@cornman: Since we (fellow flutherers) aren’t privy to the context of the request, perhaps you should read this. It may shed some light on your particular circumstance, as maybe your contributions don’t fit the standards of the site-again, since I don’t know the details, it would be up to you to put the pieces together. Same applies to trainerboy…
Here’s another thought: you can also click this and maybe you will get the answer you seek, from the ones who actually know it. Usually the admins are very clear in pointing out the reasons for their requests-at least this has been my experience.
Otherwise, I smell spam…or a witch hunt.
@DeezerQueue: That’s not my impression-the issue may be related to a larger issue of the recent influx of “unenculturated” new users; there are several competing sites out on the ‘net that are basically providing a similar service, however, most of their constituency is comprised of users who want to ‘chat’ as opposed to ‘answer’ or offer constructive insight. This attitude has found its way (for better or worse) into this site.
To Fluther’s defense (and credit), Andrew and Ben have responded by setting up a chat room for users-so as to distinguish the function between chat and providing answers. Maybe people are just confused about which to use when. It speaks to a larger concern that perhaps there are two functions of this site (as it grows in popularity): the primary-asking and answering questions (yay!), and the ancillary (social networking).
It’s not a new issue, and has both old and new users concerned. I for one am concerned that the quality of the Q&A is being diluted because users don’t understand the true purpose of the site (perhaps your husband feels this way too, I presume). I do believe there are quality users here, and I know that some have chosen to go into “hibernation” because of this very issue.
Sorry for the diatribe-this is my “morning cup O’ Joe”...have a good day everyone.