Social Question

see_turtle's avatar

Is it possible to become more insightful, enhance one's people skills, and become better at knowing people? If so, how?

Asked by see_turtle (31points) May 19th, 2010
8 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

I am frustrated by my inability to give my girlfriend sound advice on a variety of life issues. It’s something she asks for that I seem unable to provide for her and is therefore one of the main constraints on our relationship. Prior to this relationship, I was involved with people who didn’t point out this deficiency so I have managed to move through life until my late 20’s without “fixing” the problem. I would like to be better at explaining why people do what they do, explaining to her when a fear is irrational or legitimate, etc. so that I can provide her with insight, but sometimes when she asks me questions I truly don’t know how to respond. Please help!

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Silhouette's avatar

Yes it’s possible and probable. First step is knowing yourself and to understand the impact that you have on other people. If you just pay attention to those around you and really see them, hear them and relate to them, you will learn what you need to know through osmosis.

CMaz's avatar

It is how I roll. So yes.
How? Listen, think and ask questions. Always reflect (honestly) on what you have heard. Most important, it takes time to develop. Though I was intuitive at an early age.

marinelife's avatar

Listening is the key. Listen to what the people around you say. Listen to how they react to other situations.

You can provide your girlfriend with guidance based on your own life experience or you can provide her with problem-solving help. If she lays out a dilemma for you, you can say, “Well, what is your initial feeling about this?” Then listen to what she says. Then, give her encouragement if you think her initial feeling is correct. Or, pose a question to make her think about another possible response.

bunnygrl's avatar

@Silhouette well said honey. It’s just experience is all. Listening to people, paying attention to the world around you. I know so much more now than I did maybe 9 or 10 years ago because of experiences I’ve had, some good, lots of bad ones.

Re: your question, just by virtue that someone has a fear, makes it legimate, honey. It might seem silly or very un-scary to someone else but to the person it has a grip on, it is very real, very frightening, and can be traumatising. Someone telling you its silly or to pull youself together does not ever help. However, if that same person was to just listen, thats all, just listen and be there when you’re needed, fears can be gotten over. I was trapped at home for such a long time and the amount of time hubby spent just listening to me, wrapping his arms around me, telling me it’ll be fine. and just making sure I talked about it, and… listening. If it hadn’t been for him, well I wouldn’t be able to do the things I can now (even though I still get the wobbles now and again).

You care about your girlfriend sweetheart, and thats worth more than a hundred “Dear Abbey” columns.
hugs xx

partyparty's avatar

@bunnygrl GA (hugs) :-)

bunnygrl's avatar

@partyparty <throws mountains of hugs> xx

Cruiser's avatar

Good people skills is a learned “art” and like @marinelife pointed out truly starts with listening. Listening to what they say is key but more importantly listening with both your ears and eyes. Non-verbal cues are critical in that more often than not, and I can’t stress this more,...more often than not, what people are saying or asking is not really what is on their mind or bothering them or driving that conversation. Tip of the iceberg is usually the case and the expert “listener” will look for cues that help reveal what is really at hand. This is where gentle nudges by reiterating their statements so they can confirm, or deny or add to what was previously said and repeating this process until a productive and meaningful exchange has occurred.

Also don’t be afraid to admit you don’t have all the answers and always acknowledge their taking the time to confide in you and you will become a valued and trusted resource when things are on their mind.

perspicacious's avatar

The general answer is to be around people and listen more than you speak.

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