Social Question

mandybookworm's avatar

How Do I Reject A Guy?

Asked by mandybookworm (714points) June 23rd, 2010
27 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

I met a guy a few weeks ago, and he seemed fairly clingy. He asked me out the second day that I had met him, and to be honest, I didn’t want to date him. I told him no, and he said ok.

The next day he sent me an email message asking if we could hang out and if I could call him. I told him that I was busy over the summer so that wouldn’t be an option.

Since then He has come to my house and looked through my windows. He has also insisted that we get to know each other better in case we do date, even though I said no. He doesn’t seem to be taking the hint to go away. He has asked for phone numbers from a few of my friends so that he can call me. Luckly, all of my friends have refused.

I have no idea how to get rid of this guy without hurting his feelings, or being shallow. If anyone could give my any suggestions on how to tell him kindly to go away, it would be appreciated.

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janbb's avatar

His behavior is bordering on stalking and you do not have to be polite to him. He is harassing you. Tell him firmly that you do not want to go out with him and that if he continues to bother you, you will be forced to go to the authorities. It sounds harsh but you need to do this. Have a friend or parent with you whne you talk to him.

sleepdoc's avatar

Most times when we (guys) get a crush (that is what this sounds like to me), we are very persistent. I am not sure how old you or he are, but most of the time the crush dies out over time or when a new one pops up. If you have told him you aren’t interested in him romantically stick by that. There is no rule that says you have to be friends with anyone either. I would just not give him attention. Most guys don’t have the patience to carry a crush for too long. But for your safety I would make sure someone knows about your concern.

Seaofclouds's avatar

I agree with @janbb. You have tried being nice and obviously that isn’t working. It’s time to be very blunt and firm with him. Let him know you do not want him coming around or getting in contact with you in anyway anymore and that you will go to the police if he does not stop.

CMaz's avatar

You say…
I break with thee, I break with thee, I break with thee.

Then you throw dog poop on their shoes.

Your_Majesty's avatar

I’ve met some persistent guy like this one. I’ve rejected him many times but he kept working on soothing my heart till one day he made it! He made me realized that I like him and he also deserve a chance from me. We got along for 3 months then broke up later for personal issue.

I think he’s trying to buy your heart now. Unless you have a very significant reason not to accept him I think you should consider to give him a chance. Seeing his effort to win your love is so exciting,and that also proves how much he love you.

If you really can’t accept him then you should make this clear with him or you can create your ‘fake relationship’ with your friend for temporary and let him to witness you. The time you’re alone now is the time he still has a chance to own you.

marinelife's avatar

Tell him that his behavior is scaring you. Repeat firmly that it is not OK to look in your windows or to ask your friends for your number, Tell him that if he doesn’t start to leave you alone, you will be forced to take other measures. (That means you will get a restraining order.)

Cruiser's avatar

Just be honest and say…I have no interest in furthering a relationship or even a friendship with you!! So would you please stop asking and if you don’t I will rearrange your nads with my boot!

Likeradar's avatar

@Doctor_D The very significant reason the OP has for not liking him should be evident already. He’s a creep. He’s not in love- he’s in freaky obsession and she should be taking care of her safety right not, not basking in the “excitement” of this very weird behavior.

@mandybookworm How old are you and this guy? It seems like you did a good job of letting him down nicely. Now is not the time to worry about his feelings or seeing shallow. This guy’s behavior is unacceptable and scary. Listen to @janbb.

Aster's avatar

He looked in your windows! wow; over the line. I’d threaten him with, “look, I really don’t want to do this but if I notice anyone looking in my windows again I’m calling 911.”

wundayatta's avatar

“What part of “no” do you not understand?”

You were nice and polite a couple of times. Now he is being rude by not taking no. If he is rude, you can be, too. It’s the only thing he’ll understand, if he can even understand that. Tell him that looking in your windows is creepy and scary and he’ll never get you to like him if he does that. Meanwhile, he should fuck the hell off!

dpworkin's avatar

Hurt his feelings immediately, and if that does not stop him, call the police. This type of person is quite dangerous, and women die because of men like this all the time. I am not being an hysteric; I know a lot about this issue.

Silhouette's avatar

That particular guy, yeah, the one with his nose pressed up against your windows, I’d get rid of him by calling the cops.

He crossed the “must be polite line” and now that door is open for you to walk through. Tell him to get the hell away from you and stay there.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@mandybookworm If dp tells you that believe it. I thought I smelled a rat, but his sense with these guys is a lot better than mine.

aprilsimnel's avatar

You know something? Even if you are being shallow, you have every right to tell a guy you’re not interested in him. Secure people are disappointed for a short while, but then move on.

How are you running into him so that he persists in his attempt to date you? That must stop happening immediately. People like him think any response as encouragement to keep trying. Keep a log of what’s happened so far, as well, just in case.

If he comes near you again, tell him (for the last time) in no uncertain terms to leave you alone, or you will call the cops. And if he persists after that, the ONLY response should be for you to call the cops. Never mind hurting his feelings, as he is showing you through his behaviour that he obviously doesn’t respect you or your feelings.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I back with what @sleepdoc has written in that you should let your friends and anyone you live with know you’ve got an obsessive around. If you run into him face to face then tell him his stalking type behavior is creeping you and everyone else out so would he please stop it so it doesn’t go any further (notifying authorities). Sometimes peer pressure is enough to stop a “crushing” person but if he’s got deeper weirdo issues then he won’t stop and you will have to ask others to intervene. Life’s too sweet to be stressed out and creeped out unnecessarily. Good luck.

BoBo1946's avatar

lmao…..............oh me! poops on the shoes!!!

Do you have a huge friend, brother, or just a guy that is “one mean son-of-bitch?” If so, you know the drill!

Auntie_Em's avatar

However you tell him, whenever you tell him, whatever you tell him, make sure you are in a safe environment to do the telling.

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

You could always tell him to meet you at Starbuck’s and show up in a nun’s outfit and tell him that you are marrying Jesus. That should do it.

Seriously, though, if he comes around again, or you bump into him (where are you bumping into him?? Is there a way to avoid that??) I would simply look him directly in the eye and say, “I don’t feel comfortable with you following me around. If you do not stop doing that right now, today, I am calling the police. Is that clear to you?”

And frankly, I would notify the authorities anyway. Have them pay him a visit to warn him off. If you are on campus somewhere, get the campus police to do it. I don’t think this is normal behavior. A normal guy takes “no” for an answer. Unfortunately, the super-objectivication of women in the media gives weirdos the belief that they can just be pushy and women’s “no” really means “yes.”

Be careful, okay…and please let us know what happens.

mandybookworm's avatar

Thank you for the support and suggestions. It’s nice to know that I’m not deranged and this person’s behaviour is over the line. Your suggestions will definetly help me to get rid of this guy.

Scooby's avatar

Buy a shotgun! :-/

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

So, what did you end up doing? Keep us posted…..we care!

mandybookworm's avatar

I threatened to call the police. It has kept him away so far.

dpworkin's avatar

Oh, good.

janbb's avatar

@mandybookworm You definitely did the right thing. Good for you!

Seaofclouds's avatar

I’m glad he’s been staying away. I hope he continues to stay away. Congrats on standing up for yourself!!

Scooby's avatar

Still get the shot gun!! Just in case,, ;-)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@mandybookworm Good job. You might want to be a little more careful for a little while with him. And if he shows any interest follow through with the cops.

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