General Question

Jude's avatar

I would love to hear some new music (I get tired of listening to the same stuff that I have), any recommendations (see inside for what I like)?

Asked by Jude (32210points) July 28th, 2010
55 responses
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syz's avatar

Have you tried Ottmar Leibert?

What about Iron and Wine?

My current favorite group is White Rabbits

syz (36034points)“Great Answer” (2points)
tranquilsea's avatar

My husband has purchased Women and Songs for me for the last 15 years. You can still find them in HMV. I love them because they have a heavy dose of new artists every year (although they didn’t put one out last year). You may want to check them out. I think they are up to Women and Songs 13 now.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

I see that you have Lou Reed in your Have you tried Velvet Underground?
Also, I think you would like The Antlers if you haven’t heard of them

Allie's avatar

Archive. Dan le Sac vs Scroobius Pip. Ellie Goulding. MGMT. The Streets.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I’m going to throw a complete curveball your way, laugh if you think I’m nuts: Antonio Vivaldi, The Four Seasons. If you can find it.

DeanV's avatar

I’m going to suggest mostly electronic stuff because that’s what I’m listening to now, but I think you would enjoy Broken Bells, which is James Mercer (of the Shins) and Danger Mouse (Produced a ton of stuff from The Black Keys to Beck).

I’ve also been listening to a load of Groove Armada and their new album, which is complete 80’s pop with a little bit of MGMT and Cut Copy influence.

As far as the indie side, Local Natives are really good and I think everybody should listen to Pavement.

Jude's avatar

Thanks, jellies!

aprilsimnel's avatar

Try some Beth Carvahlo and Swell Season.

And an oldie is a guy named Chaz Jankel. Who knew this skinny little posh British punk rocker had the funk in him? Does jazz now, of course, ‘cause he’s old.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Another offbeat recommendation: C J Chenier.
Did not paste. But check them out. Very tight group. Go with an open mind.

john65pennington's avatar

WJXA-FM, 92.9 or 88.5 WVCP-FM on the web

Jude's avatar

A little more mellow/folky.

Gregory Alan Isakov

Allie's avatar

For a bit more folky: Jackie Greene. Avett Brothers.

daytonamisticrip's avatar

if everyone cared, Nickelback
waiting on the world to change, John Mayor
city on your knees, Toby Mac
airplanes, Hayley Williams

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Ooh, you have excellent taste in music. I love your list!

What about Sara Bareilles?
or Angus and Julia Stone

trailsillustrated's avatar


daytonamisticrip's avatar

arms of the angel

aprilsimnel's avatar

@trailsillustrated – Oh, hey! Yeah! That just reminded me to add them to my library!

daytonamisticrip's avatar

forever young, Jay Z

Jude's avatar

@aprilsimnel “Beth Carvahlo”. Oooo, I love that (her). I had a listen.

CaptainHarley's avatar

And now for something completely different! : D

Jude's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe “C J Chenier”. Some Cajun in there. I love it.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@jjmah Glad you like it. Saw them up in Lake Placid over the 4th of July weekend. My g/f heard me say I wanted to wait for the Zydeco band and she looked at me like I was nuts. :)

Jude's avatar

@rebbel, I like what you like, brotha’.

rebbel's avatar

Well, you got a nice lil’ list there yourself, sista!

St.George's avatar

I would recommend using Pandora to get some exposure to artists who sound similar to what you currently like. Also, listening to KCRW online, the “eclectic 24–7” (or something like that) may expose you to some new stuff.

Jude's avatar

@row4food Oh, wow. All of it. Thanks!

anartist's avatar

Create your own radio station on Pandora.
Pandora Radio – Listen to Free Internet Radio, Find New Music
Pandora extrapolates from what you tell it you like and mixes new music in a similar vein with old favorites. It’s your own custom radio station with no commercials.
OOPS sorry @Megan64

evandad's avatar

Since you already know about lastfm, use it.

liminal's avatar

Noah and the Whale listening to them is like being with someone close, sharing libations, and sweetly wasting time.

Joan as Policewoman (Joan Wasser) I have been recently introduced to her, sad I didn’t know about her sooner.

Kid Sister just for the fun.

Jude's avatar

@evandad thanks for your input.~

row4food's avatar

@jjmah I went to see Edward Sharpe last night. They were awesome live too, so much energy!

liminal's avatar

@evandad you can be such a curmudgeon.

tedd's avatar

go to Pandora…. type in the name of a band/a few bands you like. It automatically will pick more music that is similar to the type you have selected.

Jude's avatar

“Joan as Policewoman”

That just made my day. Thanks for introducing her to me.

People, I get the type in the Pandora/ business. Sometimes, though, it’s not all that great (the music that they recommend), which is why I am asking you all. My musical taste is all over the place, anyway. I just want something new/different and like butta’ to the ears.

Allie's avatar


Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@jjmah It was an excellent question and I really liked the variety of reponses. I printed the thread because there’s way too many interesting groups, I could never remember them all. I have a playlist to explore! Great job guys.

Allie's avatar

Portugal. The Man. (One band, they just have a period in the middle of their name.)

Jude's avatar


Allie's avatar

Btw (I figure this would be a good place to ask) does anyone know if there is a place on Pandora somewhere where you can see a list of the songs you’ve listened to recently? Maybe for future downloading purposes.

SufiClown's avatar

Some bands you might like:
Bomaby Bicycle Club
Reading Rainbow

Good Luck

hrcmatt's avatar

These are all really great suggestions!

boxer3's avatar

wolf parade
okkervil river
modest mouse
ugly casonova
andrew bird

these are all fantastic:
if you want specific songs/ more artists
let me know , enjoy :]

DeanV's avatar

Oh, also, Tame Impala. The most Beatles-esque band I’ve discovered in a long time, but they have their own psychadelic/funk charm as well. Really good.

aprilsimnel's avatar

@dverhey – Oooh! Thanks!

mlimperopulos's avatar

Arcade Fire
My Morning Jacket

OneBadApple's avatar

You might check out Grand Avenue. Uncomplicated but well-written songs.

Also, they broke up several years back, but a lot of people still follow the band My Favorite.

Pooh54's avatar

Over the Rhine -Sacred Ground. Not a well-known band and I stumbled on it by accident. That is my favorite song.

Valerie111's avatar

All of Justin Timberlake’s songs.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Valerie111 Oh Valerie, I had such high hopes for you. Alas. :(. I’m kidding. All tastes are allowed.

Valerie111's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe LOL! I have to admit, I’m a big Justin T fan :)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Valerie111 Good for you. Don’t ever let anyone dis your choices. It’s one of the few things you and you alone control.

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