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yoyo's avatar

Is it stupid to believe in god?

Asked by yoyo (59points) March 24th, 2008
93 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

it is stupid to believe something just by hearing about it or reading about it, but I believe in god, does that make me stupid?

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MrKnowItAll's avatar

Religion makes you stupid.

squirbel's avatar

I would say it isn’t – but your belief must be founded on honest-to-goodness personal experience. Don’t believe just because you’re told to, and you will not be “stupid”.

I believe in G-d. Always have. When the crap hits the fan and religion is outlawed, I will still believe.

There are those who do not believe, and consider believers to be dumb as sheep and uncritical thinkers. Listen to them but do not be swayed from what you truly believe. Don’t get me wrong – you should still approach all your beliefs critically.

I’ll stop blathering now.

Response moderated
allen_o's avatar

irrational, your looking for comfort in fiction but you’re not stupid, lots of people do it

squirbel's avatar

Beenzy, please do not waste posts with commentary. Please input thought-out answers…

axlefoley's avatar

Without offended everyone. I was once told the Bible is like a book of rules, and kings and rulers used it to keep the peace, which makes sense. The one thing that gets me is if their is a God, why is their so much Pain, and Suffering in the world.

squirbel's avatar

The simplest answer, axlefoley, without giving a Bible study – because sin is in the world, and when G-d first created it it was sinless.

scamp's avatar

It’s not stupid to believe.

axlefoley's avatar

But why would you have to worry about how you behave, God forgives us all at the end of the day wright!. Fingers crossed.

squirbel's avatar

ehehehe… if you seriously are interested, take it to the PM, since I don’t want to clog this thread. I promise not to preach and to keep each answer to 12 words [arbitrarily chosen number.]

axlefoley's avatar

Sorry, what’s a PM.

squirbel's avatar

Private message, I apologize for using obscure terms :P

Also, don’t feel obligated, just offering if you really want to know what a believer believes.

Riser's avatar

it’s stupid to believe in God if you don’t know why, Mr. Yo yo.

Nathanael's avatar

god saves

axlefoley's avatar

I think you would end up pulling your hair out, haveing a one to one with me. But thanks Squirbel. Seeing is believeing, but even then I am scepticle.

axlefoley's avatar

If believing in God gives you comfort, then crack on.

delirium's avatar

Its only stupid if you’re believing just because. Do some research if you’re not sure of what your beliefs are.
Look in to buddhism, humanism, and other faiths. Find something that suits you, if you need it.

Response moderated
flunx's avatar

yes god is stupid
a mystical creture that lives in the sky???
That’s is crazy!!!
I should know
I am an atiest

delirium's avatar

Flunx. That’s what is called “Giving all other atheists a bad name.”

squirbel's avatar


If it’s any comfort, he’s not atheist, he’s atiest :)


delirium's avatar

Hahahaha. That helps quite a bit. Those A Tiests are crazy fellows. Them and their ties.

axlefoley's avatar

Who created the Earth. What God, was it. As their are so many?.

flunx's avatar

not funny

flunx's avatar

u know that I didnt mean that but I did mean that

delirium's avatar

Flunx. I’m not against atheism. I’m probably one of the most outspoken atheists on this site.
But I’m not against faith where its needed. If that’s what people want, that’s what they should have. The point that I get aggressive is when faith impedes inappropriately on the secular world.

Eloquence is appreciated. We will poke fun at you, so make it so that we have nothing to poke fun at.

Nathanael's avatar

i am a christian, but i think you should either go one way or the other. either belive in him, or don’t. dont be in the middle. thats just the way i see it

delirium's avatar

Nathanael: Are you against agnosticism?

flunx's avatar

but I had faith before
but then the accedent happened and were was god then huh
I stop beliveing in him long ago
that’s why I am so hateful towards god

axlefoley's avatar

Flunx, if you are on a plane and both wings fall off. Would’nt the thought of God pass through your mind just for a second.

squirbel's avatar

For a quick peek at what delirium believes, save her the trouble of copy-pasting and read

What does it mean to be athiest?

delirium's avatar

:) I appreciate that squirbel.

