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SuperMouse's avatar

What current youth fashion trend do you find the most confusing/dismaying?

Asked by SuperMouse (30845points) June 14th, 2010
55 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

Inspired by a facebook status that garnered lots of comments, I ask, what current fashion trend do you find the most confusing, dismaying, or just plain ridiculous? I do not understand the whole concept of college boys wearing girls’ headbands to hold back their long hair. These are the very same headbands you see on four year-old girls and I cannot fathom what would make a 20-something boy want to wear one.

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Lightlyseared's avatar

The trousers below the butt thing.

deni's avatar

uggs. wanna shoot myself in the forehead every time i see a pair of those dumb ass shoes.

Seek's avatar

Boys with sickly skinny legs wearing girl pants.

Anyone displaying undergarments.

Scene Hair.

paying $100+ for pre-faded/ripped/patched jeans. Whoever does this is completely missing the point.

Wearing flannel pajama pants in non-bedtime situations. They are not flattering. To anyone. Ever.

It’s not current, but there was a small trend in my high school (circa about 2002) where everyone wore those cardboard birthday party hats. Blues Clues hats were the peak of popularity.

Likeradar's avatar

Those big ugly shoes worn with tight jeans. Not cute and they make kids look like freaking stupid inverted triangle clowns.

Buttonstc's avatar

…lookin’ like a fool with ya pants on the ground…

Seek's avatar

The big shoes are better than friggin’ flip flops all over the place. I do not want to be subjected to everyone’s dirty feet. Srsly.

Aster's avatar

How about this: guys wearing pink apparel, necklaces, bracelets and earrings. Esp those HUGE BLACK earrings. Do they want to be women and is this the trend? Next, they’ll be wearing womens’ underwear.
Wait. Aren’t they…..?

Likeradar's avatar

@Aster I think a lot of guys look great in pink. It’s just a color…

chyna's avatar

What are those earrings called that make the big holes in guys ears? It looks ridiculous to me.

ItsAHabit's avatar

Tattoos, especially ones that can never be hidden by clothing. The tattoo removing business should be a good one to get into in a few years.

envidula61's avatar

It’s not so much fashion, except that it seems to happen mostly with those low-riding pants, but I hate that thing where hip hop guys are always clutching their genitals when they talk or walk around. I mean, what the fuck? Are they afraid they’ve fallen off or something?

One wonders what it would be like in a future where people all did that at important moments in the conversation or something. Business people clutching genitals when they are close to a deal. Doctors clutching genitals when they have bad news. Construction workers clutching genitals to indicate the crane operator should stop. Soccer players clutching genitals to indicate… oh yeah. That already happens.

deni's avatar

Scene hair makes me spew too. If you spend more than a half hour and a half of bottle of gel to get your hair to stay in place, I see a problem and I sense a waste of a lot of time. Plus it looks dumb as hell.

Oh and wearing tights as pants. They are called tights because they aren’t pants. And tights as pants with ugg boots, watch out, i might vom on you.

CMaz's avatar

All the above. Adding: Shoes that are not meant to have the laces tied. And, not tying the laces.

Seek's avatar

Oh! @envidula61 absolutely!

And I can’t stand the constant figiting that comes with the “urban style” territory.

pull up my pants, adjust my shirt collar. Hat off. Hat on. Twist chain. Pinch chin. Shrug shoulders. Pull up pants, adjust shirt collar. Hat off. Hat on… sit still goddammit!

Lightlyseared's avatar

Skin tight clothing. I really don’t need to be able to examine every fold of someones body through their clothes.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I’m with the anti-scene hair folks. That whole trend baffles me. It’s HIDEOUS. :\

downtide's avatar

Anything that involves revealing underwear. Boys with their pants down past their butt, or girls with very low-cut pants and a thong showing.

ucme's avatar

Like this metro sexual vibe those dudes have going on.Like totally uncool guys.Radical & yet just not happening for you, like no way.Chillax dudes wear a smile instead, huh huh huh, cool.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

As @Seek_Kolinahr said,boys in skinny jeans is..not good turns to stone ;)

Aster's avatar

@chyna Did you know that when they remove the big , black earrings there is a foul ODOR that fills the room? Whatsup with that? Anyone?
@Seek_Kolinahr You are a riot !!

