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Ponderer983's avatar

Anyone else feel as moved as I did by American Idol?

Asked by Ponderer983 (6416points) May 18th, 2010
19 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

This pains me to ask, because I hate shows like American Idol and Dancing with the Stars and all that, but I happened to have the TV on Fox from a previous show and I left Idol on the background. All of the sudden I heard Lee Dewyze sing “Hallelujah” and I stopped dead in my tracks! I had a pang go through me and was so moved by the performance. I thought it was amazing and I have found myself watching it over and over again on the internet. Did anyone else see it and have as strong of a reaction to it as I did?

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zenele's avatar

Yes. I love him and Crystal and it’ll be hard to see one of them lose…

But second place has done well for most – who remembers last year’s winner? But Adam Lambert (number 2) has only just begun…

AmWiser's avatar

Sorry, I missed it tonight. I’ll have to watch it on the internet.

lillycoyote's avatar

I must confess, I am an Idol fan, but I don’t really ever get moved by it. I like the good, the bad and the ugly of it. The dreams smashed, the dreams deferred and the dreams realized, that part gets to me, the narrative of the whole season. Lee Dewze’s performance was very good though.

zenele's avatar

@lillycoyote Didn’t you cry with Crystal when she choked up and started crying at the end of her song? Didn’t you cry (out in horror) when David Archiletta somehow survived to the end, making us listen to his annoying little whine, waiting bated breath for David Cooke to sing something genius like Billy Jean?


lillycoyote's avatar

@zenele No, sorry. I’m a cold-hearted bitch. :-)

evandad's avatar

That song is always inspiring. My favorite versions are by Jeff Buckley and Leonard Cohen (It was written by Cohen) I didn’t see the show, but I love the song.

zenele's avatar

@lillycoyote Will you make us some tea then and listen to some old tunes in this thread with me?

lillycoyote's avatar

I would love to @zenele. Thanks for the invitation. And I’m not really a cold-hearted bitch, I’m not bad, I’m just drawn that way. :)

zenele's avatar

@lillycoyote I know. But it’s sexy when you say it.

jonsblond's avatar

The only moment that moved me this season was Michael Lynche- This Woman’s Work

zenele's avatar

@jonsblond I’d actually make a tape of his songs on idol this season – Big Mike = awesomeness.

jonsblond's avatar

@zenele That’s a man I would pay to see. :)

zenele's avatar

Me too. and Maybe Crystal. But not Lee – though I like him.

Ponderer983's avatar

@jonsblond REALLY? I loved Big Mike this season from what I have seen, but I don’t know that this performance was better than Lee’s in my opinion. Maxwell’s version is much bettter, though this is good. For Maxwell to with stand the notes he did for the whole song is amazing. But I have spent a good part of this night listening to all the versions of Hallelujah that I can find, and I feel none of them come even close to Lee’s version. I can just feel his soul being poured into it. The original by Leonard Cohen is good because of its somber nature, but Lee’s just blows me away.

jazmina88's avatar

That song is one of my faves and I teared up. and Crystal gave me chills.

Is Casey doing kara the judge?? They both blush and the other judges are choking back sarcasm.

zenele's avatar

@jazmina88 She’s happily married, but there’s no bad press – only press – so she’s enojying it.

jazmina88's avatar

@zenele What, those glances and blushes are fake?? for ratings.??

Rufus_T_Firefly's avatar

I usually feel a bowel movement coming on whenever I’m subjected to American Idol.

lillycoyote's avatar

@Rufus_T_Firefly Interesting. I usually only feel a movement coming on when listening to classical music, not when listening to pop music.

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