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ShwartzAndCompany's avatar

How long does a miscarriage last?

Asked by ShwartzAndCompany (93points) May 4th, 2010
27 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

I’ve heard that the bleeding shouldn’t last more than two weeks, but is it possible for it to last a month or longer? And is it possible for some of the tissue to come out one day, and not again for a few days later, and this goes on for several weeks? Is this usually possible or is something going wrong?

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wilma's avatar

If this is happening I would see a Dr. right away. There could be some tissue left inside the uterus that needs to be taken care of.

janbb's avatar

I second that – you need to go see your OB-GYN.

skfinkel's avatar

Check with a doctor—bleeding might be normal, but all tissue should be gone. Were you under the care of a doctor when you had the miscarriage? If not, I think you should get to one right away.

ShwartzAndCompany's avatar

I am only fifteen. I’m scared to go to the doctor.

janbb's avatar

Oh honey, but you really need to. Do your folks know what is going on and are you sure you were pregnant?

casheroo's avatar

@ShwartzAndCompany sweetie, don’t be scared. they will not tell your parents.

are you sure you were pregnant? did you get a positive pregnancy test?
I’ve had multiple miscarriages, but never had excessive bleeding with them, just a lot in the beginning then it slowed down. Every woman’s body is different. You are young, and it’s your first miscarriage..I’d go to a doctor to make sure if you actually had one, and to see if everything has left your body.

ShwartzAndCompany's avatar

There is no doubt in my mind that I really did have a miscarriage. I just worry that all of it hasn’t left my body… And no my parents have no idea.

janbb's avatar

If you have nowhere else to go, maybe ask a friend to go to an emergency room of a hospital with you. You may have to wait a while, but you should get help there. Another place to go would be the Planned Parenthood office in your area.

ShwartzAndCompany's avatar

The only person who knows is my boyfriend. I told him last night. I wasn’t going to but I figured he’d want to know. I can’t bring myself to tell anyone else, but I don’t know how I’m going to get to the doctor without someone else knowing…

janbb's avatar

Well, you can either have your boyfriend take you to one of the places I suggested above, or tell your folks and have them take you to the doctor or somewhere else.

ShwartzAndCompany's avatar

My boyfriend can’t drive, and my parents would freak. I know this sounds naive and childish, but I don’t want them to assume I’ve been sleeping around and just brought this on myself. They would just leave me to deal with it.

janbb's avatar

How about phoning the Planned Parenthood office in your area and talking to them about the problem? They will be the most able to help you.

ShwartzAndCompany's avatar

Thank you. I’ll try that.

janbb's avatar

Good luck with it, sweetie.

ShwartzAndCompany's avatar

I think getting over the emotional part will be even harder

janbb's avatar

That’s for sure. They may have counselors there to help you with that too.

ShwartzAndCompany's avatar

I hope so. Thank you so much for your help :)

slick44's avatar

@ShwartzAndCompany listen to @janbb .. they have family planning clinics that will help you, and you may not have to get your parents involved. But you really should tell them the truth, you would be suprised how supportive they can be, I have been through something similar when i was young and was affraid to tell, Glad i did. :)

wilma's avatar

Calling Planned Parenthood or your local Public health clinic would be a very good idea. They can answer your questions, help you get medical treatment if you need it and I believe keep your confidence. Do it right away.
and please let us know that you are OK

Sophief's avatar

I had a miscarriage when I was 21, I didn’t even know I was pregnant. It only lasted a few days though. Have you been to the hospital? How far along were you?

ShwartzAndCompany's avatar

@Sophief I was no more than six or seven weeks along. I haven’t been to the hospital, since no one knows about it except for me. And I told my boyfriend last night.

Sophief's avatar

@ShwartzAndCompany How does your boyfriend feel about it? I think you should at least see a doctor, a female doctor, and let her check you out. She won’t tell anyone.

ShwartzAndCompany's avatar

@Sophief He was pretty much just shocked, but we didn’t talk much because I was crying quite a bit. He just kept saying he didn’t know what to say and that he wished he could help.

jazmina88's avatar

i had periods that lasted 6 weeks. get checked out and put on hormones. for your sanity and health.

MagsRags's avatar

@ShwartzAndCompany I’m a Certified Nurse Midwife/OB-GYN nurse practitioner, so I have lots of professional experience in this area.

I’m guessing you must have missed a period and then had a positive pregnancy test? When did the bleeding start and how has it progressed? The most common scenario is similar to what @casheroo described. It usually starts with some spotting that happens off and on for a few days to a few weeks. When the miscarriage is actually happening, the bleeding escalates and cramping starts. Eventually, the cramping and bleeding get very intense for a little while and then the woman passes tissue – it looks more like uncooked muscle meat maybe with whitish grayish smooth stretchy fibrous membranes. If it just looks like liver, it might only be blood clots and not the actual pregnancy.

If the miscarriage is complete, bleeding and cramping settle down pretty quickly after that. Most women will have their next period about a month later if it was a complete miscarriage. They might spot up until then. After that, things should be back to normal. Most women who are 6 weeks or less are able to safely miscarry on their own. Sometime though, part of the pregnancy stays attached inside the uterus and then medical help is needed. If bleeding or cramping increase at any point after a miscarriage you need medical attention. You have a possibility of developing an infection, or starting to hemorrhage. If you don’t have a normal period within 6 weeks of a miscarriage you also need medical attention, because you may have retained tissue. It’s even possible that you may still have a viable pregnancy rare but I’ve seen it happen with women who were convinced they had had a miscarriage.

You also need medical attention regardless of whether you had a complete miscarriage or not because you need a blood test to see if you’re Rh negative or not – hopefully not, because if you are you should have had a shot of rhogam within 72 hours of the bleeding episode to prevent problems with pregnancies in the future.

I agree with @janbb – Planned Parenthood is a great place to start. When it comes to reproductive services, you’re legally allowed to consent for yourself and they charge on a sliding scale based on your personal income. Please call them ASAP. And once you make it through this crisis, they can help you choose a reliable contraceptive method if you plan to continue being sexually active.

You can contact me via private comments if you want.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Please follow the excellent advice you have been given. Failing to do so could affect your health and even your ability to have a baby when you are older and you are ready to do so.
You are young, but you are a woman and you need to get proper medical attention for your reproductive system. You will be fine if you go get the medical help you need.

blueberry_kid's avatar

Call a doctor.

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