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NaturallyMe's avatar

What things in your home do you consider being luxuries, but where others may not think so?

Asked by NaturallyMe (4937points) September 12th, 2010
34 responses
“Great Question” (5points)

Inspired by my water dispenser in the fridge.

Compared to the poorest of the poor people, just about everything the average person has can be considered a luxury, so let’s not go there for the sake of this question, shall we? :)

Also, i have big old soft poofy couches in one of our tv rooms. They’re not fancy couches or whatever you want to call them, but they’re big and soft and squishy and VERY comfy. To me, they’re luxury couches. Others may not see these are luxury couches, because we didn’t buy them at a boutique furniture store and we didn’t pay an arm and a leg for them.

So, what are YOUR luxuries, where others may not think so?

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ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

My dishwasher.

NaturallyMe's avatar

@TheOnlyNeffie indeed, i still need to get me one of those!

harple's avatar

My Mum made me a blanket a few years ago – it is beautiful and unique, but I love it the most because it is so cosy to wrap up in on a cold winter’s evening, and because my Mum made it of course!

Also, for me, being able to have pictures hanging on the wall is a real luxury – I spent years living in a house whilst doing it up (ie living in a building site) and so being somewhere where I can actually put up artwork is just sheer joy.

NaturallyMe's avatar

@harple same here, sort of. Growing up with the parents, you never really get to hang up anything that you love. Now that i have my own house, it’s a luxury of sorts to put up things that make me happy when i look at them. :)

JilltheTooth's avatar

Thousands of books that I could probably check out of a library.

Cruiser's avatar

My bath oils and bubble bath are my luxuries as are all my guitars.

NaturallyMe's avatar

@Cruiser I agree with the bath oils and bubbles for sure! :)

Cruiser's avatar

@NaturallyMe I’ll eat plain oatmeal for breakfast everyday before I give up my bubble bath! ;)

cookieman's avatar

My house itself is a luxury.

Through a combination of coincidences, good deals, organization, hard work, timing and luck, we managed to build ourselves a nicely sized house for about half what it was worth.

Which is confirmed every time we think of moving to another city and see exactly what we can get for our money.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

My work area with the clay,paint, tools and most importantly ,radio ;)

janbb's avatar

Television, internet, clothes dryer, more than one bathroom

janbb's avatar

I may have been taking the question wrong; I took it to mean things that you could live without – that are not essential to your well-being. If you mean things that are personal luxuries, I would say my reading chair and ottoman, my bathtub and my books. Also, my great-grandmother’s Shabbat candlesticks from Russia – one of the only family heirlooms that I have.

Frenchfry's avatar

Non personal I would say the Dishwasher like @TheOnlyNeffie . Personal items would be my computer and my Godiva chocolates, and espresso maker. Nothing like having a esspresso with cream and chocolate for a treat.

ratboy's avatar

My live-in maid. Others just think of her as my wife.

Coloma's avatar

As you say, just about everything.
Computer, nice Pier One furnishings, hot tub, pampered pets, some expensive artwork, $1000’s in landscaping plants, good food, a decent nest egg.

I have been on both sides of the fence, poor and comfortable and I take nothing for granted.

poisonedantidote's avatar

If you listen to the tax man in my area, anything appart from soap, food and water. I’d say my TV and gaming systems.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Dishwasher, dryer, oven. I have lived without at least one of those for months, even years at a time.
Technically, just about EVERYTHING in most houses could be considered a luxury. The fridge, hot and cold running water, a roof that doesn’t leak, a toilet…..

ucme's avatar

I consider these essential & a little luxury. One for every day of the week.They take weekends off naturally ;¬} I like “Tuesday” best!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Heck! I could consider my husband a luxury! I was driving along the other day, tra la la la la, 70 mph when….I lost my power steering! AHHHH FREAK OUT!!! But I made back to town (power steering is a luxury, you know??!!) as far a Mickey D’s when I realized the temp needled was pegged too, so I ditched the truck in a parking space and walked to work from there (about 2 miles across town.) My coworker said the same thing had happened to them! They finally got it to a shop tho. Then I told my husband. He said, “Serpentine belt.” I said, “O.”
Coworker said that’s exactly what was wrong with their car too! I said, “Well, I’m glad it’s a minor issue. Rick will be able to take care of it.”
She says, “Right there in the McDonald’s parking lot I suppose!!!”
I said, “Sure.” (She finds me odd sometimes! I found what looks like a brand new bulletin board framed in (fake) cherry wood—in the dumpster out back of work. For a bulletin board, it’s beautiful. She thought I was nuts for taking it!! If she asks where I got a particular piece of nice clothing I have no qualms about saying “Goodwill” or “Garage sale.” She doesn’t quite understand my forthrightness, I think!)
Anyway, Rick picked me up from work at 4:50 and the truck was back on the road by 5:10. :) YAY for the luxury of mechanical husbands!.....Wait. He’s not mechanical. He’s like, a human. His mind is mechanical…..Wait…this isn’t getting any better, is it….he’s a mechanic, guys!!

