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Vincent_Lloyd's avatar

What are the things that a woman/girl wants a guy to have?

Asked by Vincent_Lloyd (3007points) June 28th, 2010
28 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

I’m just wondering what girls/women want out of a guy. All of my girl type say that I’m the best guy friend to have since I always help with their issues and I listen to them and that I’m so romantic and what not (not to be cocky)...Though I don’t think that’s the matter… I’m somewhat thinking that but what else? I’m also thinking sexual too. So that will be accepted by me. I’m just wondering for whatever seems right.

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KhiaKarma's avatar

Depends on the woman/girl and the guy. You have to think about what kind of relationship you would like….and act accordingly. What do you want out of yourself? How do you want to portray yourself? What is important to you in a partner? Those are important questions to ask yourself.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I want intelligence first and foremost. And passion. And confidence. And sex appeal. And talent. Yeah, I want a lot – good thing it I found it all in my husband.

SmashTheState's avatar

I recall seeing the results of an actual study identifying what women want in a mate (as opposed to what they claim they want). The list went something like: (1) wealth, (2) prestigious career, (3) nice body. “Sense of humour” which is supposed to be one of those things which women find attractive was actually somewhere down around 7 or 8 on the list, behind “nice car.”

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@SmashTheState Seems the women in the study were quite shallow.

KhiaKarma's avatar

@SmashTheState honestly, some of those things are a complete turn off for me. So it really just depends on the individual….that’s what I hate about those kind of surveys!

Pandora's avatar

@SmashTheState LMAO, When I met my husband he wasn’t wealthy ( barely had two dimes to rub together) or had a prestigious career or even a nice body. (He was thin as a rail.) He also sucked at joking. What did draw me to him was his honesty, big heart and his sincerity. A rare quality in most people.
@Vincent_Lloyd I can’t speak for all women but the qualities I just listed where the things that appealed to me the most.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Assuming this about romantic partners/mates and in no particular order:

Fiscal responsibility- this doesn’t mean loaded btw
crazy about me

Vincent_Lloyd's avatar

@everyone : Thank you guys so much for the answers. But what about along the lines of being shy? I mean I’m a shy soul out there what about that? (Sorry if it doesn’t make much sense)

SmashTheState's avatar

@Vincent_Lloyd Make a shitload of money. Nothing is sexier to a woman than money. The body part most likely to make a woman moist is the wallet.

(Not that men are any less shallow. The same study indicated that the top three things men wanted were (1) large breasts, (2) nice legs, (3) pleasant face. To find anything which wasn’t related to physical looks, you had to get down to 8 or 9 on the list.)

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@SmashTheState Why so bitter?
@Vincent_Lloyd I’m not into shy guys but there are plenty of people who are.

Vincent_Lloyd's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir : OH haha well then I’m not your guy XP (haha Just kidding) but yeah I know some are. But anything that you think a girl would want in a shy guy?
@SmashTheState : That’s not really true to me in my opinion. I don’t mind big breast or small breasts in my opinion (sadly most do) since I never look at the breast area. I somewhat care for legs and yes true I have to admit it has to be a pleasant face but I look more on the inside and try to find a good heart in them that cares. would you want a hot chick that doesn’t care for you?

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Sadly what @SmashTheState says is true of a lot men and they really don’t mind if the eye candy women doesn’t care for them as long as she puts out with her beautiful body and makes him the envy of his friends. If she acts up then he can dump her and easily charm another woman of the same ilk by flashing some cash.

Vincent_Lloyd's avatar

@Neizvestnaya : I said that sadly most men care for breast size. Is that what you meant by “sadly what?”?

chyna's avatar

@Vincent_Lloyd You’re 13 right? You will probably grow out of the shyness.

Vincent_Lloyd's avatar

@chyna : Yes I am. I’m hoping I will.
Was anyone here still shy or was shy in the past?

