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Jude's avatar

Does it feel Fall-ish where you're at?

Asked by Jude (32198points) August 23rd, 2010
62 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

I love late August weather. Today is the first day in a long while that I have the windows open. A cool breeze is drifting on in and I can hear the trees swaying.

I am actually a bit chilly and would love to slide on under my duvet with my better half and have her keep me warm.

The leaves are also starting to change color.

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Allie's avatar

No. We’re supposed to have a few 100+ degree days this week. It’s definitely still summer here in Northern California.

Aster's avatar

I wish. Triple digit heat again today. No signs of fall. Wish I had stayed in NJ. Or better yet, Colorado.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Yes,today it kind of does.
I need to get some boat rides in before the river gets thick ;)

AmWiser's avatar

Hecks no. It’s still humid here and I can’t wait for the Fall-like weather to set in.

syz's avatar

Sadly, no.

syz (35953points)“Great Answer” (1points)
Adirondackwannabe's avatar

We’ve had 36 hours of almost constant rain here in upstate NY. It’s still very cloudy and cool. Leaves are turning on some trees and already starting to fall. Fall is definately making an appearance. On the other hand, apples are ready.

mowens's avatar

The winter cant come fast enough. I hate the fucking summer. Hot. Stupid. Sunny. I like it dark, and cold. I get depressed in the summer, and my air is on full blast. In the winter, I dont even turn on the heat. I love it!

Coloma's avatar

It has felt like fall yes.

An unusally mild summer.

I’m in northern Ca. and it’s been awesome the last two weeks, low to mid-80’s with a breeze, but…the last surge of heat is coming.

Supposed to be up to 100 again by Weds. ugh!

The good news…just made spur of the moment plans to hit the road for a roadtrip to Yellowstone with a guy friend in the next 8–10 days or so.

Woo hoo…now, if only I can line up the animal and watering crew of house/pet sitters…I might return to instant fall by the 3rd week of Sept. :-)

etignotasanimum's avatar

This is the third or fourth day of 90 degree weather in the last week. So, not really. However, before that we had a lot of rain. I think it personally feels more like fall to me b/c I start up at college again this week. Yay, learning!

Seek's avatar

I don’t even check the weather, and I don’t need to.

Hot enough to kill you, but if you’re lucky, it’ll rain for about 20 minutes, and the resulting humidity will mercifully suffocate you before dehydration can set in.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

It is lovely today. 71F and a breeze and a bit of rain. I have my windows open, also. FINALLY! :)

Aster's avatar

@TheOnlyNeffie where do u live? I’m packing. (-;

DominicX's avatar

Nope, still feels like summer and that’s what I like. :)

@Allie Defo. It’s going to be 94 and 97 today and tomorrow here. I’m excited!

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@Aster Ohio. You can unpack now that you know. LOL. ;)

SundayKittens's avatar

Less Fall-sh, more Hell-ish. Yesterday the heat index here was 120.

CMaz's avatar

If you consider 90 degrees fall-ish.

Aster's avatar

@ChazMaz No, Chaz; 90 is not fall-ish. lol

aprilsimnel's avatar

Nope. Humid, still.

Coloma's avatar

Just was talking weather with my neighbor up the hill and our forecast is two hot days mid-week and then a drop into the 70’s! I am so stoked, means I can cut my watering chores to every other day. Praise the powers that be!
This is high burnout zone for me, by the end of summer I don’t care if everything dies. lol

wilma's avatar

Yes, I almost had to put slippers on this morning; almost,
but It’s up over 70° now, so I’m good!

tinyfaery's avatar

Summer just got here. L.A. had very mild temperatures until about a week and half ago.

muppetish's avatar

Lots of Californians here :) How interesting.

I’ve often joked that Southern California does not have autumn. We have two seasons: Summer and “cold” (which simply encompasses any type of weather that dips below 70 degrees. You’ll often find college students on my campus draped in coats and sweaters, with scarves around their necks and gloves on their hands. They aren’t just trying to look trendy – they will insist they are actually freezing cold.)

It’s very warm outside today. It probably won’t cool down significantly until mid to late October.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Oh yes, it’s blowing a hooly outside and last night and some of today we had the heaviest rain that I have seen in a long time but the sun was out in between downpours. Lovely.

Seaofclouds's avatar

It has still been pretty warm here (90s and 100s), but it is starting to cool down. Kansas weather is very odd. We can be in the 100s one minute and then 5 minutes later a storm will sweep through and we’ll be in the 70s. It’s 89 here now, but feels like 96 with the heat index. The high is only suppose to be in the upper 70s to mid 80s the next few days (we’ll see if it happens). The leaves are starting to fall off the trees, but the colors haven’t started changing yet. So, we are headed there…just not there yet.

marinelife's avatar

I am in the same situation here. The AC is off and the windows are open. There is a pleasant breeze. Of course it is 82 degrees, but that does not feel hot compared to what has gone before.

Austinlad's avatar

NO!!! It’s 105 today. But a morning will come in mid to late September when I’ll know, standing on the porch early in the morning, that autumn is coming. And believe me, I’m starting to count the days till that morning.

Coloma's avatar

I used to live in Southern Ca. years ago, inland from the coast in San Diego…OMG, it would get to 110 or more in the fall.

My daughter was boen there in late November of 1987 and I bought all these little wintery baby outfits..HAH!

It was so damn hot that all she wore for the first few weeks was a diaper and tee shirt. lol

Seek's avatar

@Coloma Same with my son.

