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bplayerjt's avatar

What is the military recruiting process and how long is it?

Asked by bplayerjt (1points) May 23rd, 2010
2 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

what do you have to do and go,how long from signing to shipping off?

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Seaofclouds's avatar

It all depends on the recruit’s personal situation and what they are enlisting for. The first step is to talk to a recruiter. I started talking to a recruiter in December 1998 for the Army National Guard. I signed my enlistment papers in February 1999 and started attending drill with my unit that month. I was still a senior in high school, so I did not go to basic training until after graduation (June 1999).

jerv's avatar

I was in DEP (Delayed Entry Program) for over a year, so I have to say that it varies.

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