And Flunx: That’s called antitheism, not atheism.
And Axlefoley: I really don’t think that question is relevant.

squirbel's avatar

No prob bob. I just looked again and saw you got 7 points from it, you could rack up some more with a copy-paste. lawl :D

delirium's avatar

Hahaha. I apparently need to catch back up after being gone for so long. ;)

I’m surprised people liked my response that much. I get rambley when I try to say something so complicated.
I also get outspoken about religion. I’m very proud of my beliefs, but also find it in myself to respect people who are religious but don’t take religion out of context, and those who aren’t biblical literalists.

/me rambles on.

I… just am very interested in belief, I think. I always have been.

What I have the biggest problem with is Christians championing violence as an answer. Christians who believe in war solving who is right and who is wrong. I think ghandi said it best:

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

flunx's avatar

that was me
I taped all ur responses
no need to thank me

flunx's avatar

u there

delirium's avatar

Your joke is lost on me.

squirbel's avatar

This is not a chat, flunx – please take the chatter to private messages. I set a bad example and I apologize – I am nipping that mistake in the halfway-bloomed-bud.

axlefoley's avatar

Bless you my son. I forgive you!

delirium's avatar

Who is great answering flunx’s out of context posts?

flunx's avatar

Why so hateful

flunx's avatar

i just want to be friends

squirbel's avatar

Here is why. [She pulls out the Fluther handbook.]

“All content submitted to Fluther should be earnest, helpful, and productive (snark is fine, as long as it’s productive snark). Common sense will do you well.”

Make sure you think through each answer and post thoughtful, coherent, grammatically correct responses.

Again, I apologize for getting off track myself, I believe I might have been the first.

Besafe's avatar

WOW—- it is nice to see so much love being expressed in this thread.

delirium's avatar

Squirbel: I believe there is a difference between a slightly off topic interaction between users and a three word open ended not-sentence.

No apology really needed, I don’t think.

flunx's avatar

but how do u PM?
I am new
and I am sorry to every body here

TheHaight's avatar

I loved reading this!!! :) your all grrreat.

And its not stupid to believe in anything you truely and faithfully want to believe in.

ishotthesheriff's avatar

all right i’ll come back to fluther for a moment.
hey squirbel pal.
you, too delirium! i missed you. truly.

seeing is believing? look around you flunx and take the glue off your eyes that’s been put there by ignorance and like delirium quoted and ghandi said, a bunch of “christians” (note the quotes) acting like yuppies and only praising G-d when they need self help.
(i’m going to say sorry for my anger-ful response)
i don’t believe in finding a religion or belief that suits you. i am here to do G-d’s Will on Earth as it is in Heaven.
flunx i’m sorry for whatever tragedy you endured that made you trash whatever faith (is that what you call it?) in Him. but in response to the cliche, horrible argument of “why do bad things happen in this world? etc”
G-d created the earth
it was good. (this is the Evan-notes version lol..)
man gave into temptation and sinned. aka screwed things up.
aka pt. 2, evil was brought into this world.

to answer the actual question…
it’s opinion. it’s quite obvious that to many on Fluther it is very stupid to believe in G-d. i don’t think so. but i do think it’s foolish to say you believe in G-d and maybe claim to be a Christian but do not live out the life out a Christian ( Christ-follower ). which relates exactly to what Gandhi has said.
Christ came to give abundant life and to make disciples.
like Oswald Chambers perfectly said,
“Jesus did not say – Make converts to your way of thinking, but look after My sheep, see that they get nourished in the knowledge of Me.”

i’m starting to lose my train of thought. fjdal;v i apologize. it’s been a while since i’ve developed a response around here. . .

ishotthesheriff's avatar

life out the life of a Christian*

Besafe's avatar

At last some words of love.

I think you ought to be a preacher. Very well said. Wish I had your talent for apolgetics. Blessings to you

oneye1's avatar

I do not think your stupid I look at it like this before I believed I was a drunk I abused drugs I did anything to get my drugs I lied to my family I was very self-centered I cared about one person me now I am drug free do not drink not saying drinking is wrong but it was for me because it controled my life I work with the homless now I help poeple when I can so I beleive even if I’m wrong and their is no god I’m a better person and the world is a better place because I do beleive in God

theloveprophet's avatar

The proof I use for the existence of G-d is the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Why would the disciples of Christ die for their faith if they knew it was a hoax? All of them were killed. It would have been so easy for them just to deny their faith and they could have kept living but they didn’t. They died for something that they knew was real, so real, that they didn’t care what others did to them.

