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Frenchfry's avatar

Have you ever been in a car accident?

Asked by Frenchfry (7591points) September 2nd, 2010
40 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

Were you hurt? Did you end up in the ER? Was it your fault?

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marinelife's avatar


No, it was not my fault. We were rear-ended. I did not go to the ER, but was forced to go to the doctor later.

Frenchfry's avatar

@marinelife DId you realize you were hurt after?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Eight of them, three of which were not my fault. I did get my back pretty good one time. Didn’t start acting up for a few days. That one was 18 months of hell.

marinelife's avatar

@Frenchfry Not right away. The adrenaline was coursing through my body, and I did not start hurting and getting stiff until several hours later and the next day.

MissAusten's avatar

Besides a minor accident where I kind of scraped up against a parked car, I’ve only been in one other crash.

This happened a couple of days before my 22nd birthday. I was waiting to turn left into a parking lot. There were two lanes of oncoming traffic, and the lane nearest me was backed up waiting for a red light. A guy in a van had nicely left a gap, and was waving me through. There were a couple of other cars behind him, and I couldn’t see if anything was coming in the far lane. He kept waving impatiently, so I stupidly assumed the coast must be clear and made the turn. As I passed in front of the van, I saw a small pickup truck heading straight for the passenger side of my car. There was nothing I could do to avoid being hit. The woman driving the pickup hit her brakes, but couldn’t stop in time and crashed into the passenger side of my car. Luckily, no one was in the car with me. The impact shattered the passenger window and smashed in the whole side of my car. The pickup suffered a small dent in the front bumper.

No one was hurt, and I just had a small scratch on my nose from a flying bit of glass. The police came, but I wasn’t ticketed. It was my fault, but I still bear a slight grudge against the driver of the van, who of course didn’t stick around. My poor car, which was a Pontiac Fiero, was totaled. It was my first car and I loved it so much, I cried and cried when I found out the insurance company had declared it totaled. :( At that time, my dad still paid for my insurance (I was in college) and he handled all of the paperwork and dealing with the insurance company.

Darn it, I’m still sad about that car, and it’s been almost 14 years!

Cruiser's avatar

7 and only one the first one was my fault. I survived 2 head-ons, 3 totaled cars and not a scratch. Seat belts baby!!

Frenchfry's avatar

@marinelife Did the guy’s insurance pay for it? I hope so since it was not your fault

Frenchfry's avatar

@MissAusten I would be pissed to. Anyone that waving me impatiently like that. Sheesh. I hate that everyone in such a hurry. Sorry you totaled your car.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

GA Cruiser. Seat belts are key. The forces in a crash just aren’t imaginable. If you’re not strapped in your odds suck. When I was in the accident that hurt my back I was strapped in with the old style seat belts that you had to manually adjusted. I had them pulled as tight as I could get them and my back still got wrenched pretty bad.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Why,yes,I have!
A rollover into a ditch.Spinning out,jumping a ditch and landing on a grassy knoll (I call that one “The Kennedy”) and the topper was getting hit by a train.I can’t claim that as my own because I was but an open-mouthed passenger in the car….in a Halloween costume! (alien) XD
The only injury sustained in these was the second one which messed a disc in my neck up that still bothers me to this day.The rollover accident got us a ride in an ambulance.I didn’t get hurt at all that time.He however broke his collarbone.I wasn’t driving that time either.Then,there was the time I was going to a date’s house for the first time and was looking at the addresses and not the road.I hit a parked car and it turned out to be his.Found it! XD

Frenchfry's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille hahaha You hit your date’s car! Found it. WOW.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Frenchfry -It was stupidly funny ;)

Akua's avatar

My car slid on black ice back in Dec. 2003. My daughter was in the car with me in the back seat. It was snowing lightly, the car started sliding, I slid into an SUV, I saw an 18 wheeler sliding on the road in the distance, I turned to avoid crashing into it because I new it would be very bad if I did. I turned the wheel but the car just kept sliding and went off the side of the road, down an embankment and hit a tree. Air bag deployed and hit me in the face. Daughter lost consciousness. I got out of the car screaming for someone to help my baby, police and ambulance came. A helicopter arrived and flew my daughter and I to a pediatric trauma center in Altoona, PA. She suffered a broken orbital bone and bruised kidney (from the seat belt). Other than that she and I were fine. It was a no fault accident and I’m just glad she was’nt badly hurt.

