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axlefoley's avatar

What dose it mean, when you dream you are flying.

Asked by axlefoley (347points) March 23rd, 2008
23 responses
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Dreams, fyling,

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scamp's avatar

I went here:
And found this:

To dream that you are flying, signifies a sense of freedom where you had initially felt restricted and limited.

To dream that you are flying with black wings, signifies bitter disappointments.

El_Cadejo's avatar

what does it mean,when you constantly end questions with a period?

gailcalled's avatar

What does it mean when one starts a sentence with a lower-case letter and misuses a comma (it should be removed, uber)? Not much, I guess.

Often the imagery in a far less important than the emotions connected with it, if you can remember. Do you awaken feeling anxious, frightened, aroused?

axlefoley's avatar

Ubertatman it means I maybe rushing about, or my spelling and grammar is not that great. However if it upsets you, when you see my name and I have posted something don’t bother reading it, problem solved. I am not perfect, however unless my spelling and grammar was I would not pull up others on theirs. People in glass houses should not throw stones. Thankyou Gailcalled.

axlefoley's avatar

Gailcalled it is a nice dream that I have often, sometimes to fly I have to do the breath stroke swimming motion.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Okay. How about “Nobody should throw stones.” That’s crappy behavior. My policy is: “No stone throwing regardless of housing situation.” Don’t do it. There is one exception though. If you’re trapped in a glass house, and you have a stone, then throw it. What are you, an idiot? So maybe it’s “Only people in glass houses should throw stones, provided they are trapped in the house with a stone.” It’s a little longer, but yeah.

I’m sorry if i came off like an ass its just you have these potentially really good questions and they are ruined horrid grammar. Not trying to be a english nazi or anything its just if your going to end a sentence with punctuation why would you put a period rather than a question mark.

axlefoley's avatar

I am English. When you say period do you mean falsestop. To be honest I am not to sure when to leave question marks, and all that other jazz. I just like to have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

gailcalled's avatar

Dear Uber; Forgive me but if we are the kettle calling the pot black, and I were still an English teacher (which, thank heavens, I am not) I would red-pencil your second paragraph. First paragraph was fine.

You must have gotten hot-under-the-collar by the time you got to “I’m sorry if….” because
that “graph could use some serious editing if you are looking for a the English Nazi club.

And Dear Axle, Being English does not preclude proof-reading and skipping !^10.

Dream sounds very pleasant. Did you do something nice before dream or were you anticipating a pleasureable event?

El_Cadejo's avatar

Yes gail i know i am horrible at English. And like you said im sure there are plenty of errors in there, but i always try to end questions with question marks. And definitely proof read everything i say before posting it for spelling errors and little things.

axlefoley's avatar

Sorry, the only reason I said I was English was because I have’nt come across the word period in relation to spelling and grammar. Never heard of that term.

bulbatron9's avatar

Yes, a period (.) is a full stop, and a question mark (?) is known as an eroteme.
Maybe this site can help you to understand how to use a question mark.

As for your dream, it sounds very interesting. I am not a dream expert, but maybe this site can help

axlefoley's avatar

Thankyou Bulbatron. I will have a look.

bulbatron9's avatar

You’re welcome!

scamp's avatar

I’m sorry, but I had quite a laugh watching the three of you fighting over typos, and grammar. I found mistakes in all three posts!

gail: What does it mean when one starts a sentence with a lower-case letter and misuses a comma (it should be removed, uber)? Not much, I guess.

axel: Gailcalled it is a nice dream that I have often, sometimes to fly I have to do the breath stroke swimming motion.

uber: Not trying to be a english nazi or anything its just if your going to end a sentence with punctuation why would you put a period rather than a question mark.This should have ended with a question mark as well.

Please laugh it off, as I have. We all make mistakes. I am going to hide in the corner now.

axlefoley's avatar

That’s the point I was trying to make. The thing is I know I am not perfect. If someone makes a mistake their are ways of telling them with out insulting them, on purpose or not?

gailcalled's avatar

Scamp; you got me, but for the wrong mistake. I think “misuses” is correct but look what I did with “if you are looking for a the English Nazi club.” It should have read “if you are looking for a membership in the English Nazi Club.”

And it is difficult to correct someone without being insulting. How would you go about it, axle?

I am happy to answer only the questions that I understand and that appeal to me.

scamp's avatar

I stand corrected. I thought you were trying to say misses, as in he missed a comma. And now I can laugh at myself too. Thanks gail! This was fun and enlightening.

axlefoley's avatar

Constictive criticism, not that I would dream of trying to tell anybody what to do!

gailcalled's avatar

So, axle: give me an example of *constructive linguistic criticism. This is said with no edge or sarcastic intent. I am curious.

Now, about that dream. As I age and sleep less well, I don’t dream much. I miss it.

axlefoley's avatar

I am sure you know better then me. You are more likely better educated then me.

bulbatron9's avatar

@gail I’m open to your criticism any time you are willing to offer it. The sharing of ideas is why I fell in love with fluther. No one is right all the time, although some think they are. I believe that people who are insulted by someone trying to help them understand something are closed minded, and don’t need to be on fluther. It really comes down to how the reader’s mood, and how they interpret what they read. If a person is truly looking to broaden their horizons then they will be gracious for any input, especially from someone as educated as you. Thank You!

gailcalled's avatar

The real edge I have here, I am sorry to say, is that I have lived for a very long time and have always been interested in language, communication, linguistics and writing. So that’s my field. Axle, check back to my profile and see the many simple-minded questions I have asked in re; computers and their secrets. The younger generation will know the answers intuitively, I am sure. I have had to struggle to learn what I know about computers, but I had fun, and several 16-yr-old tutors. They had to be patient and willing to repeat themselves a lot, as any good teacher does.

axlefoley's avatar

I would speak to someone, how I would like to be spoken to. I would rather smile at someone and say “Hello” not the other way round!

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