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beautifulbobby193's avatar

[NSFW] Is it unusual that a males high sex drive remains as strong into his 30's as it was in his teens, without ever being curbed?

Asked by beautifulbobby193 (1699points) May 21st, 2010
14 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

According to various sources it seems men on average hit their sexual peaks around their late teens while women hit theirs in their early thirties. I accept that this will vary from person to person.

But is it normal for a male to maintain this peak and desire for many years without being curbed, despite multiple and regular sexual experiences? To the point where he* (just as a curious and sex obsessed teenage boy would) finds it difficult to turn down spontaneous sexual opportunities that present themselves, even when in a relationship?

*Err… not me.

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filmfann's avatar

This is not my experience.
Middleschool and High School years are cursed with constant, unwelcome erections at the most inappropriate times. At least in your twenties such things don’t happen as often.

beautifulbobby193's avatar

In this case (I am told…) that the random erections have not carried on from the teenage years, only the desire.

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Coloma's avatar

No. I think your issues are more psychological in nature, perhaps you use sex as some sort of addicitve way of feeling desirable or as an ego boost.

Younger men may have a strong sex drive but you are in charge. If you are unable to turn down random sexual encounters or are always looking for opportunities without regard to a partners feelings I think you need some help.

Sex and love addiction is symptomatic of low self esteem and the need for validation, it is not about the actual sexual drive.

jazmina88's avatar

I like boners.

@coloma low self-esteem? :( At least he doesnt seem like a pedophile. If there are willing women, there is a willing man.

Coloma's avatar


Oh God no more pedophile discussions, aaaah…( running away screaming, haha )

ETpro's avatar

It is not uncommon, but it is not the most usual of things. Human behavior fits a bell curve. THe most “normal” people are those tiny few that fall right at the top of the curve. For any given issue, almost all of us lie above or belwo that exact mean. Asking of someone happens to fall on the mean is a poorly formed question. Judging them because they do not is terribly unfair. So long as someones deviation from the mean isn’t so extreme that they have a difficult time integrating into gentele society, consider it just a unique part of who they are, not something that needs to be adjusted to fit them into the homogeneous perfection of a one-size-fits-all society that does not exist.

jazmina88's avatar

if you are a scorpio….you have a crazy sex drive anyhow.

FutureMemory's avatar

Erections don’t happen near as frequently or quickly, but other than that it’s still warp speed ahead, Mr. Scott!

tb1570's avatar

Speaking from my own personal experience, I don’t think it is unusual at all. If it is, then I also am unusual! If anything, I found that my sex drive may actually have increased throughout my 30s! Sometimes I actually look forward to the day when my libido slows a little so that I can calm down a little and relax. But as it is now, I’m still a raging bag of hormones most the time, and have yet to find a woman who can keep up with me. And I don’t even know if it’s soley a sex thing, or just a complete fascination and obsession with the female form, every inch it, from top to bottom, both inside and out, but with a special inclination for her “nether regions”... But it is also worth noting that for me, this does not translate in to being a womanizer or a cheater within the boundries of a committed relationship. If anything, it is usually just the opposite—if I am in a relationship w/ a woman I genuinely care for, then I completely fall for her and her only, and it really becomes as if there is no other woman in the world who interests me even in the slightest. I want her and her only, because she is the one I am in love with and absolutely crazy about! I find that if I am in love with a woman, then I don’t even like talking to other women for the most part, and certainly feel very uncomfortable if another woman shows interest in me. Jeez, just reading my own words, I’m beginning to realize how crazy I sound!!

FutureMemory's avatar

@tb1570 Agree whole-heartedly. No matter my relationship status I find it difficult not to look at an attractive woman, but other than that I feel exactly the same as you do. Excellent post my man, just excellent!

MrsDufresne's avatar

Nope, it isn’t unusual. It tend to taper off a bit at 40.

casheroo's avatar

I know plenty of men who are in committed relationships (married or not) who can contain themselves.
I have talked to many other women and it seems that (some) men seem to have a dip closer to their 30s.

little8632g's avatar

im a healthy, handsome, virile, wild 43 year old and i am wwaayy more sexual then i was in my teens (and i was pretty sexual) – way better too. Im with my soulmate 23 yrs now and she rocks my world and i rock hers. sometimes i get high to put a spin on it – mostly i dont. weve tried 3somes and 4somes – i loved them, she did too but cant handle the debaucherous aspects – lol – i rather like that about it – lol. I LOVE EROTIC WILD SEX! haha

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