IMO, if you don’t believe in G-d, you are not stupid per-say, just misguided by Satan.
Also, if you do believe in G-d, you are on the right track. You just have to filter your belief with John 14:6… “I am the way the truth and the life. No man comes to the father but by me (Jesus).”

Riser's avatar

Not to play Devil’s advocate theloveprophet, but Jim Jones’ followers certainly believed they were dying for a just cause.

oneye1's avatar

@riser Jesus say we would know the end was near when we see false prophets

theloveprophet's avatar

Thank you, Tim.

Also, Riser, Jim Jones’ followers didn’t see him brutally murdered without a cause and then rise from the dead.

Get some better rhetoric, then bring something out to argue with.

delirium's avatar

Don’t be rude, prophet. He was polite in his asking, you should be polite in your answering.

theloveprophet's avatar

You’re right. the last line was rude. I apologize, Riser, and I won’t do it again.

Thanks for calling me out, delirium.

Riser's avatar

It’s no problem. You’re right, my rhetoric was flawed but I was trying to make a point in that, I can see you know what you’re talking about and wanted to challenge you to go beyond the normal argument that I call “the persecution proof.” In that most people believe their faith/religion/belief is true because of their sacrifice and persecution. If that were the case Reverand Fred Phelps would be the most pure and true holy prophet of God, although I do not believe that “God hates Fags” is a Biblical message.

Theloveprophet: If I had less respect for you I would not challenge you to go beyond what can easily be explained away. It’s true, Jim Jones’ followers did not see him rise from the dead after being murdered for a just cause, but to them, their leader knew the truth and was being persecuted by an outside world, much like Jesus. While I do not recognize the parallels between Jim Jones’ message and Christ’s miraculous resurrection it is documented that Jim Jones performed what his cult believed to be miracles and the fact that they believed he was the resurrected Lord, to them they fell into the category of what Jesus said as “Blessed are you who see and believe but blessed are those who do not see and still believe.”

Again, theloveprophet, I want to hear your arguments and that is why I challenge even if it may not fit the framework of your argument as well as would be preferred, know that I am playing devil’s advocate out of respect for you, not disrespect.

DinoMite7's avatar

Its not stupid to believe god

delirium's avatar


oneye1's avatar

reban who

theloveprophet's avatar

I appreciate that you play the devil’s advocate out of respect.
And for that, I have loads of respect for you.

To address the arguments that you brought forth, I think you have to look at the source of persecution.

They could have very easily denounced their faith in Christ to stop being persecuted but they didn’t. Why? Because of the source.
That source was them seeing Christ raised from the dead. If this man were not G-d, then all the disciples would have denounced their faiths, especially Peter, who denied Jesus three times. Believe me, it would have been SO easy for him to deny Christ again. But he didn’t. He had seen something so great that he wasn’t afraid to lose his life anymore.

The Bible says that you will know them [prophets] by their fruits. Obviously, G-d does not hate fags, and I am very ashamed that some people actually think that. That man’s fruits are against scripture, so you gotta look at that before you can call him a holy prophet.

As for the Jim Jones miracles, Jesus warned many times that people like Jones would rise up, and lead others astray. I guess Jesus was right.

Let’s just elaborate on this for a little while… I wanna see what you have to say.

Riser's avatar

what I find interesting, in regards to Rev. Phelps, is how his message has inspired Christians to take a stand of love. Perhaps that is an example of God’s word not coming back void. In Phelp’s misguided pursuit of evangelism, the real truth, through the mouths of true Christians that exercise the love found in Paul’s letters, has been preached to counter his message of hate.

While Phelp’s fruit has not produced “fruit” in the sense that people have not come to Christ because of him, fruit has still come of his message and his desire to save the lost, again misguided, is biblical.

But to say that what the disciples saw proves the existence of God is tearfully subject to the dangers written in Revelation.

The Bible says Satan has a counterfeit for everything and his mock resurrection of the anti Christ is no exception. Unfortunately it is “a wicked and perverse generation” asking for signs and wonders.

Sorry if I my post makes no sense. I’m doing this on an iPhone at a conference meeting.

theloveprophet's avatar

You are absolutely right about that Riser.
I can’t stand that website. In fact, I felt sick to my stomach when I was browsing it.

People who go against G-d’s word make me sick sometimes.
Maybe if he said “G-d hates the SIN of being a fag” he would have a little more credibility in my book, but since he’s saying that G-d hates humans, he is off my list.

