Social Question

warwickmcghee's avatar

Can strangers make sure drunk girls get home safely without appearing to have sexual intentions?

Asked by warwickmcghee (212points) June 2nd, 2010
24 responses
“Great Question” (5points)

on the weekend, at a bar/club i saw someone i know from university, not real well only casual buddies, and she was so drunk she couldnt talk lol she came up to me and i told her,
‘you probably need to go home, want me to get you a taxi?’
she responded that she wanted to go home and so we left the place and went to the taxi rank together. i waited in line with her and she got in a taxi and i got into my own one, as i was pretty drunk and ready to go home myself.

i havent seen her since and i dont really wanna approach her about it as she may feel embarrassed.

overheard her buddies at uni today laughin about how drunk she got. pissed me off, as i reckon it shoulda been their role to look after their friend.

should i be concerned that people may take this the wrong way? as in myself appearing like a random preying on the drunk chics

keep in mind that i was drunk and that i dont remember exactly what happened.

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mrentropy's avatar

I don’t think you need to worry about it. You did a nice thing, just to be happy about that and to Hell with anyone who has a problem with it.

On the other hand, I drove a drunk woman home and it led to getting married a second time. As a side note, though, I wouldn’t worry about not seeing her again. If she gets that drunk then she would probably lead you to a world of hurt.

MissAusten's avatar

You can’t be responsible for the decisions and actions of others. You probably can’t even influence them, if they aren’t good friends of yours but only “casual acquaintances.”

Things like you describe happen too often, and that girl was lucky you were around to look after her. She might not always have such luck, especially if none of the people she goes out with will take on the responsibility of staying sober. At least you guys took cabs instead of driving.

When I was in college, my sorority had a program called Safe Sisters (or something like that). Every weekend, several girls would sign up to be “on call” in case they were needed to pick up a girl who was unable to drive and whose designated driver had bailed or gotten drunk anyway. We also had girls sign up for each big event, like formals or date parties, to act as designated drivers. It worked out pretty well. If a girl in my sorority got into a bad situation from drinking too much, I never heard about it (and as an officer, even president my senior year, odds are I would have heard about it).

There were also other groups on campus that had similar programs for their members. Unless you want to get involved with campus organizations that promote safe partying, or start a group like that yourself, the best you can do is look out for people you spend time with and encourage them to take care of each other. I hope it works out well. I had a good friend in college who was almost killed by a drunk driver. Even after she finally got out of the hospital, she had slight brain damage that impaired her short term memory and had to leave school. The person who hit her was an older man, not a college student who’d been out partying, and my friend had not been drinking. No one things something like that will happen to themselves or someone they care about.

Blackberry's avatar

I don’t see what the problem is, you didn’t get in the taxi with her. If someone labeled you as such for waiting with her, that’s more than extreme.

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ItsAHabit's avatar

You did the right thing. You could have taken someone else along (perhaps a female) to eliminate any concerns that others (or she) might later have.

tranquilsea's avatar

Any guy can seem like he is preying on a drunk girl but your actions spoke volumes about your good intentions. She’s lucky she had someone like you to help her out instead of the other type who would prey on her.

free_fallin's avatar

I’m a strong believer in the buddy system. My friends and I always pair up in order to look out for one another. On average we don’t get drunk enough to need each other but on the occasion it happens we have each other. You did an honorable thing.

john65pennington's avatar

“I don’t remember exactly what happened”. your last line in your question is reason for concern. what do you think?

tranquilsea's avatar

I tried the buddy system for the very first time I consumed alcohol and my buddy failed, failed, failed. She handed me over to the preying kind of guy. That was a hard lesson and subsequently I never drank in public, actually at all through those years. I became my friends’ designated driver from that point on.

warwickmcghee's avatar

i felt it absolutely neccessary to address that, as i was drunk i cannot reliably recall everything that occurred.
pretty sure nothing of a sexual nature occurred in the taxi line, if something did there would probably be a high chance that we would have woken up together instead of waking up at home by myself.

CMaz's avatar

Sometimes you help someone to help them.

That is what you did. Good job on a job well done.

perspicacious's avatar

I’m not sure why you are worried or what you are worried about. You just put her in a taxi. What??

Strauss's avatar

(Years ago) when I was a bartender, I lived less than a block away from the establishment. My room mate was female, so there was never any question of intention. Sure, there was the occasional one-night stand (on both our parts), but there was also the occasional “crash on the couch” as well.

Trillian's avatar

This marks you out as a true gentleman. I think it’s a bit much though that you are worried about her being embarrassed. If she gets drunk like that and has such shitty friends she probably doesn’t even know that she should be embarrassed. What part do you not remember? If you got into different taxi’s what would you need to remember? Unless you pawed her or something while waiting, but I got the impression that you were not that type.

josie's avatar

Huge difference between helping her into her own cab, and you getting in with her. There can be no misunderstanding about your good intentions in that case.

MissA's avatar

The fact that you’re concerned not only about another’s physical welfare, but their social welfare as well, says volumes about your character.

Rest easy…you slipped into a different cab. I’d attempt to refrain from getting so wasted. That wouldn’t appear to be natural for a guy like you. You’re a sweetheart.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

You did the right thing. What others think of it is of no consequence. You know that you acted as a gentleman should.

nebule's avatar

You sound like a nice guy xx

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

Hmm…..I still feel you are witholding something….why is this even an issue?

You put her in a taxi. (Right? Or don’t you remember?) Why do you feel your integrity would be in question?

Did someone see you do something inappropriate? Or?

If all you did was put her in a taxi….why should you even worry? If you can’t remember what you did….then how do you remember you put her in a taxi?

I think it’s a different issue altogether.

What I sense is that you want to connect with her without embarrassing her and you want to approach her…without seeming to be foward or putting her off. ( I think you rather like this girl..or would maybe like to get to know her better?) If that’s the case…..

Pull her aside by herself….“Hey, Hermione, I was at Club Facedown-in-the-Gutter the other night and you were really not looking well. I’m the knight in shining armor that called a taxi for you. Do you remember? Well, I stood in the taxi line and waited to make sure you were safe. I was just wanting to make sure that you were okay as I was worried about you.. And, here’s my number, just in case you ever get into another tight spot or if you want to go for a coffee sometime, that would be nice, too. ”

Your_Majesty's avatar

It appears that this tragedy has already happened and there’s nothing you could do to change their mind(I believe no one will really believe your story,except your real friends). Relax,there’s nothing they could do to accuse you. There might be a witness but there’s no proof,and without that ‘key’ it would remain a speculation. Just make sure next time(if the same tragedy happen again) you call her friends,some who authorized there,or someone you know will really take a good care of her instead of do it yourself. Thanks to you she’s safe and sound now. Imagine if it wasn’t for you she might already had a ‘sex’ with a stranger.

stardust's avatar

@warwickmcghee you sound like a nice guy. You did a good thing walking her to the taxi rank. There’s a possibility that she doesn’t remember how she got home if she was that drunk. Maybe she’s drawing a blank there. It doesn’t sound like you’ve anything to worry about though :)

augustlan's avatar

[mod says] Minor typos in title corrected via internal edit.

warwickmcghee's avatar

what i don’t recall is any of our converation, if any, in the taxi rank, or who was in the line.
at the time i was feeling bit down on another issue so i recall feeling like i wanted to go home anyway.

lillycoyote's avatar

All you have to do is escort her home without taking advantage of her and your job is done. And please don’t worry if either you or she will be embarassed. If she is drunk she probably won’t resist and if your intentions are good you will just escort her home and get her in the door. Don’t try to do too much more than that. And god bless you for caring and for being decent and for being a gentleman.

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