Pandora's avatar

Shy is translated into lacking confidence. If you want a girl to like you, nothing is sexier than confidence. BTW, confidence is different than being cocky. Don’t mistake one for the other.
You cannot convince someone to invest in a relationship with you if what you are conveying is that you are not relationship material.
I know shyness may have more to do with being afraid of looking like a fool. You have to be willing to risk looking the fool if you really want to find someone. No risks no rewards.
It may not go well at first and be bruising to your ego, but in time you will grow in confidence the more chances you take. You’ll realize you have nothing to loose and much to gain.
You are in your experimental years. You have to do like millions of others have before you. All of us at one time or another lacked in confidence. It only by stepping up and testing our skills have we each been able to learn what others expect of us and what we really expect out of ourselves.
We can tell you all day what girls expect but they are each different.
So the best thing to do is work on your self esteem and remember no one is perfect. We all have our flaws. The only thing we can do is be determined to over come them.

chyna's avatar

I’m 52 and still shy. It sucks and you miss out on a lot of life, so do what you can to get over being shy.

ParaParaYukiko's avatar

Personally, I like a guy that has a good balance of maturity and childishness. By childishness I don’t mean whining about not having their sandwich cut the right way, but being able to enjoy “kid-like” stuff and being silly while still being able to act mature enough to survive in the real world.

For example, my current boyfriend and I have a great relationship. He and I both love anime and video games, and often watch/play them together. We can be silly together, but he’s also mature and responsible about money, school, etc. He’s not perfect, but he’s pretty close to it for me. :) On the flip side, my first boyfriend (whom I dated when I was 14) was terrible; he constantly broke promises and got into trouble, never took anything seriously, and placed too many sexual expectations on me. I realize some girls are already interested in sex at 14 (sadly), but when I was that age it was the last thing on my mind!

That being said, you’re still 13, a very young age to be putting a lot of pressure on yourself to make yourself good boyfriend material. And, every woman is different; their wants and needs in a partner change with age and other factors. It’s good that you’re considering these things right now… that’s an indication of maturity, so you’re ahead of the game there!

It’s very important to have the “friend” aspect down in a relationship, like you seem to have, being able to talk to girls about their problems and such. However, most relationships also need a bit of chemistry and, well, sex appeal, to cross the bridge from friendship to romantic relationship. Being a shoulder to cry on is great, but if you’re looking for a girlfriend you’ll need more than that.

Vincent_Lloyd's avatar

@ParaParaYukiko :Yes it’s true it’s always good to have a good balance between being mature and being a child. It makes me think if I’m both honestly haha. But I know most/some people don’t want someone as childish as your Ex-boyfriend. And I just want to make the best for who I date in the future. (I’m not dating anyone an the momento since I’m currently waiting for someone that I have a chance with. And yes I suppose I am ahead? But I know most/some girls/women want a guy that can listen or else she won’t see a reason on why to talk to him. And yes the rest of the last part is true. Thank you for a full thought on this! It shows me that I can find someone like you! =) (Btw I loveee anime and video games the guy who has you must be a lucky one ;] )

YARNLADY's avatar

Love, Respect, Integrity and kindness.

mattbrowne's avatar

I think number 1 is reliability. Someone she can count on when it really matters.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

What I agreed with is what @SmashTheState wrote to be the top 3 things men want in women.

Vincent_Lloyd's avatar

@Neizvestnaya : Yeah all guys want to have a girl that has a nice pair and nice legs and a beautiful face. But he was talking about physical looks. I don’t mind the breasts that much. But last two are what I want (to be honest about it) But I’m also talking about characteristics also. What are the top 3 or 5?

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I can only try to pick through and choose my own personal top 3 and say I’m heterosexual female.

Crazy with respect, attraction and love for me

sml's avatar

passion. respect, confidence, not too much confidence, etc.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Don’t get stuck in the “friend zone” pal. Been there, done that.

chyna's avatar

@NomoreY_A Although your answers are very much appreciated, you might want to look at the date the question was asked before answering. In this case it was 2010 and the jelly hasn’t been here in years.

NomoreY_A's avatar

@chyna My bad…

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