Aster's avatar

@envidula61 ....Pres Obama clutching genitals before a speech
on tv…

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@Aster that foul odor is basically dead skin cells and oils and dirt that builds up, quite similarly to a regular ear piercing. Even similar to belly button fluff. That jewelry needs to be cleaned really frequently in order to not, well, stink.

chyna's avatar

@Aster and @TheOnlyNeffie Yummy! Not. Plus your ear lobe is hanging down to your neck. Not a pleasant sight.

Zaku's avatar

Piercings and tattoos, because they (especially the piercings) make me cringe and are permanent.

Thong underwear.

Showing underwear. The pants-falling-down thing looks retarded and is annoying. It makes me want to kick them over for some reason. Oh right, because they are looking like retards while trying to be cool and rude showing me their underwear. Kick. It’s offensive and stupid, kind of like the bottom of my boot.

Pre-damaged jeans for silly amounts of money. I usually like kids to get what they need. They don’t need to spend silly amounts of money on stupid pre-damaged denim.

Cell phones.

(I am glad I don’t have to pay a whole lot of attention to current trends.)

aprilsimnel's avatar

@Likeradar – Re: this. Uh, I wore a similar outfit during the last <60 F degree day here, minus the jewel tone hoodie and tee. I hate scene hair, though. Looks dry and damaged. I’ll keep my natural long curls, thanks.

Aster's avatar

I have this sick fantasy of Yanking down some guy’s pants as I walk by if they’re mid-thigh. And yes; they are often able to hold them up when they’re at that level ! Better yet, I’d love to jump out of my car ,yank them down then speed off. ((-:

tinyfaery's avatar

Nothing. Complaining about today’s youth makes ya’ll sound like the conservative fashion police.

@SuperMouse Come on. I’m sure you had some outfits that others hated and you loved. What’s the big deal?

SuperMouse's avatar

@tinyfaery oh yes, no doubt I wore some doozies! I’m afraid I am showing my age with this question! I don’t think I am as offended by these things as I am scratching my head and wondering.

Draconess25's avatar

Pre-Ripped Jeans—The tears & rips should be earned, like a badge of what you’re been through.
Ugg Boots—It’s pathetically obvious what that stands for.
Crocs—Seriously, WTF?!?!
Maternity Blouses—Is this a universal thing, or just in my town? Or is everyone in my town preggers?
Name-Brand Logos—I really don’t care wear you got your shirt, & neither does the rest of the world.
Tucked-In Shirts—Seriously, it doesn’t matter if you’re anorexic. This makes you look fat!
T-Shirts Tucked Into Shorts—Again, only in my town?
Pants Tucked Into FootwearMaybe I can understand the shoes. But socks?!
White Crew Socks With Everything—There are different kinds of socks, you know.
Pinned-Back Bangs—If you have bangs, the what’s the point of pinning them back? If you don’t want them, just get rid of them!
Guys Showing Off Their Hairy Legs—That’s just disgusting. Shave them, wax them, do something! Or put some pants on!
Sweatpants With Tight Ankles—They make your legs look fat.
Sagging Pants—Pardoned if you have nice undies, or a nicer ass.

Now, to adress some of your concerns:
Guys In Skinny Jeans—I agree, but only because they don’t have anything else to back it up. If a guy is completely hot, then go for it. But I’d prefer them to wear leather instead of denim.
Flip-Flops—It’s okay if they’re wearing toe socks.
Scene Hair—I like the concept, but the same exact styles get old.
Piercings & Tattoos—People have been getting those for thousands of years. Not quite current.
Tights As Pants—I’d be worried about them ripping.
Skin-Tight Clothing—A lot of people can’t pull it off.

Likeradar's avatar

@Draconess25 How exactly does one get rid of bangs aside from pinning them back as they grow out?

Draconess25's avatar

@Likeradar Either just keep cutting them off, or don’t get them in the 1st place.

Likeradar's avatar

@Draconess25 That really doesn’t work.

