Social Question

zen_'s avatar

(Really NSFW) A question about sperm, sort of, I'd better ask in the details part.

Asked by zen_ (6281points) September 11th, 2010
38 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

Some women complain about swallowing. Most men complain that women complain and don’t swallow.

I’m curious: if the roles were reversed, and women had the “equivalant to” sperm – would you swallow?

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MissA's avatar

Women DO have the equivalent to sperm…though not as much.

While I don’t know ‘most men’...I would think that when you love someone deeply, you would want to be a part of all of them. Sperm included.

kenmc's avatar

It would probably depend on the taste of whatever it was.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

Well, there is always female ejaculation.

I have no problem with swallowing. So long as there’s not a current medical problem with it, I find it much preferable to finding a tissue immediately after.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I do, and I would. More importantly… I’m not sure that men really have a choice. Even aside from female ejaculation as @papayalily mentioned, there is still a fluid exchange involved. Men don’t really have the option not to swallow, if you think about it.

Mom2BDec2010's avatar

I read this thing that said sperm has 3 main flavors: Almonds, Tofu, and Anchovies. Haha – no joke.

Not saying its true, but funny

Mamradpivo's avatar

Oh hells yes. Sounds great.

rooeytoo's avatar

Why would a man complain if the woman didn’t swallow? What does that have to do with anything? I can’t imagine somehow equating that with love or respect or devotion or anything that has to do with a relationship.

tedibear's avatar

@rooeytoo – I’m with you. For me, it has depended completely on the taste. There has been exactly one man who I could stand to swallow because he didn’t have any particular flavor. To me, every other guy has tasted like a cross between something sour and dishwasher soap.

Blackberry's avatar

No, I wouldnt , and that’s why I don’t complain lol. Having my sperm swallowed is a privilige and not a right lol.

ucme's avatar

I’ve often drank from the velvet cup, a dash of cream in there wouldn’t hurt.

cockswain's avatar

No it sounds disgusting. But it feels better for a guy if a woman swallows. In this scenario would it make the woman’s experience better?

NaturallyMe's avatar

I don’t know why they should complain. If it’s unpleasant to do, why would they want their partners to do something unpleasant?

faye's avatar

Surely women don’t taste as bad as semen!

loser's avatar

If we were monagmous and tested okay, I’d have no problem with it!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I’ve told this story before, so if it appears familar it is. I learned the hard way not to ask a woman to swallow. The first blowjob I got was from a wman who told me not to come in her mouth. I got overexcited and forgot what she said and came in her mouth. She came up I thought to kiss me. She grabbed my head and proceeded to snowball me. Bitter acrid and an unforgettable after taste. Never came in her mouth again and never complained about someone not wanting to do it. So no, I probaly wouldn’t want to do the equivalent to women.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Every experience is different to me as a woman who gives blowjobs- sometimes I do and sometimes I don’t as it depends on my mood and more importantly the attitude of the man. I expect it would be a lot similary for men when it comes to women.

El_Cadejo's avatar

mehhh id rather cum on her face then in her mouth anyway so i got no qualms about someone not swallowin

le_inferno's avatar

It’s not that hard to swallow. It’s not exactly tasty, but I’m not exactly letting the flavors relish in my mouth. I just get it down as quickly as possible and then drink water. I might not like it but guys usually do, and I care about pleasing my partner.

ETpro's avatar

There’s nothing I like to do more than get her really wet and swallow. The more she squirts, the more I flirts.

NaturallyMe's avatar

I also care about pleasing my partner, as any healthy-relationship couple would do. However, if it’s about to make one throw up, then there are limits that have to be respected. the texture is something i can’t tolerate, so trying to swallow it makes me want to throw up So it depends on my mood as well, sometimes i can handle it in my mouth, sometimes not, but i can’t swallow.
If the guy is just as unwilling as his partner to swallow it, he shouldn’t expect his partner to do it.

zen_'s avatar

It’s almost as if nobody reads details anymore, or interprets them any way they want. Here it is again, copy/pasted:

Some women complain about swallowing. Most men complain that women complain and don’t swallow.

I’m curious: if the roles were reversed, and women had the “equivalant to” sperm – would you swallow?

