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CutestManda's avatar

Are there any homeopathic remedies for chronic pain?

Asked by CutestManda (65points) August 15th, 2010
21 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

I’m in pain all day, every day. I’m trying to find a pain mgmt doctor here that takes my insurance, but in the meantime, I am absolutely miserable!!! Please help!!!

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Zag_grad2010's avatar

I am not sure what kind of pain you have but an Accupunctureist is an alternative route you should consider.

I used to have really bad back problems and was able to have the pain alleviated after going for a month.

remedyke's avatar

I did not get relief for my back pain fromt my acupuncurist who I saw for over a year seeing no alternative at that time. Then I started seeing a homeopath and he fixed me up. Homeopathy works on emotion based issues and this is what I had.

Rarebear's avatar

Homeopathy is placebo. Nothing more.

remedyke's avatar

So are you :-D. What type of homepathy have you tried and for how long? Who referred you? In my books you are a placebo :-P. I wish the placebo effect really worked bc I found the docs unhelpful for my issues. Sorry you had a bad experience but what I always tell ppl looking for a good homeopath since they are unregulated is choose your school of homeopath that you are looking for. Do an online search and ask a school for there recommendations for teachers which may even be on-line with bios.

I have not heard such good things about classical as they may only be good for basic aliments. I do Heilkunst and they seem to have a lot of success w ppl and w out them I would actually be wasting money bc here where I live it’s hard or impossible to get covered for alternative medicine.

Good luck! Create yourself a good day :-).

Rarebear's avatar

@remedyke Are you talking to me? You say that I’m a placebo? That really makes no sense whatsoever. And your little grinny emoticons just add to the silliness of your post.

@CutestManda The way homeopathic potions are supposed to “work” is that you take a substance and you dilute it and you dilute it and you dilute it some more until there’s practically nothing left of that original substance. The water is supposed to have a “memory” of the prior substance. Basically it’s just water. If you would like to read about the truth of homeopathy, go to this link:

But heck, if you want to listen to @remedyke and throw your money away, be my guest. There’s a sucker born every minute.

But, if you want to really treat your chronic pain, I suggest you go to a professional pain center with qualified medical professionals that will do a clinical evaluation of the etiology and pathophysiology of your pain syndrome, and then give you a well rounded treatment regimen that involve therapies that have been proven by science to actually work.

remedyke's avatar

So I was right. I find that ppl who criticise homeopathy have either not tried it or are into science rather then trust. Medicical science is new. Medical docs have gotten there medicines based on homeopathy which came 1st. They both work on different priciples. Medicines cover up pain so you don’t feel but you usually have to take the same meds for the rest of your life or ingest toxins which have been known to kill. Homeopathic remedies have never killed anyone.

All I know is I went to my docs, took pain pills, did physio and did acupuncuture non of which helped with my pain. I saw a pretty cheap acupunturist but per month (since I had to go 3x a week) I spent more on acupuncuture then my homeopath (which I only go to once a month and this is alot more practical). The homepathy was the only thing that helped for my emotion based pain…that is to say if this is not emotion based pain try continuing with the acupuncturist or see your doc.

Rarebear's avatar

@remedyke So you’re into science rather than trust? Perhaps you should jump of the second story of your apartment building, trusting that you won’t fall? Science says you’ll fall, but wait, no. You’ll trust the fact that you won’t fall and therefore you won’t.

Your claim that medical docs got the medicines based upon homeopathy is just a blatant lie. Medicines are obtained from rigorous test to check clinical efficacy.

Homeopathic remedies have never killed anyone? Are you high?

CutestManda's avatar

Wow. Guys! I was just looking for a temporary fix to help get me out of bed until I find a good pain Dr. I wasn’t looking to start all that. LoL. It is very sweet that you guys are so adamant about helping me though. I really do appreciate your help! Thank you!

Rarebear's avatar

@CutestManda If you want a temporary fix, don’t waste your money on homeopathy. There is some better data (not good, mind you but better than “it doesn’t work”) on accupuncture and chiropractry, depending on the kind of pain you have.

Rarebear's avatar

/facepalm/ In my sentence above to @remedyke I meant to say “So you’re into trust rather than science?” My bad.

