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john65pennington's avatar

In your lifetime, have you ever used this word?

Asked by john65pennington (29258points) July 26th, 2010
71 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

I just saw a commercial for Daisy Sour Cream and they used a word that i have never used in my lifetime…’s DOLLOP. you know, take a dollop of sour cream and place it on a baked potatoe? i know this word is in the dictionary, but since i never use it, i will not take the time to read its definition. so, what do you think about the word dollop? have you ever used this word in a sentence or in a conversation? i never have and probably never will. dollop.

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perspicacious's avatar

No. I said the same thing when I saw that ad.

kevbo's avatar

I’ve had a dollop of sour cream, but never on a potatoe.

john65pennington's avatar

kevbo, you have never had a baked potatoe with sour cream on it?

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I can’t stand that word,but I do like wallop ;)

kevbo's avatar

No, never in my life. Can you believe it?

john65pennington's avatar

Simone, i did not realize that you had asked a similar question. i guess moderators let this slip by them. sorry.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@john65pennington No no no – I was only showing you the q because I hate that word – our qs aren’t similar at all.

john65pennington's avatar

kevbo, there is nothing better than a t-bone steak, salad and a baked potatoe with butter and sour cream on it. try it. its the standard in American food.

john65pennington's avatar

Simone, thanks. i guess i misunderstood.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

I use it all the time. My father taught me to cook not with recipes and exact measurements but with spoonfuls, dollops, splurges, pinches, dashes, etc.

kevbo's avatar

Well, next time I see that on the menu, I’ll definitely give it a shot.

john65pennington's avatar

Lucy, the word for the day is dollop, not wallop. but, if you insist, have it your way and wallop a dollop of sour cream on your next baked potatoe. john

john65pennington's avatar

Doing good Lucy. my hip has just about healed and i am ready to hit the road again. you okay? i see your old avatar is back.

Cruiser's avatar

Must have been in the wake of a failed attempt to use a pat of butter…so some man made up a new word!

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I think we’ve already discussed “dollop” on fluther. My mother uses the word “dollop” all the time, and the whole family teases her because it’s just a silly word.

Paxan8's avatar

Yes, I have used this word in reference to sour cream, whipped cream, cottage cheese and soft serve ice cream. Basically soft/gelatinous substance that can be picked on with a tablespoon but has to whopped or globbed off of the spoon with flick of the wrist and leaves that little swirly at the top. That’s a dollop.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@Paxan8 are you secretly my mom on Fluther? :O

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@john65pennington -Good for you!
Yep,I had to change it back for awhile:)

aprilsimnel's avatar

Yes, I use that word, and, after having a bit of a think on it, realize that it’s only in regard to diary products, namely: whipped cream, butter, and sour cream.

That’s it. I ever only want a dollop of those items on anything.

mammal's avatar

what is this issue with Dollop, it’s a basic English word, do people live in Caves? it is pretty onomatopoeic too.

Jabe73's avatar

I never heard of it.

Jeruba's avatar

Yes, sure, I have. It’s an ordinary word, nothing special or weird about it. A dollop of sour cream. A dollop of shampoo. A dollop of whipped cream. A dollop of mashed potatoes. It’s an imprecise amount, about as much as it takes to go sklutrch or squitch or splop. Used in reference to a substance that’s in between solid and liquid and that you can administer with a spoon or paddle or squirt. More or less.

And “potato” does not have an e on the end.

mammal's avatar

i spoke to a relatively intelligent 30 year old that didn’t know what a Latrine was, that annoyed me, because that is willfully ignorant.

Strauss's avatar

In my days in the restaurant business I have served many a dollop!

woodcutter's avatar

@Jeruba tell that to Dan Quail !

Jeruba's avatar

No one could tell anything to Dan Quayle. But we should all know better than to take our spelling guidance from the only person who could make Sarah look sharp.

faye's avatar

@papayalily I’ve heard of the rest but about how much is a slurge? I often cook by smelling what’s in the pan or stew, but I don’t know how to splurge!

