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daytonamisticrip's avatar

Can anyone define crazy?

Asked by daytonamisticrip (4859points) July 30th, 2010
36 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

Not asking for dictionary results. Also what is normal.

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Zyx's avatar

Einstein said it was repeating an action and expecting a different result. He was a smart guy.

Still, don’t think anything as being “crazy” really exists, unless we’re all crazy.

anartist's avatar

certifiable and certified.

Zyx's avatar

@anartist Your faith in the certifiers appalls and disgusts me. Pretty sure half the people those people call crazy are smarter than they are.

daytonamisticrip's avatar

I think most “crazy” people that are in mental institutes aren’t crazy they just know to much about government secrets.

Seek's avatar

Crazy is when your actions have negative consequences for others, and you don’t care and/or notice.

That’s the best definition I can come up with.

My mother is crazy. She thinks the world “owes” her something, her children are property meant to be controlled and intended for her service, and goes out of her way to force her personal misery on the very people she is supposed to care for and protect. She cries – not to express sadness, but to cause the people around her to feel guilty for their own actions or to feel sorry for her. She becomes violent when angry and throws things or chokes people that can’t fight back for whatever reason.

My husband’s mother is crazy. She is stubborn to the point of dangerous. If a door doesn’t “shut right”, she will find a butter knife and take the entire door frame apart trying to “fix it”. She will then “fix” the doors on the car, the door on the shed, the handles on the kitchen faucet, and the shelves in the refrigerator. She steals, lies, and spreads harmful rumours, and uses the Bible to defend herself. She hasn’t bothered to learn my name in six years because “Satan has authored this relationship”. When she becomes angry, she shouts profanity and vulgar phrases.

daytonamisticrip's avatar

she just sounds like she’s disturbed and has ocd about doors

Seek's avatar


Oh, that’s only a very small example. I could go on for years about that woman. She’s not lived in my house for two years, and I’m still finding things that she fixed until they were broken, or books of mine that she gave to neighbors because “they needed it”.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

What’s crazy for some is normal for others. I have always thought that the category ‘crazy’ in our society gets applied to people who don’t ‘play well with others’ and don’t ‘play according to the set rules’ – that doesn’t mean they’re wrong or there is anything wrong with them. Some people’s biochemistry is screwed up away from ‘the average’ and it makes it difficult for them to live in this world which has many boundaries.

Coloma's avatar

Look up traits of mentally healthy individuals for a concise account.

Mentally healthy people do not worry excessively, live in the now, do not commit abusive acts against others, have a good sense of humor, take action instead of remaining in denial about a problem, have a healthy self-esteem & confidence in themselves, do not put up with mistreatment nor mistreat others, to name a few.

Cruiser's avatar

My brother-in-law offering my 14 year old son a beer….
My next door neighbor spray painting blue lines in the grass to mark the property line so my son doesn’t mow an inch of his grass…
My neighbor across the way who cuts the wires to my driveway lamp because she thinks it is too bright…

I could go on as these are the ones that happened to me in the last month…I have a whole lifetime of crazies I could share!

Coloma's avatar


Wow! You are surrounded by crazies! lol

Geez….I don’t know how I’d cope having to live in suburbia again, I get enough of the crazies when I decorate homes in the city. haha

One of the last in a high end neighborhood had the next door neighbors neurotically flipping out over a small pile of lumber in the driveway because it would bring termites! haha

Yeah, in about a year, it’ll be gone within the week. Sheesh!

Then there was the daily walkabout with the entire block commenting on the paint color…OMG!

Yeah, the nightly wanderings of the half crocked scotch on the rocks crowd that just felt an overwhelming need to share their opinions on the place.

I’d have to bake a few dozen poison cookes if I had to live next to those people.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I would define crazy as some of the people on this thread

meagan's avatar

Crazy is something that “normal” people don’t understand.

rooeytoo's avatar

Many people would point to me as an example, but I prefer to think of myself as eccentric, hehehe.