Cirbryn's avatar

@remedyke Here’s a paragraph from your second linked article:

“Hahnemann discovered, in the course of his research that progressively diluting the dose of a remedy and “succussing” or shaking it vigorously at each stage of dilution (a process known as potentization) makes the homeopathic remedy more powerful when given in the lowest concentration or highest dilution. The most powerful homeopathic remedies are so diluted that there is little probability of any molecule of the active original substance remaining. Homeopaths believe it is the energy or vibrational pattern of the remedy, rather than its chemical content that stimulates healing by activating what Hahnemann called the Vital force or healing power or energy that exists within all of us.”

That’s not “holistic”. That’s not addressing causes rather than symptoms. That’s just woo. They give you water or milk-sugar that’s been diluted till there’s nothing else there, and they tell you a story about vibrational energy and vital force, and they pocket your cash.

On second thought, tell you what @CutestManda: I’ve got your homeopathic remedy right here. Best stuff on the market. Twice as effective as any other homeopathic remedy you’ll find anywhere. Just send me, oh say about 20 bucks, and I’ll rush you your medicine. Think of it, you could be pain free! Don’t wait, act now!

Rarebear's avatar

Hi @Cirbryn! There’s actually probably more coliforms (bacteria from fecal contamination) in the water than any of the original substance.

YARNLADY's avatar

No, there is no 100% relief remedy of any kind from chronic pain. Some relief treatments use medication, some use other methods, but none work for everyone.

Talk to your doctor and follow his/her recommendations.

Paxan8's avatar

I don’t understand what’s happening here. I really dislike how people get off topic as that is not helpful to the asker. This is not a philosophical question. The question is there a homeopathic cure for chronic pain. As someone who really believes in homeopathic cures until it becomes obsolete then science needs to intercede. So I need to know what kind of pain do you have and where is the pain?
And by chronic what do you mean?

jazmina88's avatar

yoga, stretching…....healing stones…black tourmaline, larimar

helped before I got pain meds.

partyparty's avatar

I asked the question “does homeopathy work”: and the general consensus was homeopathy does not work.
So I would have to say there aren’t any homeopathic remedies for chronic pain.

Rarebear's avatar

@Paxan8 I most certainly was not getting off topic. The question was are there any homeopathic remedies for chronic pain. My answer was that homeopathic remedies are a placebo effect. Placebo effects are certainly real effects. The @remedyke took issue with my statement and challenged it. I defended and counterchallenged. That’s called a “debate.” Since you are obviously a “true believer” and your mind is made up regardless of what the facts say, you are using a type of straw man fallacy in your post by saying that people are getting off topic when we clearly are not.

The only time I ever got off topic was when I said “Hi” to my old friend Cirbryn, who I haven’t seen on Fluther in a long time. And now, of course.

And if you would like to learn more about the Placebo Effect, read here

CutestManda's avatar

For years I’ve had terrible pain from my sacrum to my toes. My hips are absolutely screwed. Bursitis, arthritis…a few other itises. I also have fibromyalgia and tons of scar tissue adhesions from prior surgeries in my abdomen. By chronic I mean day in, day out…agonizing screaming blinding pain. All over. All the time. I woke up bout 3 weeks ago and couldn’t move or feel my legs. And my jaw has been locked ever since. Neurologist seems to think I had a stroke. The MRI of my brain supports that theory. Anyway….pain. lots. Somebody be a doll and rob a hospital for me? Thanks. Lol

Rarebear's avatar

@CutestManda I’m so sorry for your pain. Sadly, though, homeopathy will only drain your wallet. You really need to go to a pain management specialist.

CutestManda's avatar

That’s what I’m waiting on a referral for. Perhaps homeopathic was the wrong word. LOL I just wanted something I could do at home that will help at all, as I am to the point of not able to go to the kitchen or bathroom. Much less play with my kids. Or even tolerate my kids for that matter, because the pain makes me irritable, and at times hostile. I’ve tried ice packs which do work sometimes, heating pads which I was advised not to use on nerve pain, as it will only make it worse , physical therapy, my tens unit which is AMAZING, but can only take so much I’ve tried pretty much everything my Dr.s have instructed, only to continue suffering. I just wondered if anyone had a home remedy for temporary relief. I just know I gotta do something soon, or I will start fearing for people’s lives. =( somebody’s gotta know somethin, right? Please help!!

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