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Tarf's avatar

What is the grossest food you ever ate?

Asked by Tarf (187points) June 29th, 2010
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Cruiser's avatar

A survivor milkshake. Back when Survivor first came on and that ate all that gross stuff me and my 2 boys didn’t want them to have all the fun so we got out the blender and just starting adding everything we could get our hands on….sandwich meat, cereal, orange juice milk, peanut butter, cookies, broccoli….you get the picture. First sip made me gag but I drank a good slug. When it was their turn they both started to cry and ran off! Yuck!

Jude's avatar

Escargot. I felt as though I was chewing on someone’s lower lip (and it was garlicy and buttery).

Kayak8's avatar

I drank snake pee once by accident.

chyna's avatar

@Kayak8 So you are just sitting around having some lemonade and a glass of snake pee was sitting there too? I’m trying to imagine how this came about.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

I am pretty sure I ate skunk ass once. It wasn’t on the menu but when it was served to me I said “this tastes just like I imagine Skunk Ass would taste”.

ubersiren's avatar

Nothing exotic, but gristly meat. Blarf. I can’t imagine anything worse than gristle. Merely speaking (or typing) the word makes me queasy.

Spider's avatar

Oh my! I’ve eaten jellyfish before (twice!) Does that make me some sort of cannibal? haha :)
It wasn’t gross (hence twice), but chicken feet are probably up there in my book. Wiggly, rubbery, and just… ew.

silverfly's avatar

I second @jjmah. The description is perfect.

Cruiser's avatar

@ubersiren GA for using the word “Blarf”!

SmashTheState's avatar

@silverfly & @jjmah Escargot is excellent, but only if it’s cooked properly. Like calamari, it gets a texture not unlike the rubber sole of a tennis shoe if it’s cooked inexpertly. Order it in an good restaurant next time and taste the difference.

For me, I think head cheese was the most disgusting alleged food I’ve ever eaten. (For those who don’t know what head cheese is, you boil the entire head of a pig, then allow all the fat, brains, eyeball, snot, and everything else that boils out of the head to congeal into an awful grey mass. Slice it up and you have head cheese.

silverfly's avatar

@SmashTheState I don’t think I can ever eat it again even if it wasn’t cooked properly. I’d rather have head cheese. not really

wtfrickinfrack's avatar

I was tricked into eating Rocky Mountain Oysters one time…

silverfly's avatar

@wtfrickinfrack sorry for the piece of soul you lost that day.

wtfrickinfrack's avatar

@silverfly lol I couldn’t have put it better myself!!

Vunessuh's avatar

I’ve never really eaten any weird shit, but I think lamb and sauerkraut are ewwww grossies. >.<

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Vunessuh Hey, I like both of those. Keep your bovine opinions to yourself. :)

CMaz's avatar

Lambs head.

wilma's avatar

This discussion is making me laugh.
I’m not sure if I have eaten anything really nasty.

Kayak8's avatar

@chyna Ummm, not exactly. I was staying in a ryokan (Japanese Inn) and there was a small refrigerator. In it were a number of bottled beverages (none with English lettering). There were several small bottles (about 1.5 inches in diameter and 3 inches tall with a screw-on lid). While I certainly admired the snake-head logo on the bottle, I thought it was a ginseng/honey type vitamin beverage. When my Japanese neighbor (travelling with me) saw the empty, she asked me about it. I told her I had consumed the beverage and would pay for it on the bill. She got a really funny look on her face and tried in her best English to explain that it was an “elixer” made from snake pee and designed to enhance male potency. The snake pee didn’t freak her out as much as her confusion as to why a high school girl would consume a male potency drink.

This was fast on the heels of a previous experience of cross-cultural confusion when I went to a pharmacy and drew a picture of a face with acne (and pointed to my own) to ask the pharmacist what product would help. My same neighbor saw the medicine when I got home and asked me why I purchased it. She inquired if it was for me or someone else. I was puzzled and explained what had happened at the pharmacy. She busted out laughing and went searching for a Japanese-English dictionary. She continued laughing as she looked up the word she sought and thrust the book at me with her manicured nail pointing at the word “hemorrhoid.” I probably turned 18 shades of red. But you know, it really did the trick on my facial acne—I highly recommend it!

boffin's avatar

…grossest food you ever…

My ex-wife’s meatloaf…

chyna's avatar

@boffin careful… it could be the last meal she will make for you if she knows how you feel…

boffin's avatar

@chyna It’s my Ex… No more meals…. What part of Ex needs to be explained?

chyna's avatar

@boffin Ah, I missed the ex part.

NaturallyMe's avatar

I don’t think there is one….not really…unless you count burnt butternut pumpkin one – that was pretty ew. Also, i tried garlic snails once. I didn’t taste gross (mostly just like a blob of garlic), but the thought of eating snails now is GROSS.

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