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zenele's avatar

(NSFW Rated: PG) Women: Have you ever paid for sex?

Asked by zenele (8257points) July 16th, 2010
50 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

I won’t address the men of fluther – as I’m sure they all have.

But I’m always curious as to the notion that a woman might.

I won’t be getting a lot of answers here, right?

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curlyz's avatar


gemiwing's avatar

No, never needed to. There’s usually a penis somewhere. before i get attacked, no I don’t believe men are just penises. they are whole people.

Jude's avatar


wilma's avatar

No, never. I have no need or desire for that kind of sex.
I don’t think I know of any women who have ever paid for sex.

Are you serious about the men?

rangerr's avatar

Did you really just assume that all/most of the men here have payed for sex?
I’m lacking faith in humanity these days.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

No, and as much as this may rock your world, my fiancé hasn’t either.

cookieman's avatar

>> ::enters room::
::waves hand to indicate man who has not paid for sex::
::leaves room:: >>

Likeradar's avatar

You mean hand someone $X in exchange for X sexual service(s), or take someone out and spend money in hopes of getting laid?

Cause if it’s the 1st one, I think (hope) your assumption is way wrong.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Since I am not a man, I’ll answer – no.

jazmina88's avatar

no. i did give a guy an aerosmith album in college. does that count?

Facade's avatar


Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Hey where do you get off saying all men have paid for sex?

pearls's avatar

No. Don’t think I would ever be that desparate.

Cruiser's avatar

I had a housewife hit on me when I was doing work at her house and since she paid me for the work, would that count towards your question?? For the record I never and would not ever pay just to have sex. That’s just crazy talk!

Aster's avatar

Excuse me??

zenele's avatar

@Aster You’re excused.

@Cruiser and @cprevite and other insecure men – the question was aimed at WOMEN – and though not in General (so as not to get repeatedly modded for nought) I was curious as to any women actually doing it – and admitting it.

Perhaps Simone, or someone else here will help out: what’s the big double standard? Why do guys almost always automatically have stag parties (girls – if you are still naive about them… – there’s a little place called Answerbag you can still join…) and women do not (automatically – though I have seen some footage of wild women-only parties) – why is it “ok” and even legal in many Western countries for men to have escorts, and go to brothels (Down Under, Holland and Germany come to mind – to name a few).

Some joked about paying for dinner, giving a gift etcetera – in exchange for sex – what we really mean is that since the days of Eden – sex comes with a price.

Seriously, people, if you are offended by the thought of a woman as opposed to a man paying for sex and if you don’t have anything intelligent relevant to say; simply don’t contribute.

So why the double standard is my question?

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

I’m not sure why you think it is a double standard. Can you explain your thoughts or possibly give an example? Thx!

Likeradar's avatar

@zenele I don’t think there is much of a double standard. I wonder how many men on fluther would admit to it. My assumption (especially since a few chimed in here to say they haven’t when they weren’t even asked) is not many, probably not even the ones who actually have. It’s really not seen as something acceptable in most situations.

There probably are more men in the world who pay for sex directly. It could be with the ideas (whether they’re true or not is another issue) that women have a lower sex drive while men are always ready to go, so why pay for something that’s not very important. It could also be based on the idea that men crave more variety, and it’s a no-strings-attached way of having sex with someone other than their SO.

But again, I think the idea that it’s ok for men and not for women is false.

Also, I wasn’t joking about taking someone out in exchange for hopeful sex. I was seriously trying to clarify what you meant. Your question was pretty vague and didn’t address anything about a double standard.

knitfroggy's avatar

No. And I never would.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

No but I have wondered when I’m old and no longer attractive to the type of men I fancy if I would do it. I’ve often asked myself what a fun business it might be to keep man whores.

Vunessuh's avatar

No, but this question reminds me of the show Cathouse where plenty of women would show up to the Bunny Ranch in Nevada and pay to sleep with another woman. It happened a lot and I’m sure it’s common at a lot of brothels/escort services.
Personally, I don’t see anything wrong with that. It’s essentially safer, just like it would be safer to pay for sex with a man (if that’s the last option you have to get laid) rather than going to a bar, getting drunk and sleeping with a stranger, among other things you could do.
Although, I will say, it’s really not that hard as a female to fulfill our need for sex. It’s always been my impression that it’s easier for women. Well, some women, like it is for some men. I don’t want to make a sweeping generalization, but I do believe it’s easier for us. Although, turning to prostitution seems to be a last resort.
A couple reasons comes to mind though, as to why a female would want to pay for sex. If it’s with another female, I see how they could be fulfilling their curiosity and desire to experience sex with another woman. And/or they would prefer to have their sexual needs met without having/making a connection with that person. I think some of the same reasons apply to women as they do for men. It’s not as common for women as it is for men to do this, but I don’t think it’s necessarily incredibly rare at the same time.

gorillapaws's avatar

This thread is going a long way towards explaining why my career as a gigolo went so poorly (that and I’m not as fit as I used to be)...

zenele's avatar

^ Cute. @Likeradar Search fluther – we’ve discussed it – and just chatted about it many times. Many male flutherites have admitted to paying on the odd occasion. Women, simply do not – or if they do, don’t admit it; double standard, because society says it’s “ok” for men to go to prostitutes, but what about lonely single women of all ages? @pied

P.S. I think it’s wrong altogether – but that’s just my opinion.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@zenele Thx for the double-std. explanation. I thought the rule of acceptability was paved with “American Gigolo”.

