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cornbird's avatar

How best to live with a woman?

Asked by cornbird (1750points) May 20th, 2010
17 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

When you are dating someone, they may seem to be really sweet and things may go well, but when you decide to live with them..things may get alittle uncomfortable. Women out there, can you tell me the do’s and dont’s that is common in living with your partner?

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jazmina88's avatar

put the toilet lid down.
be prepared for moods, at least if you are with me
be loving, compassionate, full of surprises, dont let it get old.

Help clean the house.

mcbealer's avatar


don’t let it break down of course, this is universal, non-gender specific advice :D

Trillian's avatar

Shut up and do what you’re told!

cornbird's avatar

@Trillian Thats seems to be the answer that works for everything.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Yes, help clean the house!

Otherwise, I’m pretty easy going, myself. When there’s a disagreement (sorry, it’s inevitable), fight fair. “I feel” statements, not “You always/never” statements.

chyna's avatar

Help do the cleaning, washing, cooking, dishes, and don’t complain about it.
When you do argue, be willing to be the first to make up. Still have a date night as often as possible. Small, thoughtful gifts or gestures are always welcome. If she has a favorite candy bar, pick one up for her every now and then. Wash her car on occasion. It’s the small things that add up to big things.

MissA's avatar

Be kind, thoughtful, sensual, impromptu…reciprocate in handling responsibilities…and, if you make her laugh, well, that’ll be heaven.

If your woman is happy, your life will be delicious.

YARNLADY's avatar

Whenever you feel things aren’t going right, just remember love her, simply love her

janbb's avatar

Don’t give her “glass of water ” solutions when what she wants is for you to feel her pain.

xxii's avatar

Communicate. If she does something that bugs you, let her know early on and in a polite way. Don’t be silently resentful. Never be silently resentful.

shego's avatar

When buying stuff don’t do buy something for you, get something you both will enjoy. And small little surprises are nice, like cooking dinner, or foot massage. Sit and cuddle and watch a chick flick with her.

Silhouette's avatar

Don’t pick a fight so you can go out with your buddies, you want to go say so. If she asks you to take out the trash there is a 99.9% chance she means right now, not after the ball game. Don’t hog the covers. Don’t forget the milk she asked you to pick up on our way home.

Really, just remember why you like her in the first place, talk a little, laugh a lot and don’t sweat the petty shit. Lots of petty shit comes up when you share a roof.

meagan's avatar

Listen to her. Don’t blow her off.
Don’t piss on the toilet. And clean up after yourself.


Neizvestnaya's avatar

No silent treatment
Don’t leave pee on the toilet seat
Take out the garbage
Show appreciation for any housework done
Offer foot rubs & back rubs
Try to make good sex last more than the time you devote to gaming or at least say you wish it would ;)
Treat her to a manicure and pedicure now and then
Bring flowers once a month if you know she likes them, even mini marts sell them
A bathtub soak and then cuddling with nibbles and candles works well to soothe PMS
If you have a heated argument then don’t call names and don’t ever say “F—k you”. Those are things you can never un say and your partner can never un hear them. Said one time too many and you will start a seed of bitterness growing that will kill respect, desire and the want to be together. I’ve learned this one the hard way.

chels's avatar

@meagan Hide porn? Really? I’d much rather a guy not hiding porn. Actually, not hiding anything for that matter.

chels's avatar

There aren’t really any do’s and dont’s of living with my fiancĂ©.

We help each other out. There isn’t anything that either one of us does that the other doesn’t do. (Well except maybe the laundry because I love doing laundry. Oh and making the bed.)

I don’t really think that you need to go by what anyone else says. Each relationship dynamic is different. Each relationship is different. Just go with the flow and trust your gut.
Honestly if a guy left the toilet seat up, it really wouldn’t bother me, but as you can see it bothers others. Lots of the women said “bring flowers” or “buy her things ever now and again” but really.. that’s not even close to being important to me or even wanted by me.

The only real important answers I’ve seen on this thread have one word in common: Communication. Communicate effectively and all will be well.

perspicacious's avatar

“Really sweet and things may go well….” Is this your criteria for living with someone? There’s your problem.

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