Frenchfry's avatar

@Akua Glad your daughter was ok. I hate seeing kids in car accidents. The seatbelts always hurt them. I wonder why? Can’t they make a seatbelt that does not?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Frenchfry With growing children, it’s a tough challenge to match the belt to the size of the child. It’s a compromise on the size, so it doesn’t always fit well.

gravity's avatar

My mother informed me after the last that I have been involved in 11 car accidents. They have happened from Alaska all the way down to Alabama. I have been bloody and bruised and eventually had surgery on my spine from all the whiplash. Most were not my fault, things just tend to fly out of nowhere and smack into me… even when I’m not driving. ehk… It really messed with my head for awhile but I’m much better now.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Does getting hit by a car qualify? One of those.

Frenchfry's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe What were you walking and then got hit? Sure!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Frenchfry I made the mistake of walking through a crosswalk and thinking that gap in traffic is too small, that guy would never try to make it out of the side street. He went for it.

Frenchfry's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe OUCH! How bad did you get hurt?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Frenchfry I saw him out of the corner of my eye and I was able to get my arm up to kind of stiff arm him so I could do a little dance and get out of the way. Bruised my hand up pretty good, I was pretty lucky. I would have liked to see what it must have looked like.

Cruiser's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Yes seat belts are good and seeing the mess that broken glass makes of facial tissue of the faces of the 2 girls as they go through their windshield of their car that hit me head on was even more of a teaching moment!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Cruiser Maybe you should post that as a question. It might help some of these teenagers that think it will never happen to them.

ibstubro's avatar

Several, the worst of which I dozed off on a country highway and rolled the Cutlass 3–4 times into a field.

Amazingly, I unbuckled myself (not easy, being upside down) and walked to the nearest farm house. They were like,“OMG”, I guess I got there so soon they were still deciding what they should do. They wrapped me in a blanket and warmed me up while we waited for the state patrol.

Not a scratch, although later, much, I recognized the winding down of what were surely whiplash symptoms. I’m just dense about my own aches and pains. lol

Aster's avatar

a car pulled out in front of me to the left so I swung the wheel so I,d hit him on the right side of my new car instead of hitting the front. It totaled the car and I just got out and cheered that I was unscathed as was the other guy . The new car was called a STERLING.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I’ve been hit by cars 3 times. Once at 5, when I darted into the street; once at 7 when I, yes, darted into the street, and once at 25 when a taxi driver ran a red light on E. 97th and Lex. In none of those incidents was I hurt.

ibstubro's avatar

@aprilsimnel Wow, impressive record. Now. Stop. Now. You’re running out of lives! lol

NaturallyMe's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe 8?!?!?!
@Cruiser 7?!?!?! How is it possible to have so many accidents in a lifetime?! Sheesh….

Anyway, i’ve only had one accident and it wasn’t my fault. I was front in line at a traffic light, there were 2 lanes going straight and i was in the left one and there was a car to my right going straight too. As soon as the light turned green, i started driving and then a truck/lorry (one of those trucks you see at building sites maybe, that load sand or whatever) smashed into the right side of my car (the driver’s side) – it skipped the red light because it’s breaks had failed and he was going down a slight decline. The car next to me saw it and stopped but it was too late for me to do anything and i didn’t really even see the truck coming.
Fortunately it hit my car more towards the front wheel than towards the middle of my car, otherwise it would have been a whole lot worse. My car was also written off, and it was also my first car and i was so upset about it and i wish i still had that car. **sniff**
I didn’t have much injuries except for bruises here and there, and the feeling like someone had kicked me in the stomach.
I also wore my seatbelt, otherwise i may have not been alive.