Here’s a thought regarding the answers you’ve received so far from we females. Why lie? We aren’t required to answer.

Likeradar's avatar

@zenele Another reason more men pay for sex than women could be that (and I know this isn’t true for all women or all men by a long shot) men want to get off… touch skin, see the naughty bits, be treated nicely or not for a few minutes, then GTFO. Essentially a brief one night stand that they paid for. Perhaps women, on the other hand, want romance and to feel an emotional connection. That’s hard to get in the back of a car or a cheap motel. A woman admitting she pays for it is essentially admitting that she just wants to get off, which could be either not true or taboo to admit.*

*I only know from my experiences as a woman, and I’ve also never paid for it so I could be wrong about how it all goes down (but I assume Belle du Jour and SVU wouldn’t lie to me~)

cookieman's avatar

@zenele: I’m not insecure – simply annoyed at your boneheaded assumption that all men have paid for sex.

zenele's avatar

^ Oh, I am a bonehead for sure.

curlyz's avatar

I really don’t understand why @zenele thinks that some women maybe don’t want to admit it…?? Why? If I ever done it I would admit it, what’s the big deal, I wouldn’t be shy..
But, in this case, there is nothing to admit it..Women usually don’t pay for sex, there is simply no @gemiwing said in the very beginning of this thread…

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@zenele What do you mean why is there a double standard? Why is there always a double standard? Historically speaking, women are there for men to do with them as they please and since the madonna/whore complex has been so deeply ingrained in societies, prostitution always existed next to institutions like marriage so that the duality can be fully played out. These days, as women can be financially independent, more pay for sex but the majority paying for sex are still men.

zenele's avatar

@Stasi Actually, read @Likeradar ‘s comment.

@Simone_De_Beauvoir True. I really feel sad when I think of prostitution, slavery and human trafficking and the inevitible drugs and abuse that are always hand in hand with prostitution. It just saddens me.

curlyz's avatar

yeah, I see now…and I don’t agree that taboos are still exist these days…
well, I cannot speak for everyone, I can speak for myself, and I don’t have a problem of admiting any crap that I might did in the past. ;)
I have an open-mind and I don’t like taboos

zenele's avatar

@Stasi Cool. But it’s might have done, not did. I is anal, but learning.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

When I was young then I assumed most men would see a prostitute in their lifetimes but now that I’m near middle age, I believe most men haven’t seen a prostitute. Also, I’ve never known it to be American socially acceptable for anyone to see prostitutes.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Then this probably isn’t the right time to bring up the topic of whether prostitution should be legalized in the US?

zenele's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer Sure – or ask a Q – I’m out for the day.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@zenele Good night. Let’s leave it for another day and another Q then. I’m logging off, too.

tranquilsea's avatar

I never have.

There are a few reasons why I think most women don’t or never will. For starters most women can get laid any time they want to…for free. That is not the case for guys. Also, as @Likeradar said, most women need an emotional connection of some sort. Thirdly, their isn’t exactly a plethora of male prostitutes out there for women.

My mother, sisters and I would often talk about the plausibility of opening a fantasy based prostitute house for women. We eventually decided that it probably wouldn’t get anywhere.

gorillapaws's avatar

I do remember reading that it was common in ancient Rome for wealthy women to pay well for sexual rendezvous with famous gladiators. Obviously in that culture, women felt sexually liberated enough to explore those fantasies. I wonder how that plays into the issue?

Cruiser's avatar


[Quote] “I won’t address the men of fluther – as I’m sure they all have…”

AHEM!! “Insecure”?? Hardly!

curlyz's avatar

@zenele thanks for fixing my grammar, i know it’s sucks, but English is not my first, and certainly not last of the languages I know

Likeradar's avatar

@gorillapaws Sounds like they were maybe the groupies of their day?

NaturallyMe's avatar

No, and i never would have considered it and i don’t like the idea one bit and i don’t approve of it. Neither would all men even consider doing it, for example my husband. Some people are just not into that kind of thing. I would also never be in a relationship with someone who had done that.

Seaofclouds's avatar

No, I never have paid for it. I’ve never needed to.

zenele's avatar

@NaturallyMe You said; No, Never, Don’t, Don’t, Neither, not into it, also never.

Just saying. That’s a lot of “No” for a straightforward question, and a lot of “never” for both you and your husband.


I mean, my ex surprised the hell out of me; I was the last to know about… well, whatever.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I’m still saving up for that

meagan's avatar

Hah! A better question would have been “Have you been paid for sex?” ;)

NaturallyMe's avatar

@zenele – yes i’m sure, i know my husband, and i know other men who would never do it. Not everybody will do anything for sex.

zenele's avatar

Alrighty then.

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