Riser's avatar

I would like to discuss your opinions of homosexuality in the Bible because I believe, whilethe Bible can be the absolute truth, it doesn’t mean its interpretation is. I think we can all be easily misguided if we read something that requires interpretation because we will always read things with self-imposed filters.

please keep in mind I understand, Biblically, you are suppose to interpret the Bible through the Holy Spirit but we are still flawed human beings and we will not know, for sure, if we are being influenced by the Holy Spirit which is why it comes down to a personal relationship with God and the faith to believe we are interpreting it right but does that mean it is our duty to share our interpretation? I believe Paul addressed this regarding the argument of circumcision.

oneye1's avatar

I think your rite riser most christains make the mistake of judging when we do we make ourselfs gods small g more christains need to read1 john 4:7–11

Theotherkid's avatar

heres the problem…
if God does exist and you don’t know about it you better believe in him anyway. Because if you don’t believe in him and it turns out he does exist then you will have commited the ultimate sin and sent to the underworld. However, if you don’t doubt and he exists then God will happily let you into heaven. So I don’t think it’s stupid to believe in God, but rather smart to.

ishotthesheriff's avatar

okay are you serious?
this is the kind of mentality that is destroying the true image of Christ and G-d

just believing in Him doesn’t mean He’ll “happily” let you into His kingdom for forever
and just “believing” in Him (or i guess you mindless drones call it faith) doesn’t get you the reward of endless life.

here’s the problem?
NO. the things you just said is the problem.
you sell Christ like he’s some vacuum, going “door to door”
or like an ice cream cone.
like you can say a simple prayer and everything’s perfect, you’re set to go. you’ve bought you’re ticket.

that is not Christianity or what Christ came for.
He died for you.
nailed. dead. risen.
to be a Christian is to follow Christ with all your life and self.
to give up yourself.
to be a disciple is to completely give your life to Him. to be transformed into a new creation.
stop reading books on self-help.
stop listening to the media.
read the Word. don’t be swayed by people saying “it’s been mistranslated/ the interpretations are wrong/ etc.”
pray for understanding and G-d will make known to you what He is trying to say.
” the Bible is right. . . your native culture is wrong”
and if you really want to know the true Word, learn Hebrew and the other languages the books of the Bible are written in and study the scrolls and manuscripts.

i’m sick of this picking dandelions and chasing butterflies mentality.
sorry for my anger but i mean come the sunday school answers for the 4-year olds and learn what you say you’re living.

oneye1's avatar

Romans 10:9 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved

ishotthesheriff's avatar

and you honestly think that’s all there is too it oneeye?

ishotthesheriff's avatar

“Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say unto me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” (Matthew 7:21–23)

oneye1's avatar

I did not give you my words but God’s

ishotthesheriff's avatar

sorry, did i miss the “and G-d said that was all you did, forget the rest of the Bible” verse in there?

oneye1's avatar

no I know him and his word are you saying its not a gift its a pay check

ishotthesheriff's avatar

what? i don’t even understand what you just asked…

oneye1's avatar

is it free or do we have to work for it

ishotthesheriff's avatar

work for what?
Christ died for us.
but His Will still has to be done, “on Earth as it is in Heaven”.

oneye1's avatar

your saying its some hard thing how hard is it when someone gives you a gift

ishotthesheriff's avatar

you’re totally on a different level than what i’m thinking.
it is a gift,
but you can’t honestly tell me that you think you can live your life killing people and disgracing G-d every day and call yourself a Christian that shall die and go to Heaven.

oneye1's avatar

I beleive he said come as you are and when you know him he starts to do a work inside you I fail him everyday am I going to hell or is his grace sufficient

ishotthesheriff's avatar

you’re right. completely right man.
but after that, you know? you’ve got to live for Him. give everything. “i must decrease, You must increase”

oneye1's avatar

that’s my point the verse you spoke of we did all these thing he said I never know you they were saying look at what I have done not look at what God has done follow the glory

crackerjack's avatar

No neither believing in God nor religion makes you stupid, but if people take it too far like radical people who kill others makes you stupid

sixflat1's avatar

the universe is more than 5 billions years old, our interpritation of existense is basically nothing. We are just now discovering string theroys. The message of Jesus is true, just dont fool yourself into believing he was anything but a man, who…....fully understood the human psych, and used his” god given” gift to spread the word of good (not god), of what he thought was right.
The word of god is in everyone of us, and the choice is yours; do you lean to the positive or the negative?
everything is made of matter, positive or negative. “god” has left it up to us, the matter.

delirium's avatar


squirbel's avatar

That’s what I said when I read it, delirium.