Keysha's avatar

Yes, actually, I have

augustlan's avatar

Yep, I have. I’ve also used the word “bauble”. While “dollop” might inspire a raised eyebrow, “bauble” caused me quite a bit of teasing. :/

lapilofu's avatar

I’m pretty sure I’ve used that word not only as a noun, but also a verb!

NaturallyMe's avatar

I’ve probably used it once or twice i think. I usually just use the word “blob” instead of dollop. Actually, i’m wondering now if i did use dollop or not, or am i just confusing myself with only having heard it on british cooking shows….oh well!

ucme's avatar

A dollop of sarcasm with a side order of irony thrown in. Yeah once or twice.

Rewgreen's avatar

Dollop is a commonly used word in England, especially in the kitchen. I’ve learnt from my American fiancée though, that I apparently use many words that would cause you Americans to raise your eyebrows.

Austinlad's avatar

I’ve used the word dollop many, many times, most often (but not always) with reference to food. Learned it from my mother, who was a writer and lover of words. I imagine she learned it from her own mother. “Dollop of whipped cream” sounds so more inviting to my ears than, say, blob or spoonful.

knitfroggy's avatar

I don’t know that I’d ever even heard the word dollop until I saw that commercial. But now, when we are having a supper that has sour cream involved, I ask my husband and kids if they’d like a dollop.

mrentropy's avatar

Yes. I try and use any out-of-date or unusual word that I can, just so other people will get mad at me for using it.

pearls's avatar

Used the work many times, especially cooking.

Keysha's avatar

I find the usage of such words a bit quixotic.

InkyAnn's avatar

I use the word. Not every time a sentence calls for it but i have used it quite a few times in my life to desclible how much of something I want, tho I only use it in that state when its RE: something of a liquid consistancy of sorts. ie while at Dunkin Donuts and i get an Ice Caramel Latte, and asked if i want whip cream ill say “Just like a dollop please” that or “blob” lol

Aster's avatar

couple of times.

IchtheosaurusRex's avatar

Words like that (along with pinch, dash, and other imprecise units of measure) do indeed irritate me, although both of those examples have legitimate uses. One word I do like, however, is trollop. If I ever wrote a poem about one, and I needed a rhyme, I might consider it.

breedmitch's avatar

@Jeruba: Why’d you have to go and ruin kevbo’s fun?

downtide's avatar

I use the word “dollop” a lot. A dollop of sauce on my pasta, a dollop of mayo on a sub. It only works for, well, dollopy food, like sauce or cream.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I prefer to use a glob of sour cream on my potatoes…

downtide's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate but is a glob bigger or smaller than a dollop?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@downtide A glob is relatively close to the size of a dollop. If anything, it may be a tiny bit bigger… :P

ava's avatar

“Do a dollop. Do do a dollop of Daisy!” I love that commercial!

Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever said the word besides singing along with that commercial, but I have written it a bunch (besides just now…ha).

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I just remembered: I do enjoy a dollop of Irish in my tea… I think that’s the only way I’ve actually used the word.

BoBo1946's avatar

Dollop Humor!

A little boy came down to breakfast. Since he lived
on a farm, his mother asked if he had done his chores.
Not yet, said the little boy. His mother tells
him he can’t have any breakfast until he does his
chores. Well, he’s a little pissed, so he goes to
feed the chickens, and he kicks a chicken. He goes
to feed the cows, and he kicks a cow. He goes to
feed the pigs, and he kicks a pig.
He goes back in for breakfast and his mother gives
him a bowl of dry cereal. How come I don’t get any
eggs and bacon? Why don’t I have any milk in my cereal? he
Well, his mother says, I saw you kick a chicken,
so you don’t get any eggs. I saw you kick the pig,
so you don’t get any bacon, either. I also saw you
kick the cow, so you aren’t getting any milk this
Just about then, his father comes down for breakfast,
and he kicks the cat as he’s walking into the kitchen.
The little boy looks up at his mother with a huge grin and said, AND?

