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downtide's avatar

Have you ever marched in a Gay Pride parade (or any other kind of parade)?

Asked by downtide (23815points) August 23rd, 2010
29 responses
“Great Question” (5points)

If you have, how was your experience? I’m marching in my town’s Pride event on Saturday and I’m really looking forward to it. I’m thinking of a celebratory event here rather than protest marches, but if you have those experiences to share too, that would also be interesting.

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AmWiser's avatar

That’s something I have yet to do…take part in a parade. Well someone has to be in the audience! Last year was the first time I saw a gay pride parade. I thought it was very interesting. Saw some things….

SundayKittens's avatar

I did in grad school. My gay friends asked me to come support them and it was a great experience…despite the hateful protesters who used their small children as sign-holders. That’s the South for you.
Afterwards was a big party in the park…lots of fun.
Does your town have problems with the event, @downtide, or is it welcome?

downtide's avatar

@SundayKittens Pride is very well received in my city. We’re practically the gay capital of the UK. :)

Jude's avatar

Yep. I marched in one in Windsor, Ontario. I was 21. It was a small-ish parade and a few girls and I were smack dab in the middle. I came out to a few people that day. It wasn’t my intention, though. Former school mates happened to be watching the parade. I waved to them with my one hand and had my other arm wrapped around my girl’s waist.

I also marched in Toronto pride and New York Pride.

I loved all three of them.

I wasn’t wearing assless chaps, though.

Akua's avatar

I marched in Brooklyn’s West Indian Day Parade a couple of years ago and I went to a Gay Pride celebration in the Village but I wasn’t involved in the parade. Maybe next year I will though… I’m not Gay but I doubt they will mind.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Walking in a straight line,following others is not my idea of fun.and I fear clowns ;)

SundayKittens's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille There are NO straight lines in any gay pride parade I’ve been to. Lots of sashaying, but no straight lines! :D

ucme's avatar

Isn’t that more of a mince than a parade ;¬} I…ahem…dressed as a bunny one time as a kid at a kind of sporadic spur of the moment easter parade type thingy….....what’s up doc!! :¬D

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@SundayKittens -But,are there clowns??you know how I feel about those bast@rds;)

muppetish's avatar

No and the only reason is a lack of transportation. If someone were willing to drive me to the city and drop me off, I’d participate wearing my trademark white knot. Unfortunately, I have school. A school that doesn’t have marches unless someone is threatening to increase tuition fees or cut courses.

I hope you have a loverly time at the march :)

I was elated beyond belief when the Perry et al. v. Schwarzeneggar case concluded. I wished I could have been at the heart of the celebration. Was anyone there?

Austinlad's avatar

The last (and only) March I participated in was the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1964. Hearing Rev. Martin Luther King speak in person has been enough to hold me for 45 years!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I’ve been to many Pride Parades here in NYC – usually I’d attend both Brooklyn and Manhattan pride…a couple of years I group-marshalled the NYU LGBT office group…this year was the first year I watched the parade instead of walking in it…

tinyfaery's avatar

I’ve never marched in a Pride Parade or any parade, but I have participated in the S.F. Dyke March. It’s not really my thing, though.

DominicX's avatar

Sadly, no. I would love to. I’ve seen a few Gay Pride parades, but I’ve never been in one. :(

OpryLeigh's avatar

I’ve never marched but I joined the celebrations in Trafalgar Square (London) a couple of times.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

It was just so boring. Gays know how to throw a party, my ass.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@papayalily Well maybe now you won’t be using that generalization.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir I don’t know that I used that phrase before the parade. It was more just really, horribly bad in almost every way. I get grumpy when I pay for city parking and it turns out staying at home and cleaning the stove would have been more fun.

marinelife's avatar

I have only watched Gay Pride parades. My favorite one is the one in San Francisco. Very colorful!

I have marched in a lot of parades. As a child (I was a girl scout).

As part of a protest.

They are fun.

Thammuz's avatar

I participated in something like 4 / 5 political protest parades, then i realized that the system is shit and is as based on democracy as the movement of this planet is, and ceased going with no intentions to rethink this position anytime soon. We don’t have gay pride parades here, but you should remember i live in italy, which is the ass and leg of Europe.

free_fallin's avatar

I’ve walked in several pride parades around the US. It’s always an enjoyable and entertaining experience. I think it’s something people should experience once in life even the assholes against homosexuality could benefit from it.

downtide's avatar

@Austinlad it must have been amazing to hear him speak. I’m so jealous!

downtide's avatar

Well my Parade was this Saturday (although the partying is still going on until tonight) and it was an absolutely fantastic experience. I loved it. (apart from the 2 hours hanging about in the rain before we actually started). Our route took 45 minutes to walk, and the floats at the start set off an hour before my group (we were about ¾ the way towards the back). So the front lot must have finished before I even started.

GracieT's avatar

My life is rather boring, but I have marched in one Pride parade. I’ve also been in band, so several of those, one for Obama, and 1 for 4H

Akua's avatar

I’ll be at the Halloween Parade in the Village in NYC on Sunday!

filmfann's avatar

Back in the 70’s, during the Iran Hostage Crisis, about 100 Iranians marched down Market Street in San Francisco, protesting American attitudes towards Iran, and glorifying the Ayatollah Khomeini.
Two of my coworkers and I were taking lunch, and we couldn’t believe this was going on. The crowd had a microphone and two speakers, and were shouting out death to America slogans.
Well, fuck that!
So I took off my phone company coveralls, and began marching behind them, then got well into the crowd, until I got to one of the speakers. I picked up my snips, and cut the wire to one of their speakers. (this was a mistake, since I should have gone for the much-more-difficult-to-repair microphone wires)
I turned to run from the crowd, and was shocked to find that no one in the crowd noticed.
However, there was a large lineup of motorcycle policemen across the street, who had seen me, and were all laughing.
When we got into the yard that evening, I got quite a lecture from my boss, since I had been seen by company management “marching” with the Iranians.
He didn’t even want to hear my story.

YARNLADY's avatar

I’ve never been in a Gay Pride parade, but I’ve marched in various parades since I was a little girl; Easter parades, Halloween parades, Fourth of July parades, Memorial Day parades, Mardi Gras parades, Fiesta parades, Thanksgiving parades, Labor Day parades, May Day parades, and so on.

Bellatrix's avatar

I haven’t ‘walked’ in a parade but I have attended the Sydney Mardi Gras and loved it. What was so surprising and refreshing was that despite there being thousands of people present, there was no violence. I didn’t see any arguments. Everyone was drunk but happy. Such a positive experience for all concerned and such fun too.

I did walk in the Whit Sunday walks as a child… don’t really remember it. I have just seen the pictures. Do they still have the Whit Walks in Manchester @downtide?

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