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Piper's avatar

Do you have any advice for an incoming high school freshman?

Asked by Piper (475points) August 8th, 2010
14 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

Are there any high schoolers on here? I’m going into high school this fall and I’m kind of nervous. I’ve had a lot of fun in middle school and it was easy for me, but I know high school is not going to be the same, especially since I’m going to a private high school.

I’m just wondering if you have any tips on what made high school good for you.

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Mom2BDec2010's avatar

Treat others how you wanna be treated. If your nice to other people they’ll most likely be nice back. & you’ll make alot of new friends that way.

InkyAnn's avatar

pick and choose your battles

dont pretend to be someone your not to get more people to like you, because befor you know it your 20 different people lol

high school is more about what your into, drugs, sports, partying, education, so on and so forth so i would say decide which is more you and stick to it youll be happier that way then trying to do things you wouldnt nromally do to get a “cooler rep”

Brenna_o's avatar

Stay AWAY from upper classmen drama and freshmeat drama as well….
And dont fail any classes it screws you up badly

InkyAnn's avatar

to sum it up, high school is an experience, its something you learn, not something that can be taught

DominicX's avatar

I graduated high school in ‘09, so it’s fairly recent for me.

Never ever ever procrastinate. Please don’t. I know it’s unavoidable for many people and you may end up doing it every now and then, but don’t make a habit of it. It really can ruin you. I was never a big procrastinator, but my boyfriend was and there were some bad grades he received only because of procrastination. It’s just an awful thing a lot of the time. Do the work on time, don’t put it off until the last minute. It helps for college as well.

As for social things, it depends on what kind of person you are, if you’re generally outgoing or more quiet. It also depends if you’re going to a school with people you already know or if it’s mainly new people. You’ll find a niche. It may take a little time, but you’ll find one. I know you posted a question about cheerleading (which is totally awesome); I really think you should try out for the team. I would’ve loved to do something like that, even though realistically I probably never would have.

@Inked_up_chic is definitely right about not pretending to be something you’re not. That can be exhausting and a waste of an experience. It sounds cliched, but it’s very true.

Vunessuh's avatar

Get involved.
Join some after school clubs/activities that interest you. Perhaps play a sport. I see you’re a cheerleader, so definitely try to get on the team!
This is a good way to meet new people and make friends.

Don’t change who you are just to impress upperclassmen. Don’t change who you are just to fit in with a certain crowd. People will respect you and like you more if you be yourself. Don’t strive to be someone else just because people tell you it’s “cool” or will make you popular. Everybody wants to be accepted and I promise you there is no better way to achieve that than by being who you’ve always been. The one’s who don’t accept you, don’t matter. As soon as you try to impress them, the one’s who do matter will recognize that fakeness and lack of sincerity and then you’ve set yourself up to possibly lose the one’s you were meant to be friends with in the first place. It can be a vicious cycle. Bottom line: You can’t mold yourself to suit everyone, which brings me to my next word of advice: Try not to care what people think about you.

“If you care about what other people think, you will always be their prisoner.” – James Frey.

The only people you probably do want to impress, are your teachers. Just don’t be a teacher’s pet. Most students really hate that. Study often. Make flashcards. I found that they always helped me study. Try not to procrastinate. Try to stay organized. Perhaps buy a day planner.

Stress is inevitable at some point. There’s no way around it unless you’re a total slacker, which I highly doubt you are since you’ve taken the time to seek advice and suggestions.
When stress builds, try to keep it under control. Take a step back and do something for you that is comfortable and relieving and makes you happy. Whether it’s writing in a journal, taking a walk outside, playing music, watching a movie, hanging with friends, playing with your pets, etc. We all need some time to ourselves.

Try to get enough sleep, especially before a big exam.

A lot of people in high school experiment, but don’t do hard drugs. Please.


Most importantly, expect and accept change. Your school will change. Your classes will change. Your teachers will change. Your friends will change. Your crushes will change. Your interests will change. You will change. Go with the flow and trust your instincts. Try to make good decisions and learn from your mistakes. Have some fun and keep your attitude as positive as possible. Allow yourself to change and grow as a person from this experience. You only get to go to high school once. Make it a memorable four years. Good luck! =)

chocolatechip's avatar

Get good grades. Make friends.

Other than that, there really isn’t much to highschool. You just…do it.

Also, the workload actually isn’t harder. Work is never hard. You either know it and can do it, or you don’t know it and you can’t.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Spend some time identifying what you want to do after high school. There are a few people who wished they had gone on to college but couldn’t get in because of their HS grades, and a few (like me) who did go and had no clue what they wanted to major in or do after college. Having some type of goal, whether it is what you ultimately end up doing or not, is better than finding yourself at the end of something with no idea what comes next.

truecomedian's avatar

Listen to
Subterranean Homesick Blues, by Bob Dylan originally. This was the coolest cover I could find, little hard to make out the words, but it’s some good advice, regardless.

ninahenry's avatar

work really hard and have fun :) start thinking about college as soon as possible too.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Focus on your education and don’t worry about being popular (not that I ever did when I was in HS)

Seek's avatar

The second you get your schedule on registration day, get a map and tour the school. Figure out exactly how you’re going to get from each of your classes to your locker in the five minutes you’re allowed between classes. It would even help to figure out what point of the day you have enough time to get to your locker, and go to the bathroom before the late bell. Some teachers are real jerks when it comes to hall passes (most I had only gave three per semester before they started marking them as unexcused tardies and sending you to tardy hall.)

I was a social reject, so I have no advice on clubs and sports and parties and such. Sorry.

crisscrossdork's avatar

High school is hard.
I won’t lie. It’s scary and can be hard. But It can be alot of fun at the same time. If you stay involved and make good friends, life in high school will be much easier. Don’t exclude yourself or be too shy to talk to people. Be outgoing and most of all be you. That’s what is most important. You will be much happier if you stay true to yourself and your friends. And lastly, don’t let anyone influence you, ever. Other than that it’s not too bad. Good Luck!

mandybookworm's avatar

Get involved in something, and talk to people so you can make friends.
Popularity is over rated. Partying screws up your grades, and in some cases the rest of your life.
If you get a map, carry it with you the first few days.
don’t care about what other people think of you. It really doesn’t matter anyway. Just be yourself.

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