BoBo1946's avatar

More Dollop Humor!

Old lady, 85, a virgin, about to die. wanted her tombstone to read :
The engraver shortened it to: ” RETURNED UNOPENED ”

InkyAnn's avatar

@BoBo1946 that is the best thing I’ve heard in days!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think….maybe I’ve used it.

Buttonstc's avatar


Why would those dimwits tease you about a common word like bauble?

Haven’t they ever heard the lyrics :

Baubles, bangles, bright shiny beads…....

Just send them a link to YouTube and Sinatra’s über cool version. Then tell them “If it’s good enough for the Chairman of the Board, then it’s good enough for me. What’s the matter with you people? If he were here in person, would you dare be mocking him?”

Hold your head up high. Cool is still cool no matter the year. His taste and enunciation were impeccable and still stand up to scrutiny today.

They’re just ignorant clods. No class. Some things are just simply unassailable. Sinatra’s song stylings and choices fall automatically into that category.

Timeless is timeless. No question about it.

BoBo1946's avatar

@Inked_up_chic happy that it made you happy.

Buttonstc's avatar

As for the word Dollop, I’ve used it many times without giving it a second thought.

I was never aware that it was considered so esoteric that there would be people who’ve never heard of it in their entire life.

But I learn something new every day on Fluther :)

augustlan's avatar

@Buttonstc My friends frequently tease me about my word choices. I’m used to it by now, so I like ‘em anyway. I once brought a roomful of conversation to a dead stop when I was overheard saying something like, “when the taxi disgorged its passengers”, at a party. Every eye was on me, as if I were some alien species! They’ve taken to calling certain words “Lisa words” in my honor. :D

Buttonstc's avatar

Yeah I know what you mean. I also have a reputation for using “million dollar” words :)

But to a lifelong bookworm and verbivore like me, they’re really not that extraordinary.

BTW I would never consider disgorged to be a conversation stopper and wouldn’t stare at anyone using it :)

The schools of today are really falling down on the job if words such as the ones mentioned in this thread are regarded as being so esoteric as to be worthy of notoriety.

Strauss's avatar

@IchtheosaurusRex Lurve for “trollop”. When combined with “dollop”, it brings to mind a whole range of possibilities for bawdy rhymes!

Buttonstc's avatar

Yeah, those two words really do pack quite a whallop, don’t they?


Strauss's avatar

Hmm...the trollop whallopped me with a dollop

BoBo1946's avatar

Would like to apologize to members offended by my Dollop Humor (recently brought to my attention)! There is a whole section devoted to Dollop Humor on the internet, if anyone is interested. Some really funny and meaningful stuff there.

pearls's avatar

@BoBo1946 Who’s offended? Certainly not me. You were giving examples of the word dollop and injected humor in it. For crying out loud. Nothing wrong with a good joke.

BoBo1946's avatar

@pearls didn’t think so either MsP, but apparently some don’t see it that way. No harm intended.

BoBo1946's avatar

A generous dollop of Chirac jokes (copy and pasted from the internet)! They even have joke about Chirac. just saying!

The word dollop refers to lot of things. Cooking, etc.

Enough dollop for the day.

mowens's avatar

Heh, the night before I ran in a marathon, someone bet me money that I wouldnt eat a dollop of butter. We bring it up all the time, there is even a video of it.

Although I am not sure why I do it all the time, I dont know why they thought it was so amazing…

Dutchess_III's avatar

@mowens What’s the procedure for eating a dollop of butter? :) I’m still chuckling!

You know, when you think about it, we may not ever use that in real life, but every one of us knows exactly what it means. I think that’s interesting.

zenele's avatar

Just spent some time on the beach with my boy. There’s this newfangled suntan foam – the proper way to dispense it is in dollops, I believe.

mowens's avatar

@Dutchess_III I used a spoon. I was awarded 10 points, and a terrible race time the next day. :)

Dutchess_III's avatar

@mowens Gross!!!

I just suddenly have this urge to find my question “What’s one name you would never name your child.” Dollop.

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