Cruiser's avatar

@NaturallyMe Again I only caused one and 2 were as a passenger plus if you knew how old I am you would wonder why I haven’t had more!! I used to drive a lot more back then too! Odd part is all of them were within 2 miles of my house. Haven’t had one in over 15 years too! Damn I think I just jinxed myself

OpryLeigh's avatar

Yes, my car was a write-off I loved that car but my brother and I were fine. The policeman that was called out said I hit some stuff on the road that possibly came off the back of a tractor and I skidded and lost control. Maybe I would have regained control before crashing if I had been travelling at a slower speed but thankfully I wasn’t exceeding the speed limit.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@NaturallyMe Of the five accidents I caused, they were all my car against inanimate objects, usually as a result of some crazy/stupid thing I decided to try. I used to do some things that were rather dangerous, but only when I was alone and not involving putting anyone else at risk. If I had a kid that tried some of the things I’ve tried I’d shoot him.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

That reminds me of something. Does everyone know not to use the cruise control in the rain? That was the closest I came to an accident and didn’t crash. Going up some hills in the rain with the cruise control on. The cruise control senses the car is slowing so it tells the engine to increase the throttle as much as needs to get back to the set speed. It’s a 4WD Subaru. The left tires hit oil and completely lose traction while the right sides have reasonable grip. The car instantly trys to snap to the left. I managed to catch it, as soon as I turn into it the car snaps the other way. I could not find a straight line. It was three huge corrections right and left before I think the sensor in the cruise control told it to shut off. I couldn’t get a hand free to do it and I don’t think I had time to hit the brake pedal. My hands were completely tied up trying not to crash. It was one scary ride. I don’t think I’ve used the cruise control since that ride.

NaturallyMe's avatar

@Cruiser and @Adirondackwannabe I was just curious! :) @Adirondackwannabe Well your driving tricks explains your story then, hehe.

ibstubro's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Cruise can be very scary. You never want to use it in any inclimate weather…it will do the same thing on a small patch of ice.

I once dropped a tire off of the inside shoulder of the road and found myself somehow going in REVERSE toward the opposite on-coming traffic. It was a wide grassy median, thank goodness, because it took me several seconds to realize the cruise was STILL ENGAGED, and I was driving in reverse toward them at about 65 MPH. You think that’s not enough to make you wet yourself!

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

Yes. It wasn’t my fault. I didn’t end up in the ER, but I did have to go to the doctor the next day, and did have a moderate whiplash injury.

Mom2BDec2010's avatar

I was in a bad car wreck like 2 years ago, it was a head-on collision but mostly damaged the driverside (Which was my boyfriend at the time) I was in the passenger seat. It caved in the whole driver side and he ended up in the back seat. He was hurt really bad, all I got was a deep gash on my shoulder. He had to be rushed to the ER and he was in a coma for 2 weeks. All I had to get was stitches.

Seaofclouds's avatar

I’ve been in 4. Three of them I was a passenger and one I was the driver. Three of them were being rear ended (the one when I was driving and two of the others). The fourth one was when my friend was going through an intersection and a car ran the light crossing into the intersection right in from of us. We t-boned the other vehicle and it spun around hitting a vehicle waiting at the light. All three vehicles were totaled. From that accident, I had bruises all over my waist from the seat belt and slight whiplash. In the two accidents were we were rear ended when I was a passenger, I pulled the muscles in my back. The time I was rear ended when I was driving cause me to have more severe whiplash. I was out of work for 3 months and did physical therapy for quite a while for my back and neck.

Akua's avatar

@Frenchfry Yes she was well enough to be discharged from the hospital in Altoona 3 days later. everything healed on it’s own. When they told me the seat belt had bruised her kidney/liver I was very upset until I had a chance to think about it. I would much rather her organs be bruised than for her to have died in that accident. That seat belt saved her life.

BratLady's avatar

More than my share. Many accidents when a kid. Dad’s fault for driving like an idiot. In the ER so often they knew me by name when I got there. Only one was my fault and thank God no one got hurt. I was 22 years old and could barely see over the wheel in my husband’s Torino. It was pouring rain and I was going to dry my 5 month old son’s diapers at the laundramat. I cut the corner too sharp and took the fender off a VW bug,then hit a Cadiallac head on because I was shaking so bad my foot wouldn’t stay on the brake pedal. My 3 year old told the cop, “she should have let my daddy drive”.

newtscamander's avatar

I walked into a car ten years ago, when I was seven. Flew through the air and broke my left leg but was really very lucky to come away with just that. The woman driving the car and I were both equally at fault, said the police.

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