Draconess25's avatar

@Likeradar Oh well. I find it creepy looking. Like mascara, but less spidery-like.

le_inferno's avatar

I agree especially with Uggs and scene hair, and Crocs are just ridiculous. Nothing appealing about them. They’re hideous looking, and they’re not even comfortable.

Aster's avatar

@Draconess25 Oh , great. So now women think hair on mens’ legs is disgusting?? When did That start? The mental picture of a man SHAVING his legs is sicko to me.
I think Uggs are cute; esp pink on women and crocs are cute on kids too.

Draconess25's avatar

@Aster I didn’t say all women think that way. My friends & I just do.

poofandmook's avatar

Crocs are only cute on little tiny kids.

Uggs are okay sometimes. I have fake ones. They’re skechers, they have that sweater look to them, and they’re cute with the jeans cuffed at the top of them.

I don’t mind tight jeans as long as the person doesn’t have pencil legs. That’s just gross. The picture of the three girls with the hoodies… that wasn’t so bad. Especially the one in the middle.

But the guys with the pants just underneath the cheeks is FREAKING DUMB.

Seek's avatar

Don’t worry, @Aster – I prefer men au naturale! You guys have hair on your legs and chest for a reason. Keep it there.

Aster's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr Can’t have a reason or all men would have chest hair. Maybe they’re more, um, primitive?

Aster's avatar

@TheOnlyNeffie ”@Aster that foul odor is basically dead skin cells and oils and dirt that builds up, quite similarly to a regular ear piercing. Even similar to belly button fluff.”
This is the antithesis of appealing.

tinyfaery's avatar

Women have hair on the legs for a reason, as well, but women have to shave. Ridiculous double standard.

Seek's avatar

I agree @tinyfaery

However, I like having smooth legs. It’s amazing what gender-stereotype conditioning can do to a person.

ipso's avatar

Fedora hats

Fedora hat wearing hipsters.

I wish that fad would go away.

tinyfaery's avatar


Seek's avatar

Ha! I KNEW that was going to be a trend! I have five different Fedoras I wore all the time a few years ago (02 – 06). Hipsters are late!

ipso's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr I still have my Uggs from the late 80s. In San Diego it was wholly a beach/surfer culture thing back in the day. I was sick as a DOG one day home from work about two years ago and unconsciously wore them across the street to the store and this guy gave me so much shit. Totally deserved.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

The baggy clown pants with chains that every mall goth wears. Just get some fucking jeans, goddamn it
I also hate people who wear the classic misfits shirt just for shiggles and they never even heard a song. Not even “Last Caress”.

le_inferno's avatar

@Michael_Huntington reminds me, I hate when girls wear The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, etc. tees to give off the impression that they’re these cute edgy rocker chicks even though they are scarcely familiar with the band’s work. Vair frustrating.

Seek's avatar


Do you feel the same way about girls that wear band tees when they are actually familiar with the band’s work? (as I straighten my “Dark Side of the Moon” tee)

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@ipso aww, I love fedoras! I don’t actually own one or ever wear one. But my husband (who is NOT a hipster) wears one occasionally, and I find it very sexy.

le_inferno's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr Course not, if you’re a fan of the band, I think there’s nothing wrong with showing support. I have several band tees. It just annoys me how these legendary rock band t-shirts have become mainstream as hell, sold in all kinds of teenybopper clothing venues, where girls just buy them to look cool. Wearing a band t-shirt as a fan and wearing it to give off a false image are 2 different things.

Seek's avatar


Just clearing that up, thanks. ^_^ I am certain that people look at me (a very young looking 24 year old) wearing Deep Purple and Moody Blues shirts and think “What the hell does she know?” but then those same people would go “Sniff! Lady Gaga! That’s not real music. They should listen to Deep Purple and the Moody Blues!”

le_inferno's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr So true, it’s not really fair to judge objectively who knows what about bands. But it’s usually easy to tell when those band tees have been purchased at said venues; they’re often “vintage-washed” or fitted or something-or-other.
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
Exhibit C
Exhibit D
Exhibit E

Seek's avatar

Gag me with a spoon.

Don’t worry, you’ll never see me in a Stones shirt. Yuck.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Exhibit E was exceptionally awful.

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