I just chose not to acknowledge it, el oh el.

delirium's avatar

You know how I am about these things… I can’t keep my mouth shut. ;) <3

sixflat1's avatar

w…w…w..wh…what is your question?
and squirbel… just because you dont understand what i said, why do you choose not to acknowledge it? also by acknowledging it, you are in fact, acknowledging it.

squirbel's avatar

No, sixflat1. I didn’t say I couldn’t understand it.

What I did say was that I chose not to acknowledge it.

And no, sixflat1, I did not acknowledge your response – not even by saying I refused to acknowledge it. If I had, it would have been like this:

the universe is more than 5 billions years old, our interpritation of existense is basically nothing.

Where is your proof to the universe’s age? Why do you believe our interpretation of existence is basically nothing, when everyone has a different interpretation? Do you truly believe you can walk in here and just toss everyone’s interpretation of their own existence out with a few words? Honestly?

We are just now discovering string theroys.

As for string theories, what does that have to do with the next sentence, or the remaining paragraph?

The message of Jesus is true, just dont fool yourself into believing he was anything but a man,

Do you, or do you not believe in the message of Jesus? Have you read the Bible? Do you realize that Jesus claimed he was the Son of God? If you say what he said is true, you cannot pick and choose what is true or not.

who…....fully understood the human psych, and used his” god given” gift to spread the word of good (not god), of what he thought was right.

You are talking about a time when the human psyche had not been researched – and when people still believed in omens and behaved ritualistically. How would Jesus even know about the human psyche…unless…perhaps…he was the Son of God? I don’t know – you tell me.

The word of god is in everyone of us, and the choice is yours; do you lean to the positive or the negative?

The Word of God is the Bible. If you have seen it installed in each person, like a cyborg, I’m afraid I don’t live in the same reality as you, my friend. OH WAIT! Our realities are ‘basically nothing’. If you mean that each person has a propensity to good or evil, I might be able to accept that.

everything is made of matter, positive or negative. “god” has left it up to us, the matter”

el oh el.

everything is made of matter – true
everything is made of matter, positive or negative. – true, in a way
“god” – why put it in quotation marks? do you, or don’t you believe in him?
god has left it up to us, the matter – English 101, fail. What are you talking about?

Inherently, when we read things, we try to sum up what we read when we finish. What happened to delirium and myself when we read your response was confusion. We had no way to sum up what you meant, we had no way to figure out who’s side you were on, and, quite frankly, couldn’t be bothered with your grammar.

delirium is on the evolution side of the spectrum, and I am on the creation end of the spectrum. Where are you?

Actually I am a happy-medium, since I believe in creation and micro-evolution.

And this, my friend, is acknowledgment.

sixflat1's avatar

Yea, i was rambling. Now that i read again i see that. As for your response i will attemp to break it down.
The universe being about 5 billion years old, the proof is in math. They calculate how fast the universe is expanding and get a date from which all it all started. Its an accepted fact, i thought everyone learned this in school.
i brought up string theory to show how our ideas of the universe are changing even today. We know next to nothing of how the universe works. People can interpret anyway they want, I was saying people can try to understand god, but can never fully understand god. Jesus, Mohhamed these guys had a pretty good understanding of him. But you have to realize what im thinking is that.god is in their brain. No matter if he is the son of god, or god is talking through him. It is happening through atoms.
Do you believe god is made of atoms?, if god exists in this universe surley he has to be made of something on some level. I believe is made of the same stuff i am. the same stuff everything is made of.
Yes he fully understood the human psych, was he the son of god becasue of it? I think his brain work so well, he understood much more that we could ever know. This is the reason he was able to help so many people.

you say the word of god is in the bible. who wrote the bible? It was a man with a brain, a man made of atoms.i dont think it is installed in each person, i believe that if we are all made of the same stuff as god that some can use the mind to find god within ourselves.

everything is made of matter (atoms) positive or negative,god leaves it up to us to choose between the postive and negative. god has left it up to us, the matter (atoms).

a summary, well… that would be everything is made of atoms, you me jesus and god, and this table. Trying to figure out how it all fits together results in religion in some people and science in others.

I know my writing is horrible, just trying to give you knowledge on another way to look at god. peace

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