Though, I was lucky – I bought all these little newborn outfits, and he was 10½ lbs! I had nothing that fit him! Fortunately, it was August in Florida.

You’d be amazed how many strangers commented on my half-naked newborn.

Them: “Isn’t he cold, with no clothes on?”
Me: * blank stare * “It’s a hundred degrees outside. It’s 85 degrees inside with the air running. I think cold is the least of our worries.”

Coloma's avatar



That is one of my pet peeves, overdressing babies…good god…if you are comfortable the baby is comfortable!

I know newborns need a little time to thermo-regulate, but, jeez, if it’s 100 degrees!

I always see these parents in shorts and tank tops with their babies in sweats and long sleeved shirts, no WONDER they are CRYING! Haha

Sarcasm's avatar

Here in sunny San Diego, we’ve had quite moderate weather for the past 3 months. I wouldn’t call it June Gloom, but it was definitely not summer weather.

The past few days I spent at my parents’ house where they have AC, because it has gotten up to 95+ and hasn’t cooled off at night. Right now at 11:30am, it’s around 90 degrees.

So no, it’s not Fall here :(

Aster's avatar

@Austinlad How will u know it’s autumn? Because you don’t feel like racing back indoors? that’s the way it is here.

Dr_Dredd's avatar

Yes, and it’s bumming me out. A few nights ago, it went down to the low 50’s. Over the weekend, it was cold and rainy. Today also, it’s chilly and rainy. There’s still a month of summer left, dammit!

Aster's avatar

@Dr_Dredd it sounds wonderful.

RareDenver's avatar

Once again here in Britain if you blinked about a week ago the likelihood is you missed the Summer, it feels very much like Autumn today with constant rain and grey skies.

muppetish's avatar

@RareDenver I wish I were there. Anyone want to trade weather? A cup of rain for a gallon of sunshine?

ChocolateReigns's avatar

No, thank goodness. It’s not allowed to feel fall-ish for at least 3 more weeks. Cooler would be nice, just not fall-type cool. But it looks like we may have at least 80s until mid to late September.

harple's avatar

With a high today of 66 (I had to go look that up!) much much rain, and strong wind (still talking weather here) I would say it is certainly beginning to feel autumnal yes… Am getting my woollens ready as we speak!

Cruiser's avatar

Was up around Madison this weekend…hotter than hot….95 degrees…water skiing, tubing…I am not ready to trade in my hot summer nights just yet…no I am not!!

kenmc's avatar

Yup. Biggest relief ever.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

It certainly feels fall-ish, and has felt almost like the beginning of winter at times. It snowed for a half hour a couple weeks back.

janbb's avatar

Coolish and rainy, first day like this in a loooong time.

downtide's avatar

Feels more like November here. It’s horrible.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

No, not with heat in the hundred teens :(

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Cool and some rain/drizzle. It kinda does feel like fall
Fuuucccckkkkkk yesssssssssss

iphigeneia's avatar

I will give a hemispherically-appropriate answer and say that, yes, spring is definitely on the horizon here. My neighbour’s trees are showing the first signs of blossom and the air is cool, not cold. Hooray!

Coloma's avatar

I think we all should have a house swap. lol

Trade my end of summer for late winter, or my early fall for spring, or, or…

But my house comes with chores. lol

It also comes with a short drive to Apple hill, famous around here for it’s beautiful mountain apple orchards, and fall harvest with many ranches selling the best fresh apples, pies, baked goods, apple butter, cider, caramel apples…OMG..I can’t wait for October!

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

No, but it is starting to feel like Spring. Its great to have the warmer weather returning!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

105 degrees and it’s 8pm :(

cookieman's avatar

Surprising, yes.
70s, windy, little drizzle.
Sleeping with the windows open tonight.


Seek's avatar

Monsoon season has arrived in Florida.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

You summer haters haven’t lived through an upstate NY winter. Twenty degrees below zero, three feet of snow in one storm, I’ll take the heat.

Seek's avatar


The last year I lived in NY, we had a 23inch blizzard.

Every winter thereafter, I’ve pined for that blizzard.

I’ll trade you a blizzard for a hurricane any day.

janbb's avatar

@cprevite I’m with you. I’m loving me this Nor’ Easter or whatever it is after this hellish hot summer.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr Yes, I’ll take snow over a hurricane anytime. We can always move it with a shovel and it doesn’t take out the houses. Plus it’s almost hockey season.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@janbb I kind of liked this summer. Hot, sunny and dry. The produce was great, my golf game sucked, but I like the hot weather. For the rest of the country, we consider 95 as hot in upstate NY. It goes down to 68 to 70 at night.

Dr_Dredd's avatar

I don’t play golf. But otherwise I agree with @Adirondackwannabe. :-)

aprilsimnel's avatar

Pssh, @Adirondackwannabe, I’m a non-summer fan from Wisconsin. What’s that about snowdrifts and blizzards and 23 below? ;)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@aprilsimnel How can you be a non-summer fan in Wisconsin? Did all the cheese mess with your thermostat? Oh, that’s right, anything above zero is summer for you guys.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Yes. I find these NYC winters positively balmy.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@aprilsimnel I’m about 4 hours northwest of NYC. Their winters aren’t as bad as ours, but when they get hammered there’s no place to put the snow. I’m just south of the snowbelt in NY A few years ago they had 11 feet of snow in one storm.

cookieman's avatar

@janbb: I’m just relieved my body parts aren’t sticking together any more.

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

No the leaves haven’t turned color, they are just dead.

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