@Cruiser – are you just unlucky in your neighbors or do you do things to invite such behavior? Except for the beer part, that is just inexcusable.

ucme's avatar

Running naked down the street wearing a hard on & carrying a teletubby under your arm. Your only concern is whether your hair looks good & if Tinky Winky feels a chill. Fully payed up member of the crazy club, possibly!

Cruiser's avatar

@Coloma 2 of 4 reasons why we are moving hopefully soon. Can’t wait to get out of the looney bin!

Coloma's avatar


Yeah, boy…I dunno, it is amazing how obsessed people become in close quarters…I am so spoiled living on property where the only ‘crazies’ are the raccoons that come through the kitty door. lol

Coloma's avatar

Eccentric is good crazy, harmful, meddlng, angry and harassing is bad crazy. lol

Seek's avatar

@Coloma My next door neighbor is a 60-something year old lady who just had her husband confined to the looney bin. This is ironic, because she literally mows her lawn twice a day, and sprays Roundup through the fence every week. She kills everything three feet into my yard, because our “weeds touch her side of the fence”.

Some days, I just want to sprinkle her yard with about three boxes of powdered milk. Srsly.

Coloma's avatar


Lol…you ought to go around and collect cat poo and toss it over the fence or release about 50,00 praying mantises in her mailbox or something…hahaha

My daughter has a tank of madagascar hissing cockroaches, need a few? lol

daytonamisticrip's avatar

Coloma you described a good brave person, not a “normal” person.

daytonamisticrip's avatar

y’all think your neighbors are bad try one that dug up your dead cats body, tortured your dog,stole your 30 year old lilac bush,is constantly spying on you,and is afraid of the average house cat.

Coloma's avatar


Lol….how did they steal your 30 yr. old Lilac bush? It had to be huge!

They sound schizophrenic…to say the least. Torture and paranoia, not a good combo. haha

daytonamisticrip's avatar

they dug it up late at night and planted it in their yard. they also stole bricks to put around it

Coloma's avatar


That is just, just..too funny! ( Not for you, but really…ya gotta laugh, in a way! lol )

As if you wouldn’t notice? hahaha

daytonamisticrip's avatar

ya its funny in a sick twisted way because every time i think about it i imagine me punching them in the face with bladed rings, and i cant stop laughing. hahaha

Zyx's avatar

Gotta side with daytonamisticrip here, animals cross a line after which you just want to kill the bastard.

daytonamisticrip's avatar

NO. don’t say that i dont want to kill them, just whack em one. trust me if you’ve seen half the stuff i’ve seen you wouldn’t even think about wanting to kill someone

Coloma's avatar

Nah….the old eye for an eye just leaves everyone blind.

Either move or accept that you live next to crazies and try to find the humor in it, ( makes for great story telling ) or, let the crazies jack up your blood pressure til you have a stroke.

daytonamisticrip's avatar

i do mess with them back though, i have to admit. when the oldest daughter of theirs walks past my house i slightly tap the window and watch her look around lie what was that. i watch them threw my window into their house, when someones home alone. they always look around all paranoid because they can fell that someones watching. and i always have the music blasting. haa teach them to mess with me. they’ll be singing, whys it always feel like somebody’s watchin me.

SVTSuzie's avatar

I believe that people think other people are crazy is when they do things that they can’t or feel embarrassed to do. When living outside the norm. Some people think Homelessness might be crazy. Streaking might be considered crazy. Things labeled “crazy”, are things which other people do not understand.

Zyx's avatar

@mattbrowne I find that to be a dangerously beaurocratic definition.

mattbrowne's avatar

I was trying to point out that this is one way of defining normal mental health. There are plenty of good comments about crazy and not crazy above. The ICD classifications are useful.

anartist's avatar

@Zyx a little late replying to your remark second from top but here goes—you said crazy, not stupid. Of course there are brilliant minds who are certifiably crazy, like John Forbes Nash, Jr., the subject of A Beautiful Mind.

The thing that makes a person “certified” is that the are committed to a mental hospital at some point in their life. The usual reason for doing so is that they present a risk to themselves or others. Mistakes may have been made, but in this instance, erring on the side of caution might be the best interests of all.

anartist's avatar

@ucme re naked with TinkyWinky
A dare or a hazing?

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