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Riser's avatar

Is it strange, to you, that I have wanted gray hair since I was six?

Asked by Riser (3485points) March 27th, 2008
20 responses
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My parents, friends, fiance and co-workers only offer a flabbergasted look when I share about this desire. Have you ever heard of this before?

I am 22 years old. Healthy, fit and youthful but I want gray hair.

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delirium's avatar

No, not really, Movieboy.

richardhenry's avatar

I sort of know what you mean! I guess it is weird, but only because of the negative way society portrays actually having grey hair. What’s the appeal? The way you would look, or the way you would feel? Perhaps being an active part of a “knowledge community” has something to do with it… wisdom and all.

lovelyy's avatar

I don’t think its strange at all.
some people look good with grey hair,
maybe you’re one of them. go for it.

jz1220's avatar

Well, I think Anderson Cooper looks amazing with his premature gray hair. He can pull off the look, and if you can too, then more power to you. It’s not weird at all.

kevbo's avatar

Wow. No idea you’re 22.

When I was your age, I knew one or two people who had grey flecks/highlights in their hair. I assumed it was for all the reasons that younger people want to look older aside from being somewhat avant garde. I’m not a big fan of hair coloring personally, but it did have the desired effect, especially when they wore glasses.

No, it’s not strange.

Riser's avatar

Kevbo: I hope my mention of age, or lack thereof, is a good thing?

kevbo's avatar

I assumed you were older, so I’m surprised, (and suddenly feeling old- Ha!). So, yes, good thing.

TheDeadWake's avatar

Me too! Maybe not since I was six, but for at least 10 years, so 16. For me, it is vanity. I think it’d look sweet with my blue eyes.

My great grandpa had premature gray hair and it saved his life one day. He was from Holland and one day the Nazi’s were rounding up the younger men and he lowered his head and said “You wouldn’t bother an old man would you?” and they went on their way.

teejay0514's avatar

I don’t think it’s wierd. I’ve had gray hairs since I was six, I didn’t have a choice though. Everytime time I would look in the the mirror I’d see another gray hair, It sucks cause I’m still young.

needleinthehay's avatar

Eh, I kinda want more of a pure white color. I’ve thought about dying it, but that’s cheating and it’d be very difficult to maintain.

syz's avatar

It seems reasonable to me. I would wonder if you wanted to be “gown up and mature” or perhaps knew someone that you admired that had gray hair. As a kid, I would think that gray hair would represent knowledge, intelligence, independence, stability, and maturity. And some gray hair can be beautiful, indeed.

syz (35953points)“Great Answer” (0points)
iSteve's avatar

I used to want grey hair when I was young, so you’re not alone there! I always thought it was very cool looking. But now I’ve got them and I don’t want the darn things. You want mine?

row4food's avatar

I’ve had gray hair since i was 8. I’m now 22. Everyone asks me why I don’t dye it. They all looked shocked when I say I don’t want to. I have dark brown hair and I like my silver in there. I don’t really feel older because of it.

I don’t ever remember my mom not being gray. She doesn’t dye it either, although she is included in the group that asks me why I don’t.

Her father was completely white by the time he was 40. I never met him, but my grandmother likes to say that he has his hand on my head from heaven…if you believe in that stuff (I am highly skeptical, but I will let her think it since it makes her happy).

In answer to your question, no, it is not strange. And I’ve always found older men attractive, maybe because of their grays…

Cardinal's avatar

All of you except iSeve are nuts. Gray hair is no great shakes! It will get gray when it gets gray. Having a house full of daughters or nursing a wounded airplane to the ground or working horrible hours in the middle of the night with 4+ sick patients or not eating right or over exercising and ruining your knees or having (count them) 9 knee surgeries including 2 totals on the same side in 3 years. All of this will help. Oh yeah, now I am retired and driving a high school, school bus and it’s illegal to carry a gun for protection….oh well.

Riser's avatar

No one in my family has gray hair and I know my dad, in his sixties, still has dark hair and my family has gone through a lot of stress so I doubt my wish will e granted

cwilbur's avatar

I have a friend who comes from a family that go grey early. He’s 27 and his hair is mostly salt-and-pepper now.

He liked it a great deal when he was 19 and greying at the temples—people assumed he was a young-looking late-30something rather than an old-looking teenager, and so he rarely got carded…..

TheHaight's avatar

I wont want grey hair when I get older, guess it could be a girl thing. Guys seem to look more and more handsome as they age (not fair) like George clooney,..

Cardinal's avatar

@TheHaight I know several ladies in their 60’s w/o a single gray hair. Including our pastors wife. I bet the beauticians could give us some inside info! But then again it just dressing, who really cares?

TheHaight's avatar

yes! I’d like to know.

But your right… It
is just dressing. when I get into that age when gray hair might appear, I dont know If I will really care as much.

DeezerQueue's avatar

Like needleinthehay, I’ve always found white hair alluring. Because I’m a blond I’ll undoubtedly suffer from that urine-yellow graying process. Fortunately my hair doesn’t seem to be seriously entertaining this process yet.

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