General Question

kfingerman's avatar

California Desert Backpacking

Asked by kfingerman (1012points) March 14th, 2008
2 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

I’m looking for a three or four night loop to do the week after next. Most of my backcountry experience is mountains, but this time of year I’m thinking maybe something like Joshua Tree or Death Valley/Eastern Sierra areas. Maybe a bit warmer/drier and there’s the wildflower factor. Also…hot springs? I’m willing to drive a ways out of the SF area. Any suggestions? Favorite spots? Tips? The more specific the better.

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jenlk1207's avatar

Joshua Tree is always nice in the spring, as for hot springs I’ve heard Bay Tree Springs or Warner Hot Springs are nice which is close to the Riverside/San Diego County border somewhere. I’ve never been there, but live not to far from the area. You could probably google search it for its exact location. Good luck and have fun

Charlie's avatar

Try the BLUE CUT mountains outside of LA. Take your Gold pan too since they have had alot of rain. Not only a good trip but you could hit the big one!!!

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