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Riser's avatar

What on earth can I do about my... my... tush bones?

Asked by Riser (3485points) March 26th, 2008
13 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

This question is not a joke and I apologize for any lack of medical terminology.

Here are the facts. I recently injured my back rendering me bed ridden for one month. I have overcome that and am now confronted with pain in my… butt bones? or whatever happens to be in the cheeks. You know how when you drive with your wallet in your pocket for too long you get pain in “that” bone? Well I am not driving, I have no wallet in my pocket and both sides hurt. Please no gay jokes, I’ve already heard them from my co-workers.

What can I do? I have to sit… It’s virtually impossible to write with a writing partner at a conference table while lying down. I have tried pillows and such… I even used a hemorrhoid floatee you can buy in the “over the hill” section at Party City and I still have pain in these bones.

Thank you, in advance, for your help.


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brownlemur's avatar

I have no idea how to help, but the name you’re looking for is ischeum. You have 2 ischea (sp? – I’ve never had to pluralize it) – one for each half of the pelvis. Sorry about the pain though, I hope it gets better soon.

richardhenry's avatar

Sounds pretty bad, so best of luck getting better. You’re seeing a doctor right?

Riser's avatar

Yes, Richard. I am seeing a doctor and a chiropractor. I have been given muscle relaxants by the doctor and adjustments by the chiropractor.

So far the score is:

Dan: 0 Pain:10

paulc's avatar

It could be bruising or a “pinched nerve”. When you injured your back it may have shifted something so that a nerve now has extra pressure applied to it. You should see a doctor and hopefully all you’ll need is some physical therapy.

oneye1's avatar

have you tryed akupunktur sorry about your pain

Riser's avatar

Yes, acupuncture helped my back tremendously but has done nothing for my ischea (thanks BrownLemur)

gailcalled's avatar

How did you injure your back initially? What was the diagnosis? A month in bed is Draconian treatment. Have you tried a custom elastic corset filled by a specialist and requiring an Rx? It might get you moving again. And some moist heat might help.

The buttock pain may be connected to irritation of the sciatic nerve.

Very often, muscle relaxants are not effective. Can you get a second opinion from a reputable neurologist.

oneye1's avatar

I’ll be praying for you riser

richardhenry's avatar

My step-mum is primarily a nutritionist, but does have some training as a chiropractor so I’ll send her an email with a link to this question. Although she won’t be able to help directly, she will probably be able to make a recommendation on the best course of seeking a diagnosis. Best of luck.

Riser's avatar

Gail, it was the ramifications of lower back fracture when I was four. I fell off my dad’s shoulders into a dry fountain, landing on brick coping.

sndfreQ's avatar

Yes-paul c may be right on the money with that point-my wife has the same issue, but as a result of scoliosis. But it is exactly as you describe Riser, except only on one “tush bone” (ROFL ;)

andrew's avatar

@Riser: I know them as sitz bones. You might try (and this is straight from drama school):

a) An alexander session. Put 1–3 books behind your head, arms at your sides, knees up, feet about a couple of feet out. Try to keep awake and present. Feel your back lengthen and widen, your knee forward, your neck free. Seriously helps.

b) Small pelvic circles. Focus on moving around l3, l4, l5. Just barely move in circles. Rock forward and backward. Small, small movement. Observe how it effects your breath. Let your breath deepen. Introspection is key here.

gailcalled's avatar

Riser; this is a good and fair question. No need to be apologetic. I, too have a scoliosis, that developed when I hit pubery and a growth spurt; so I too have been plagued w. lower back issues all of my adult life, including a generalized and vague, but very uncomfortable syndrom, called Fibromyalgia. We all have to find palliative treatment that is uniquely designed for our own poor spines and sciatic nerves. The only rule is; “if it hurts or feels wrong, stop. Your body will tell you what it likes.”

An interesting take on all of this is Dr. Paul Sarno, a former traditional orthopod, who talks about stored up anger and stress, that deprive the area of oxygen. Of course, if the soft tissues are damaged enough, they do not mend completely.

Check this out if you feel like it. It’s a huckstering site but does describe the book accurately. Mind.Body and Lower back pain

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