Some means not all. It doesn’t even mean most; it means, wait for it, just some.

If the roles were reversed means this is a question for the guys.

It advocates that I am in agreement with women who do not like it, and I am challenging the men.

It’s getting tiresome, and worse, trollsome, to have to defend myself all the time. I can be as sexist as the next guy – though I like to think I’m not. But not in this case. I also didn’t give a personal opinion or take a stand on this issue – I simply asked a question – and it was meant for the guys.

I think women who are easily offended by my questions, especially when they don’t even represent anything in particular, or anything about my own views – and aren’t even meant for them – have issues that should be examined – in a professional setting that costs lots of money. Not here, not with me.

cockswain's avatar

Easy buddy, that’s just Fluther. Nothing you can do to fix that. I once asked why certain women are catty and got kicked up and down the street. Rephrasing made no difference, none of the attackers conceded my point. You put a question on Fluther, you’re getting ALL the opinions, like it or not.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@zen_ I’m not sure I got that you meant this question for the men from the details. Plus, often questions in the Social section don’t get answered at all because it dissolves so quickly into the humor part of the section. Maybe you could re-ask in the General section? Maybe ask the men if they would reciprocate, and the women if they swallow?

cockswain's avatar

Or maybe you could just ask gay men how they feel about it.

rooeytoo's avatar

Quick, quick, call the fluther police, an alleged injustice has been perpetrated.

It didn’t occur to me that the “you” in italics meant that only men were allowed to answer.

I thought Fluther was a place to offer opinions according to the guidelines of the site. I didn’t realize that individual question posers could apply their own specific guidelines. When did this happen???

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I admit I am in sexist in ways and have no problem making generalized statements now and then. Here’s one: reading down this thread I have a pretty good feeling and would put money on it that most men wouldn’t swallow if woman ejaculated the equivalent of sperm but that still wouldn’t stop them from wanting their partners to still swallow.

ETpro's avatar

@zen_ Actually, since the is DEFINITELY (NSFW) if you really want to compare apples to apples and not oranges, then you ought to ask how many men are willing to give their lady head if they are eating sloppy seconds Let’s assume that it’s your own deposit in there, not some other guy’s .

cockswain's avatar

Jesus Christ @ETpro. Jesus fucking Christ.

ETpro's avatar

@cockswain Just saying. Apples to apples. The two types of love juice are distinctly different. Accepting one does prove the other is equally tasty.

cockswain's avatar

There is zero question in my mind what you are saying.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@rooeytoo The OP can decide what the question was, and those not answering it are off topic or unhelpful.

rooeytoo's avatar

@papayalily – are you one of the new not quite a real mod but have limited authority to edit? If so are you saying I did not specifically answer the question, instead asked another? Yeah I guess that is true, but it must have been somewhat relevant, it received 5 GA’s and definitely pertained to the question. And I thought this was in social where the guidelines are not so nit-picky? Actually our dialogue has not much to do with the question and should probably be done via pm, but I will whisper just to keep it legal.

funkdaddy's avatar

I’d eat a whole can of beets for her if it made her smile, two if it turned her on.

I truly hate beets.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@rooeytoo No, I’m not a mod. I don’t think there are users that can edit that aren’t mods. I thought you might be confused and was trying to clear it up.

zen_'s avatar

@ETpro I disagree. The whole idea is that it is about a couple, man and woman, exchanging saliva and other bodily fluids. I actually didn’t even mean to ask about the swallowing process, but for lack of a better term, I used it in place of allowing the man to ejaculate in her mouth. Some women don’t like this, and men (I think I speak for all men here) love this and fantasize about this. But since some women do not like this, and men subsequently complain to them about it, I tried to imagine it the other way around – i.e., if women had a kind of semen ejaculated (and I know what it’s like to go down on a woman – it’s not the same) would the men be inclined to return the favour, so to speak?

FutureMemory's avatar

I would do it, definitely. I would feel like a total prude otherwise.

sleepdoc's avatar

I am a willing volunteer for this!

ETpro's avatar

@zen_ Now that I fully understand what you are trying to ask, if you find such a world, sign me up. I’ll go there in a heartbeat. Like I said in my first answer, my idea of sex is the wetter the better.

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