Coloma's avatar


You lucky wench! lol

Everyone needs to have a mechanic, doctor, dentist, veterinarian, tax preparer, attorney in the family! lol

aprilsimnel's avatar

No middle class or above person would find anything I own to be a luxury.

NaturallyMe's avatar

@aprilsimnel that doesn’t matter, it’s about what you think are your luxuries. :)
@Dutchess_III While you’re in story telling mode, tell us about you mistaking a $100 for a $20 (or vice versa!)? :P

aprilsimnel's avatar

My small collection of vintage dresses and shoes. I have several pieces from the 1950s and early 1960s, and will occasionally wear them out. Still need a crinoline for one dress, though, if I want to get my Betty Draper on.

Aster's avatar

Lots of very nice furniture, a third of it antique, 2 crystal chandeliers,
sterling silver coffee and tea service, a 2nd ss tea set, ss flatware,
whirlpool tub, marble countertops, obscene amount of food, huge Remington bronzes on the mantle, new Kitchenaid washer and dryer with stands, ssilver candlesticks—too many things to list. Too many to even use. And I was happier in a mobile home in 1968!?

perspicacious's avatar

I have filters on my showers. I just really love showers with no chlorine. The filters are not expensive but I get “looks” from people when they realize I have filtered shower water.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Though I was raised with most modern luxuries, my grandparents were from pioneer prairie families and were raised with few modern things most of us take for granted such as refrigerators, indoor plumbing, electric or gas stoves/ovens. When I look around my home and see the ice maker in the door of my frigie or water softener system and ceiling fans then I feel spoiled. I remember in my childhood visiting people who drank water from an upright cistern of pumped water from the backyard, myself learning to cook on a woodburning stove and how what foods were okay to keep in the underground cellar. For me to be able to put a few loads of laundry in a front loader wash machine beats the hell out of feed one item at a time through the rollers of an old agitator machine. I love goodies.

Aster's avatar

I really needed a ceiling fan in South Jersey growing up. Oh, the sweating at night for all those years. ))-: I wonder why I didn’t have just a little fan on a table??

Dutchess_III's avatar

@NaturallyMe Whist!!!!!! Scat!!!!
@Coloma Ya. Works. Sometimes! I am lucky….
@Aster…. Do you know why you didn’t?

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Neizvestnaya You saw what I only heard about…..exactly. Everything we have as modern Americans can be considered a luxury.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@Dutchess_III: These are people who as late as the 1970’s didn’t want to use the modern things their family members were buying for them. I remember frigies used to store pots and pans and gas stoves with wood covers to be used as butcher blocks instead. You know what they really did like though? Food Processors instead of the hand crank meat grinders.

Coloma's avatar

My uncle passed away in 2004 he was in his late 80’s, had well over a million in his estate and savings and when his dryer broke he hung his underware on a line in the hallway of his house. He refused to buy a new dryer. lol

Aster's avatar

@Dutchess_III You mean why didn’t “we” have a fan? No one ever mentioned a fan. I don’t understand it. I would just have my windows opened as far as they would open with screens.
I guess it’s too late now!

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Aster Rick’s dad still lives in the house he (Rick) was raised in (Dad is 86.) No AC upstairs where the boyz slept, and to this Rick has a thing about fans of SOME kind blowing air over him, even during the winter.

Oh, and @Aster, check this! The ONLY bathroom in the house, to this day, can be gotten to by going through Rick’s parent’s bedroom! Their idea of a master bedroom and a master bath, I guess. When I first started visiting overnight, it used to bother me in the beginning, especially in the middle of the night, till I said, “HEY! They designed it this way! I wake them up, OH WELL!” It wreaked heaky with the boyz though, especially after they hit their teens and were doing thing they shouldn’t oughta been doing—and needed a bathroom at odd moments. (When they were young boys, though, one memorable solution was to pee outside the upstairs window after they were supposed to be in bed….it worked fine until the night their folks had their Uncle over for cards and he was standing in the wrong place at the wrong time under the eves of the house! :) Rick just cracks me up with the stories he tells!

I remember, as a kid, Mom putting wash out on the line. The line spun around and was like a spider web. I remember running in and out of the sheets…..

Aster's avatar

@Dutchess_III I grew up w/a brother and sister and one bathroom. But they were gone by the time I was about 12 since they were a lot older. We moved and had 2 baths for the first time when I was sixteen. I didn’t care a bit; I wanted to go back home.

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