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ponderopus's avatar

How can i avoid letting financial difficulties bring me down?

Asked by ponderopus (82points) June 24th, 2010
14 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

I know it’s tough for mostly everyone lately, but each day it seems some new bill pops up. Does anyone have any advice on how I can feel better and not let it eat away at my soul? Sometimes it’s hard to stay positive.

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missingbite's avatar

This may or may not help but my parents always told me to remember that “this too shall pass!” Try to focus on the fact that this will not last forever.

CMaz's avatar

Coming from experience.

Don’t worry about what you can’t fix today. It will ALL eventually flush out in time.
Be happy with what you do have. :-)

HGl3ee's avatar

Talk to a financial advisor. They will help show you how to make your money last and stretch. They will also help you regain your control over the situation. Even if you are swimming in debt and financial woes, if you create a solid plan of how to, even slowly, work your way out in a realistic time frame the light at the end of the tunnel will appear and you will feel empowered to get your self up and out :)

Even if, financially, you are clear of unnecessary debt (credit cards, lines of credit, etc.) talking to a Financial advisor at your bank will help you understand and gain better tools to manage your money :)

I meet with mine once a year to review and adjust my financial goals accordingly. (Usually after my general yearly raise.)

Cruiser's avatar

Volunteer for a day at the local family shelter.
Take a long walk in the woods.
Meditate. Meditating for me often reveals hidden ideas or thoughts that can bring a new perspective to life’s problems.

josie's avatar

All living things spend their existence meeting and overcoming that which challenges their existence. The presence of civilization and technology does not eliminate the fact that living is a struggle. It is normal to be challenged. It is normal to confront difficulty. You can’t escape it, so you simply face it and do your best. The good news is, the problem is man made, which means that you can probably work around it or through it. Thank goodness it is not a life threatening disease or injury, or an irresistible natural force like an earthquake or hurricane. Hang in, do your best and live another day.

bellusfemina's avatar

Have you ever read the book “The Secret”? The author talks about how changing your attitude towards money and bills, can bring abundance into your life. Instead of the sense of dread when opening a new bill, she goes into detail about how to be greatful and send positive thoughts out into the universe to attract wealth. You can order the book used of…I highly recommend this book!

bellusfemina's avatar

Financial peace university is also a really great program my husband and I started.Might want to check that out….

wundayatta's avatar

Well, one thing would be to not get into “financial difficulties” in the first place. But assuming you are already there, you might try taking the attitude that you do what you can; what happens, happens; and you’ll deal with that problem when you get there.

I have a friend whose wife had had him arrested. He spent a week in county jail before anyone got him out. He then had no home. He called me and said he had never been so dispirited in his life. He’d never been so low.

He was released from jail at three in the morning with no money (it was in storage and the storage didn’t open until 7 in the morning) and no phone, so he couldn’t call anyone. He just started walking. Eventually he found a bus driver who let him sleep on the bus until the route started in the morning, and then he got a ride partway downtown.

He begged lodging, night by night. Never knowing whether he’d have a place the next night, and in some cases, he didn’t and he spent the night in a park. I put him up for a night, and it would have been longer, but I knew my wife wouldn’t approve. When she got back from her trip the next day, she confirmed that belief. She thinks he’s dangerous.

Eventually, he found a place for the longer term with someone in our support group.

Meanwhile, he had to arrange for a phone; get some money, and start finding lawyers to deal with his case. I asked him what he was going to do to get back on his feet, but his consistent line has been that he can’t think beyond tomorrow.

You can’t think beyond tomorrow. You do what you gotta do. If you lose stuff, you lose stuff. As long as you are alive, you can do what you need to to survive.

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Dr_Lawrence's avatar

@HeatherGrace and @Cruiser each gave you the kind of advice I would have offered.

Dealing directly with your problem under competent guidance is essential. Keeping active and busy and helping others builds your self-esteem and gives you perspective.

You will overcome your problems and will come out stronger and wiser on the other side.

Never give up!

YARNLADY's avatar

I’m a little puzzled. Bills don’t just pop up out of no place. You only have to pay for things you buy or services you ask for. When I can’t afford something, I do without. In the case of unexpected medical bills, there is always someone to talk to about getting outside help.

Example: I once lived in a tent, moving around from one campground to another since there was usually a limit to the length of stay allowed. My husband and I did odd jobs to make enough money for food and keep our car running.

When we finally decided to get permanent jobs, we moved into a small apartment and did not connect to the heat or electricity for several weeks, because of the deposit required. When we finally did connect, we still did not purchase a TV or any other electronic gadget (except a clock) We lived happily like that for several years. I could easily go back to that if I had to.

We also lived in shared housing for about three years, with a group of other people, and all shared in the work and expenses.

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trailsillustrated's avatar

financial peace university. dave ramsey. look under ‘elp’ and find a financial planner.

joedicks's avatar

well stop buying new things to make you feel better temporarily, clearly you are or you would not have “new” bills. you do not need new things! the world is becoming a dark place prepare yourself hard times are coming and that new diamond is not going to help things.

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