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JesusWasAJewbot's avatar

Affordable restaurant's in NYC?

Asked by JesusWasAJewbot (1510points) July 29th, 2010
7 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

Looking for some restaurant ideas that wont beak the bank located in NYC, would like to keep it between Manhattan or the Bronx.

Moved back not to long ago so im not sure of any affordable places to take a date.

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aprilsimnel's avatar

There’s a French bistro I like on Broadway, on the west side of the street, just north of 112th Street called Le Monde. It’s very cute and very reasonably priced. I think only the steak is ~$20. There’s actually a few restaurants on that block that are inexpensive but serve decent food and have a nice ambiance.

This listing from New York Magazine is one of my go-to guides for when I want somewhere nice, but reasonably priced. They call it cheap, but it’s “cheap” for a rich crowd. For the rest of us, it’s more like, “won’t close out your bank account if you go there occasionally”. Enjoy your date!

bob_'s avatar

We (okay, I) need more information, How much is affordable for a date? And what kind of date (do you want a quiet, romantic place)?

boxer3's avatar

There is a thai place calleds spice, that is very delicious, and also afforadable :]

Buttonstc's avatar

Whenever I go to any city, I head for the Asian sections (Vietnamese, Thai, Chinese)

Usually the most affordable options in any locale (but you may find yourself hungry an hour or two later :)

There’s also a great NY based blog with lots of great articles, Restaurant write-ups and a very active community of regulars who post and answer Qs like this.

It’s sort of like Fluther, but with a devoted foodie focus.

answerjill's avatar

If you want to bypass restaurants, maybe consider having a picnic? You can probably save some money that way.

JesusWasAJewbot's avatar

Picnic was an awesome idea. I actually found a place called the Bronx Ale House which was amazing.

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