absolutely abhor city water. I only drink water when it’s from a private well and it goes through a water softener first. That was pretty much all I drank growing up, and now I have a specific way water should taste or I don’t drink it. And I know it’s terrible unhealthy, or so they say.

janbb's avatar

The water in NYC is some of the best, cleanest and tastiest water in the country. It comes from reservoirs upstate.

charliecompany34's avatar

for some reason tap water from a bathroom or kitchen sink does not taste like water from the fridge dispenser. i crush the ice from the fridge and pull water from that same source. when i mix that same dispensed ice from the fridge and draw water from the tap in a bathroom, tap water tastes flat.

JLeslie's avatar

@charliecompany34 Most fridge dispensers have a filter, unless it is a fairly old fridge. Even if there is no filter, if the water is colder from the fridge it would most likely taste better, or have less taste.

hearkat's avatar

We have the Brita filter on the tap, and a Brita pitcher for the fridge… so the drinking water is double-filtered, and the cooking water and what I wash veggies and fruits with is single-filtered.

kenmc's avatar

I grew up in a house that has well water. It’s the best water I’ve ever drank. Well water ftw.

snowberry's avatar

I don’t. I use bottled. I wish I didn’t have to bathe in it because it smells so bad.

philosopher's avatar

Plastic that is not green has chemicals that are unhealthy. Especially when exposed to heat.
Filtered water is less expensive.
I use bottles when I am out of the house.
Bactria can get in when they are reused.
I have a green water Bottle for working out.

snowberry's avatar

@philosopher Oh, I know. Am in the process of saving up for a proper water filter. Until then I’m using bottled because it doesn’t have a lot of the problems of our drinking water, but it certainly isn’t perfect. I looked into Brita, which is also plastic but allows fluoride as well which I don’t want. Hey, you’re preaching to the choir here. You have to choose your battles. Thanks for the comment.

philosopher's avatar

I did not mean to preach. I wanted to be helpful.
It is not easier for any of us. The FDA is a failure.

snowberry's avatar

@philosopher You didn’t preach. You were giving me information you thought I didn’t know. I might have done the same.

What’s interesting about water filters is that I have not found one that did not have plastic in it. I did find a distiller that was all glass and steel, but it’s not wise to drink distilled water all the time, which meant I’d be adding trace minerals back into the water after I distilled it.

I am also looking into an alkaline/acidic water machine that will both filter the water and give the added benefit of alkaline or acidic pH. I’m wondering if that will provide enough benefit to reduce or eliminate the problem with the plastic construction.

I was just about to purchase a water system, had my money all saved up, and found out my daughter has to take a trip. So I’m finishing buying her ticket, and then starting all over. What fun!

Jeremycw1's avatar

@MarcoNJ I guess there are some benefits living in rural Wyoming haha

hearkat's avatar

@snowberry: I seem to recall a conversation about water a while back, and someone mentioned Reverse Osmosis systems… Have you looked into those?

I’ll see if I can search for that post… it was a long time ago.
Ahhh… Here it is.

But there have been other posts discussing it since, that may be more helpful, so you might want to look through these.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I grew up on well water and could never get used to how nasty municipal water is. Drinking it is actually not as bad as bathing in it though. You’ll get more contaminants transdermally than by drinking them.

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