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Aster's avatar

Why don't people whistle anymore? Do you know someone who whistles a song frequently?

Asked by Aster (20023points) July 21st, 2010
23 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

Years ago, it was fairly common to hear someone whistling while they worked or just when hanging out. I have not heard one person whistle in many years? Have any ideas why no more whistling?

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jazmina88's avatar

I am a whistler. If I am outside in the yard, I am whistling!!!

inside, I hum. or play piano. or sing poorly.

Maybe people were never taught to whistle? or whistle while they work??

Aster's avatar

@jazmina88 that sounds really nice.

Luffle's avatar

I don’t know how to whistle. I’d love to learn how to whistle though but I’m not sure most people learn how to or practice unless they are around people that like to do it.

jazmina88's avatar

Just pucker your lips and blow!!!! til you get a sound.

easier than a kazoo

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

I don’t know how. I’ve tried so much, my parents tried to teach me… but I just can’t whistle.

I DO hum.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I do! Nothing original,just cover tunes;)

knitfroggy's avatar

I’m a whistler. Mostly at work. I walk around and whistle, quietly to myself. If I have to cashier I really whistle a lot. I don’t know why I do it, I don’t even realize I’m doing it sometimes.

tifa's avatar

i usually sing, whistling doesn’t seem to get out the emotions that i want to express but the singing lets out the felings…usually cause what i’m listening to relates to how i am feeling.

jonsblond's avatar

My husband does all the time. A long time ago he was asked to quit whistling while he worked because the other workers were annoyed by it.

BoBo1946's avatar

Well, when i was working, use to whistle….not now, no one here to listen! oh, accept Sadie…my dog, but it hurts her ears! geezzz

Fly's avatar

My stepdad whistles from time to time.
I, on the other hand, try to no avail. Every once in a while I can successfully whistle, but I’ve never really gotten the hang of it.

613crazydude's avatar

I’m a whistler

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Count me in as a person that whistles all the time. My dad and his mother were also excellent whistlers. I whistle with my lips puckered and I also whistle with my tongue against my teeth.

So, that was kind of a bizarre answer I guess…. but I do love to whistle. :)

rpm_pseud0name's avatar

From a recent post about ‘good whistling tunes’, I love to whistle & my favorite tune to whistle is Twisted Nerve from Kill Bill.

SuperMouse's avatar

I work with a guy who is an amazing whistler. I mentioned it to him last week and he explained that he did not have records or the radio or much music at all growing up so whenever he heard a song he would try to memorize it and whistle it over and over. He is really good at it and love to listen to him.

deni's avatar

i whistle constantly. 24/7. its my livelihood. just yesterday my boyfriend complimented me on an excellent whistle solo i did to a song that is usually unwhistlable. i cant remember what it was now.

figbash's avatar

I do! One of my best friends is a musician and also one of the best whistlers I know. It’s melodic, perfectly pitched, in tune and very relaxing. Sometimes I wish I could tape it, but I can see why the question. He and I were recently mentioning that people don’t really whistle anymore and the ones that do, you wish you could strangle.

AstroChuck's avatar

I constantly whistle on my mail route. My customers think I’m always happy because of this. Truth is I don’t even realize I’m doing it.

Nullo's avatar

I whistle, typically at work where I also sing, no doubt to the dismay of my co-workers. Sometimes proper music (I’ve been trying to remember my Vivaldi), sometimes improv, and sometimes I just go for the loudest, shrillest shriek that I can manage, since it echoes so nicely in all that cavernous space. I love whistling in cathedrals.
I experimented for a while with using tune-whistling to find people in a crowded environment, but it didn’t go so well.

I guess that the mp3 player thing has quashed a desire to be publicly musical, which is why you don’t hear anyone do it anymore

mandybookworm's avatar

My Dad whistle’s whenever he’s working, and so does my best friend.

BoBo1946's avatar

I’m whistling @lucillelucillelucille as i write!

whatthefluther's avatar

I am a habitual whistler, often unaware of it. Reviews (from Sherry or a guest of hers in another room) are always glowing but cause me to self consciously stop…..for, say, 30 seconds. Then, I’m usually back at it. A memorable song, prior to the music stopping, easily triggers it. Anything featuring a woodwind played by Chris Wood, Ian Anderson or Ray Thomas (Traffic, Jethro Tull and Moody Blues, respectively) can have me whistle-bound for hours. Guess it is the old clarinet/saxophone player in me.
See ya….Gary/wtf
PS: Currently, I have Traffic’s “Freedom Rider” stuck on “repeat’.

buster's avatar

I whistle at work. Whistling or cussing depending on my mood. I make up songs and I also try to cover great songs with whistling like the Andy Griffith song, Winds of Change by the Scorpions and When the Saints Come Marching In.

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