I always fluther from the same place. My computer room. I don’t own a laptop, and this is the only computer that we do own. So if I am on Fluther, I am right here in this chair. (Or standing over this chair, since the computer is in the center of the house I tend to stop to use it when I’m doing something else and walk by.)
Right now, my sofa… when I first got home it was my kitchen while I made a nice cup of tea… I might go and dye my hair in a mo, in which case it will be from my bedroom… from my same and only laptop :-)
@bob_ :: Most of the entries were in the US. I actually had to make stuff up to test how the map worked if people in other countries were added. I just wanted data to prove that people outside of San Francisco used the site.
@harple I happen to enjoy the company of my family (well, most days at least) so I’d rather do things with them than be fluthering or flickring. No offense meant!
Mostly while at work while on a laptop and some days at home alone while avoiding chores like a sink full of dishes, ironing clothes or driving across town in 100+ degree heat to get a pedicure and pick up some groceries.
Home…on my very old big chunky screened mish mashed together of parts computer…which (touch all the wood possible in the place) does a very fine job for me…
it did once break down a couple of years ago when I had just got into Fluther and I was morbidly distressed for days that I couldn’t log on!! I went to other people’s houses to check in…but swiftly discovered that I didn’t really want anyone else jumping on my fluther jelly waggon so I’m sincerely hoping that doesn’t happen again!
Always at home. I don’t have a job or a cool phone. Just this desktop computer that, according to a friend of ours who is a computer guru, is “slower than dinosaur poo.”
On my laptop from my home in sunny Northern California, where the temp has been in the high 90’s all week. Sometimes I go out by my pool, in the shade of my patio umbrella, or just on my enclosed patio room, with a view of the pool and the fountain.
From what was probably intended to be the dining room in my house, using my desktop PC.
I asked a dupe of this question over two years later. ;-o
I was then Fluthering from a jury waiting room in Van Nuys, CA. It was way annoying because the only browser available was IE. Fluthermore, copy & paste wasn’t available.