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SuperMouse's avatar

Do you believe people have an energy signature?

Asked by SuperMouse (30845points) August 22nd, 2010
25 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

A lot of people have experience with “energy vampires” people who sap the life out of people the spend time with. But do you believe everyone has a unique energy signature? Do you believe they leave it behind on all they come in contact with?

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Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I believe in energy and in energy movement, so to speak – all of this has no legitimate standards or ways to conceptualize so it’s iffy.

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

I think that is just a way of expressing the effect of preconceptions on thoughts and actions.

stardust's avatar

I believe we are made up of energy. I’m not sure about a unique energy signature as energy is a forever changing force
If I’ve been around an energy vampire and I feel the negative effects afterwards, then I can dispel that myself.

cockswain's avatar

I guess I could believe in energy signatures to the extent that we are comprised of energy and therefore all our actions could be our signature. I don’t believe in energy signatures in some vague New Age/aura/chakra kind of way because I’ve seen no evidence such things are real and not ridiculous bullshit. I do not believe in energy vampires either because I’ve been around lots of people and never witnessed such a thing. There are people that tire me out because they are so amped up, but I don’t want to label them any sort of vampire.

MacBean's avatar

Everybody is an energy vampire to me. Spending time with people just drains me.

zophu's avatar

I’ve heard people called “energy-vampires” when the only significant thing I think they did was exude true self-confidence. That can be draining for people who spend all their energy forging false self-confidence. And surprise!, that’s the stereotype for those who commonly use the term. I think most people just use the term to describe people that are hard to be around, but not necessarily annoying or rude.

People have energy signatures. But any “aura” is only a part of it, and those often have more to do with the perceiver than the supposed emitter. You have to know a person to see much of their “energy.”

truecomedian's avatar

Energy Vampires, I think that is just people that take more energy to be around, not like their getting your energy. I think that we definitely each harmonize on a certain level, some people are on similar levels. I’ve seen photography where it shows like an aura around a person, I don’t know if I believe in that. There’s a book called The Celestine Prophecy that’s about such energy, and your environment, and all that. I’ll go out on a limb here and say that yes people have an energy signature.

DominicX's avatar

In a purely figurative sense, yes. I do believe that some people are just difficult to deal with and thus you use up more energy dealing with them, but it’s purely physical/mental and involves no supernatural “aura” or anything like that, if that’s what we’re hinting at.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Noooooo…...not in the sense that there is any residue of it left behind in any place you went unless in the hearts and minds of those you met, and certainly not in any way it could be stolen or extracted.

BarnacleBill's avatar

With one of my daughters, I can feel her presence in the house even if I don’t know beforehand that she’s there. She displaces a lot of energy when she walks into my proximity. It’s been like that since early childhood.

jazmina88's avatar

Yes, I feel people’s energies.

Seaofclouds's avatar

I believe we all have our own “energies” and that we share those energies with the people we are around. I suppose some of that energy could also be left behind in the places we’ve visited as well (I’ve never really thought about it).

Coloma's avatar

I have always considered an ‘energy vampire’ to someone in a constant state of crisis, high emotionality, reactivity, drama queens/kings. Not upbeat, extravert high energy which has a positive vibe instead of an anguished vibe.

I definitely feel people spread around their energies, you can feel a presence for the positive or negative and yes, I do believe that certain dwellings, places can carry a certain energy leftover from it’s inhabitants.

I moved from my house 7 years ago to a new home because the ‘energy’ was negative after a divorce situation.

The house truly felt like it had died.
No matter how I tried I could not get that house to FEEL good again.

jazmina88's avatar

animals have energy signatures as well

cockswain's avatar

It would be interesting to see if those who believe they can tell the specific energy of an individual were put to a test. Blindfold them in a room, and have various people pass by. See if they can identify who is who.

Trillian's avatar

People compete for energy in different ways. We freely give energy to those we love. People wo use the “poor me” tactic use guilt to take your energy. People who are standoffish and force you to continually ask questions are taking energy in another way. People who use threats and intiimidation are using still another tactic.(Redfield, J)
Rock stars and people in the audience at a concert give the energy back and fourth willingly. There is a similarity between what is happening with pentecostals and haitians when they are grouped together and praying. There even is a scientific term for it believe it or not. It is called “rapture” and it is attained by shallow breathing and focusing. The desired result is even the same for both groups, they are calling out to spirits for posession. The Christians are calling to the Holy Spirit, and I’m afraid I do not know the names of the spirits the Haitians call to. I say Haitians, but I mean any practitioners of VooDoo. Receiving large amounts of this energy can be overwhelming and strangely misrepresented, depending on the particular lens of perception of the one undergoing the experience.
Universal energy is there for the taking, and there I’m going to stop, lest this turn into a lecture.

SeventhSense's avatar

Oh Christ I meet people all day long who suck the life out of me like Charlie Brown’s teacher and I personally leave a fireball with every step I take. So yes, how can we beings of energized light and matter do anything less than leave our traces on whatever we touch.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

There is so far a lack of empirical support for most of the more common lay notions about human energies.

SeventhSense's avatar

^^ See woosh like a vacuum.. Debbie Downer.

Jabe73's avatar

Yes, I think people leave certain energy signatures according to their vibration level. Negative people/dark entities have lower vibration levels and positive people/light entities have higher vibration levels. When I say positive/negative people I am not talking about emotions. You can have seemingly upbeat/optimistic people who are negative and seemingly depressed/pessimistic people that are really positive.

Did you ever notice how easy you “click” with certain people compared to others? This is because we are spirits inside of physical human bodies. All spirits have a vibration rate so if you automatically feel comfortable with someone chances are the vibration frequencies are similar. This is generally why people that are considered goody-two-shoes or nerdy usually suck at being “cool” or at doing “negative” things such as fighting, starting trouble, starting rumors, saying the “right” thing/s, easily finding mates for strictly sexual purposes, being aggressive and alot of other things.

This is according to my spiritualist beliefs that I’ve answered this question the best I could but this is a very complicated issue to try to explain so I gave the short version. I know this sounds over the top to many but they are my own opinions/beliefs. I’m not sure if I understood your question correctly however. I went out on a limb here.

@Coloma I fully understand what you are saying. That sounds like the house I currently live in. This house was my grandmother’s before she passed away last year. I also lived here with my now deceased brother. We had many good times in this house. Many parties, Christmas’, holidays and events. It used to have a certain “feel” to it but now it is dead and I’m currently in the process of moving out of it for good.

truecomedian's avatar

That was getting really good, bummer you didn’t opt for the lecture. For some reason I think of the movie “The Serpent and the Rainbow” that’s about voodoo. I have done rituals that I feel altered my reality. Crazy we can spend all these years holding on to something just to lose it because we should have just let go.

Coloma's avatar


I couldn’t agree more.

Good luck creating your new high frequency digs. :-)

SeventhSense's avatar

Positive/negative are inseparable. Like the light and the dark these are simply relative concepts that are dependent upon each other.

Coloma's avatar



But…one can feel the difference between darkness and light.

It’s all in the feeling , not the thinking.

SeventhSense's avatar

Really? Close your eyes and describe that to me.

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